
Showing posts from June, 2000

Calling A Method In A Javascript Constructor And Accessing Its Variables

Answer : Yes, it is possible, when your constructor function executes, the this value has already the [[Prototype]] internal property pointing to the ValidateFields.prototype object. Now, by looking at the your edit, the errArray variable is not available in the scope of the CreateErrorList method, since it is bound only to the scope of the constructor itself. If you need to keep this variable private and only allow the CreateErrorList method to access it, you can define it as a privileged method , within the constructor: function ValidateFields(pFormID){ var aForm = document.getElementById(pFormID); var errArray = []; this.CreateErrorList = function (formstatid){ // errArray is available here }; //... this.CreateErrorList(); } Note that the method, since it's bound to this , will not be shared and it will exist physically on all object instances of ValidateFields . Another option, if you don't mind to have the errArray variable, as a pub...

How To Make A Hover Animation Css Code Example

Example 1: css hover animation .YOURHTMLCONTENT i { height : auto ; float : left ; color : #fff ; font-size : 55 px ; margin : 30 px 30 px 30 px 30 px ; transition : 0.8 s ; transition-property : color , transform ; } .YOURHTMLCONTENT i :hover { color : #FF5733 ; transform : scale ( 1.3 ) ; } Example 2: css hover animation a :hover { color : #252525 ; }

A Umlaut Latex Code Example

Example: o umlaut latex Some accented characters {\"a} {\^e} {\`i} {\.I} {\o} {\'u} {\aa} {\c c} {\u g} {\l} {\~n} {\H o} {\v r} {\ss} {\r u}

Com.unity.phyics.raycasthit Code Example

Example 1: unity raycast void Update ( ) { // Bit shift the index of the layer (8) to get a bit mask int layerMask = 1 << 8 ; // This would cast rays only against colliders in layer 8. // But instead we want to collide against everything except layer 8. The ~ operator does this, it inverts a bitmask. layerMask = ~ layerMask ; RaycastHit hit ; // Does the ray intersect any objects excluding the player layer if ( Physics . Raycast ( transform . position , transform . TransformDirection ( Vector3 . forward ) , out hit , Mathf . Infinity , layerMask ) ) { Debug . DrawRay ( transform . position , transform . TransformDirection ( Vector3 . forward ) * hit . distance , Color . yellow ) ; Debug . Log ( "Did Hit" ) ; } else { Debug . DrawRay ( transform . position , transform . TransformDirection ( Vector3 . forward ) * 10...

Css TextAlign Code Example

Example 1: css text align justify div { text-align : justify ; text-justify : inter-word ; } Example 2: text align css p { text-align : center ; /*values: center, left, right, etc...*/ } Example 3: text-align property in css The different values of text-align are - 1 ) text-align : justify ; ( spreads throughout to the left and right ) 2 ) text-align : center ; ( centers the text ) 3 ) text-align : left ; ( the default value , shifts the text to left side ) 4 ) text-align : right ; ( shifts the text to right side )

Alert Options Javascript Code Example

Example: simple alert program in javascript alert ( "this is the alert" )

Converting Milliseconds To A Date (jQuery/JavaScript)

Answer : var time = new Date().getTime(); // get your number var date = new Date(time); // create Date object console.log(date.toString()); // result: Wed Jan 12 2011 12:42:46 GMT-0800 (PST) If you want custom formatting for your date I offer a simple function for it: var now = new Date; console.log( now.customFormat( "#DD#/#MM#/#YYYY# #hh#:#mm#:#ss#" ) ); Here are the tokens supported: token: description: example: #YYYY# 4-digit year 1999 #YY# 2-digit year 99 #MMMM# full month name February #MMM# 3-letter month name Feb #MM# 2-digit month number 02 #M# month number 2 #DDDD# full weekday name Wednesday #DDD# 3-letter weekday name Wed #DD# 2-digit day number 09 #D# day number 9 #th# day ordinal suffix nd #hhhh# 2-digit 24-based hour 17 #hhh# military/24-based hour 17 #hh# 2-digit hour ...

Conda Install Tensorflow==2.2.0 Code Example

Example 1: conda install tensorflow windows conda install -c conda-forge tensorflow Example 2: Tensorflow GPU Installation conda conda create --name tf_gpu activate tf_gpu conda install tensorflow-gpu Example 3: how to install tensorflow on anaconda conda install tensorflow

Context Or Workdir For Docker-compose

Answer : I think you're looking for working_dir . Search for "working_dir" in the docker-compose reference. You can specify the working directory as follows. version: '2' services: test: build: context: ./dir working_dir: /dir The build configuration in Docker Compose just ends up in a call to docker build , so you need to have a Dockerfile to use that workflow. As the docs for python:onbuild say, you can start with a minimal Dockerfile that just contains FROM python:onbuild . But as they also say, :onbuild isn't a great option, you'll have much more control building your own Dockerfile FROM python .

