
Showing posts from January, 2000

C++ Append To Std::string Code Example

Example 1: append string c++ // appending to string #include < iostream > #include < string > int main ( ) { std :: string str ; std :: string str2 = "Writing " ; std :: string str3 = "print 10 and then 5 more" ; // used in the same order as described above: str . append ( str2 ) ; // "Writing " str . append ( str3 , 6 , 3 ) ; // "10 " str . append ( "dots are cool" , 5 ) ; // "dots " str . append ( "here: " ) ; // "here: " str . append ( 10 u , '.' ) ; // ".........." str . append ( str3 . begin ( ) + 8 , str3 . end ( ) ) ; // " and then 5 more" str . append < int > ( 5 , 0x2E ) ; // "....." std :: cout << str << '\n' ; return 0 ; } Example 2: c++ append a char to a...

Aggregation With Update In MongoDB

Answer : After a lot of trouble, experimenting mongo shell I've finally got a solution to my question. Psudocode: # To get the list of customer whose score is greater than 2000 cust_to_clear=db.col.aggregate( {$match:{$or:[{status:'A'},{status:'B'}]}}, {$group:{_id:'$cust_id',total:{$sum:'$score'}}}, {$match:{total:{$gt:500}}}) # To loop through the result fetched from above code and update the clear cust_to_clear.result.forEach ( function(x) { db.col.update({cust_id:x._id},{$set:{clear:'Yes'}},{multi:true}); } ) Please comment, if you have any different solution for the same question. With Mongo 4.2 it is now possible to do this using update with aggregation pipeline. The example 2 has example how you do conditional updates: db.runCommand( { update: "students", updates: [ { q: { }, u: [ { $set: { average : { $avg: "$tests...

Absolute Value Javascript Code Example

Example 1: javascript absolute value Math . abs ( - 2 ) // 2 Math . abs ( 2 ) // 2 Example 2: how to get an absolute in js var value = Math . abs ( - 10 ) ; // value returns 10 Example 3: js absolute value Math . abs ( - 4 ) //returns 4 Math . abs ( 4 ) //returns 4 Example 4: javascript abs //Return the absolute value of number Math . abs ( number ) ; Example 5: javascript math absolute Math . abs ( - 7.25 ) ; // returns 7.25

Constructor In An Interface?

Answer : Taking some of the things you have described: "So you could be sure that some fields in a class are defined for every implementation of this interface." "If a define a Interface for this class so that I can have more classes which implement the message interface, I can only define the send method and not the constructor" ...these requirements are exactly what abstract classes are for. A problem that you get when you allow constructors in interfaces comes from the possibility to implement several interfaces at the same time. When a class implements several interfaces that define different constructors, the class would have to implement several constructors, each one satisfying only one interface, but not the others. It will be impossible to construct an object that calls each of these constructors. Or in code: interface Named { Named(String name); } interface HasList { HasList(List list); } class A implements Named, HasList { /** implements ...

Can Python Dictionary Comprehension Be Used To Create A Dictionary Of Substrings And Their Locations?

Answer : The problem is that v[0] depends on the length or v[1] , which means that either the operation to generate v[1] would have to operate twice, or that the dictionary would have to be iterated over in order to fill in v[0] to replace the dummy value included the first time. Another problem is that dict comprehensions expect the entire key and value to be available immediately, which means that you would have to run a list comprehension to get all the indexes of the character, which means that the entire operation becomes O(n 2 ). The only optimization I would make would be to replace the creation of d so that you don't need to check for key containment. d = collections.defaultdict(lambda: [0, []]) It is scary, but (I added just offsets, number of occurrences you may get from list of offsets). Yes, it may be done In [83]: my_str = 'abcdabcxdabc' In [84]: n=3 In [85]: {substr: [my_str.replace(substr, ' '*n, c).index(substr) ...

Fade In And Fade Out Animation Css Code Example

Example 1: css fade in /* Just add .fade-in class to element */ .fade-in { animation : fadeIn 2 s ; opacity : 1 ; } @keyframes fadeIn { from { opacity : 0 ; } to { opacity : 1 ; } } Example 2: animation fade in css #test p { margin-top : 25 px ; font-size : 21 px ; text-align : center ; -webkit-animation : fadein 2 s ; /* Safari, Chrome and Opera > 12.1 */ -moz-animation : fadein 2 s ; /* Firefox < 16 */ -ms-animation : fadein 2 s ; /* Internet Explorer */ -o-animation : fadein 2 s ; /* Opera < 12.1 */ animation : fadein 2 s ; } @keyframes fadein { from { opacity : 0 ; } to { opacity : 1 ; } } /* Firefox < 16 */ @-moz-keyframes fadein { from { opacity : 0 ; } to { opacity : 1 ; } } /* Safari, Chrome and Opera > 12.1 */ @-webkit-keyframes fadein { from { opacity : 0 ; } to { opacity : 1 ; } } /* Internet Explorer */...

Angular 2: Form Submission Canceled Because The Form Is Not Connected

Answer : There might be other reasons this occurs but in my case I had a button that was interpreted by the browser as a submit button and hence the form was submitted when the button was clicked causing the error. Adding type="button" fixed the issue. Full element: <button type="button" (click)="submitForm()"> In the form tag you should write the following: <form #myForm="ngForm" (ngSubmit)="onSubmit()"> and inside the form you should have submit button: <button type="submit"></button> And most importantly, if you have any other buttons in your form you should add type="button" to them. Leaving the default type attribute (which I think is submit ) will cause the warning message. <button type="button"></button> So I actually just ran into the exact same problem today except without a modal involved. In my form, I have two buttons. One that submit...

Css Text Spacing Between Characters Code Example

Example: letter spacing css div { letter-spacing : 2 px ; }

Flutter Container Border Bottom Onlu Code Example

Example: add only bottom border to container flutter decoration : BoxDecoration ( border : Border ( top : BorderSide ( width : 16.0 , color : Colors . lightBlue . shade600 ) , bottom : BorderSide ( width : 16.0 , color : Colors . lightBlue . shade900 ) , ) , color : Colors . white , ) ,

C++ Uint 8 Code Example

Example: c++ uint32_t // uint32_t is a type definition for a 32 bit unsigned integer typedef unsigned int uint32_t unsigned int myInt ; // Same as uint32_t myInt ;

Acid Properties In Dbms Studytonight Code Example

Example 1: acid properties in dbms Atomicity The entire transaction take place at once or doesn't happen at all. Consistency Database must be consistent before and after the transaction. Isolation Multiple transactions occur independently without interference. Durability The changes of the successful transaction occurs even if the system failure occur. Example 2: acid property db A - Atomicity transactions either take place or they dont. ('all or nothing' property) C - Consistency Db must be consistent before and after a transaction. I - Isolation multiple transaction don't interfere with each other. D - Durability changes survive eventual failures of the system.

Cannot Open Source File Iostream Visual Studio Code Example

Example: cannot open source file "iostream" //include paths gcc -v -E -x c++ -

Android Studio Database Inspector Does Not Show Any Databases

Answer : In my case, it showed me the same process a lot of times. And none of them worked. The solution was Invalidating the Cache: File -> Invalidate Caches/Restart -> Invalidate and restart After that everything started working again. I face 2 cases: First time connect to my device and database does not show, then i do an action to modify database -> database will show. After I use ADB Idea to clean app data or uninstall (or go to settings and clear cache or uninstall app) -> database does not show -> restart device -> database will show Looks like its problem with device . If you have some custom rom installed then you might run into this issue . Link to the issue tracker

Completely Uninstall Google Cloud SDK Mac

Answer : Run gcloud info . This will tell you, among other things, the "Installation Root". You can just delete that folder and you're done. You can also use gcloud formatting to print just the installation root with gcloud info --format='value(installation.sdk_root)' . This is helpful for automation. If you want, you can also delete your configuration files. You can usually find them in ~/.config/gcloud on MacOS and Linux, but a safer approach would be to use gcloud info --format='value(config.paths.global_config_dir)' to provide the location. The only other modifications gcloud makes at install time is to put lines sourcing and in your .bashrc file (if you directed it to do so) and add the installation directory to PATH. These shouldn't have any negative impact but feel to manually remove them too. Later Edit: Google has official uninstall instructions for Cloud SDK now. Be sure to check those instructions i...

C# Savefiledialog Filter Code Example

Example: save dialog filter c# SaveFileDialog textDialog ; public Page ( ) { InitializeComponent ( ) ; textDialog = new SaveFileDialog ( ) ; textDialog . Filter = "Text Files | *.txt" ; textDialog . DefaultExt = "txt" ; } private void button1_Click ( object sender , RoutedEventArgs e ) { bool ? result = textDialog . ShowDialog ( ) ; if ( result == true ) { System . IO . Stream fileStream = textDialog . OpenFile ( ) ; System . IO . StreamWriter sw = new System . IO . StreamWriter ( fileStream ) ; sw . WriteLine ( "Writing some text in the file." ) ; sw . Flush ( ) ; sw . Close ( ) ; } }

Inherit, Css, Code Example

Example: inherit css span { color : blue ; } .extra span { color : inherit ; }

Conda Export Current Environment Code Example

Example 1: conda list environments conda info --envs Example 2: conda write environment.yml conda env export > environment_droplet.yml

Html5 Video Responsive Code Example

Example 1: style youtube embed video css //Add the following CSS to your code .iframe-container { position : relative ; width : 100 % ; padding-bottom : 56.25 % ; height : 0 ; } .iframe-container iframe { position : absolute ; top : 0 ; left : 0 ; width : 100 % ; height : 100 % ; } Example 2: html video autosize width : 100 % !important ; height : auto !important ;

C#delete File Code Example

Example 1: c# how to delete a file File . Delete ( @"C:\Temp\Data\Authors.txt" ) ; Example 2: find and delete files c# string rootFolderPath = @"C:\\SomeFolder\\AnotherFolder\\FolderCOntainingThingsToDelete" ; string filesToDelete = @"*DeleteMe*.doc" ; // Only delete DOC files containing "DeleteMe" in their filenames string [ ] fileList = System . IO . Directory . GetFiles ( rootFolderPath , filesToDelete ) ; foreach ( string file in fileList ) { System . Diagnostics . Debug . WriteLine ( file + "will be deleted" ) ; // System.IO.File.Delete(file); }