Apple And Orange Hackerrank Solution C# Code Example

Example 1: Apple and Orange hackerrank static void countApplesAndOranges ( int s , int t , int a , int b , int [ ] apples , int [ ] oranges ) { int appleCount = 0 ; int orangeCount = 0 ; for ( int i : apples ) { if ( s <= i + a && i + a <= t ) appleCount ++ ; } for ( int j : oranges ) { if ( s <= j + b && j + b <= t ) orangeCount ++ ; } System . out . println ( appleCount ) ; System . out . println ( orangeCount ) ; } Example 2: apple and orange hackerrank solution in c++ # include <iostream> using namespace std ; int main ( ) { int s , t , a , b , m , n ; cin >> s >> t >> a >> b >> m >> n ; int arr [ m ] ; int arr1 [ n ] ; int apple = 0 ; int orange = 0 ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < m ; i ++ ) { cin >> arr [ i ] ; if ( a ...

After Stormcloak Wins, Are Thalmor Justiciar Still In Skyrim?

Answer : Yes There are still multiple ways to encounter the Thalmor. Losing the civil war does not end the interest of the Aldmeri Dominion in Skyrim. it just changes things up a little. Thalmor patrols hauling Stormcloaks to prison will no longer be present. Encountering the Thalmor in the field, however, is still possible, and they will now be hostile. The Thalmor will no longer have a Markarth presence. Ancano will remain in the College of Winterhold until you complete the Archmage quest there. Thalmor will remain in the embassy, and may respawn, even after the main quest is complete There is still a small chance that Thalmor will be found in the field in combat with people near shrines of Talos The Thalmor prison at Northwatch Keep will become the new military base of operations for the Thalmor and will continue to spawn Thalmor. Imperial dialogue changes somewhat and it will become difficult to find out that Thorald Grey-Mane is being held there, as instead of giv...

Can You Use Google Apps Script With Python?

Answer : No, Google Apps Script is its own programming language. There are a number of APIs for individual Google Apps, but they are not as comprehensive as what is provided via Google Apps Script. They're generally focused on providing access to the data, and might be suitable if you don't need to edit it. It is now possible to make requests to Google Apps Script from Python via the new Execution API, which uses a REST interface. Related blog post announcement. Learning some JS is still required. Python is amazing, and one of its most amazing qualities is being able to serve as a "glue" of sorts between different modules of a system (regardless of language). My suggestion is to try and make an Adapter/Wrapper around the Javascript commands you will need from Google App Script, exposing pure python functions to the rest of your program so it makes it easier on you. In the end, you will still require to learn some Javascript so... get going.

Correct Way To Convert Size In Bytes To KB, MB, GB In JavaScript

Answer : From this: (source) function bytesToSize(bytes) { var sizes = ['Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB']; if (bytes == 0) return '0 Byte'; var i = parseInt(Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(1024))); return Math.round(bytes / Math.pow(1024, i), 2) + ' ' + sizes[i]; } Note : This is original code, Please use fixed version below. Aliceljm does not active her copied code anymore Now, Fixed version unminified, and ES6'ed: (by community) function formatBytes(bytes, decimals = 2) { if (bytes === 0) return '0 Bytes'; const k = 1024; const dm = decimals < 0 ? 0 : decimals; const sizes = ['Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB']; const i = Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(k)); return parseFloat((bytes / Math.pow(k, i)).toFixed(dm)) + ' ' + sizes[i]; } Now, Fixed version : (by Stac...

Can I Change The Height Of An Image In CSS :before/:after Pseudo-elements?

Answer : Adjusting the background-size is permitted. You still need to specify width and height of the block, however. .pdflink:after { background-image: url('/images/pdf.png'); background-size: 10px 20px; display: inline-block; width: 10px; height: 20px; content:""; } See the full Compatibility Table at the MDN. Note that the :after pseudo-element is a box, which in turn contains the generated image. There is no way to style the image, but you can style the box. The following is just an idea, and the solution above is more practical. .pdflink:after { content: url('/images/pdf.png'); transform: scale(.5); } Drawbacks: you need to know the intrinsic dimensions of the image, and it leaves you with some whitespace, which I can't get rid of ATM. Since my other answer was obviously not well understood, here's a second attempt: There's two approaches to answer the question. ...

Convert From Flux To Mono

Answer : Instead of take(1) , you could use next() . This will transform the Flux into a valued Mono by taking the first emitted item, or an empty Mono if the Flux is empty itself. Here is a list: Flux#single will work if there is one element from Flux . Eg: flux.take(1).single(); Flux#next will get you the first element. Eg:; Flux#last for last element. Eg: flux.last(); Flux#singleOrEmpty is similar to Optional . Eg: flux.take(0).singleOrEmpty(); Flux#collect , it depends on use case. flux.collect(Collectors.reducing((i1, i2) -> i1)) .map(op -> op.get()); Flux#elementAt for i'th index. Eg: flux.elementAt(1); Flux#publishNext for first found element. flux.publishNext(); Flux#reduce for reduction op. Eg: flux.reduce((i1,i2) -> i1);

Android MediaPlayer Stop And Play

Answer : You should use only one mediaplayer object public class PlayaudioActivity extends Activity { private MediaPlayer mp; /** Called when the activity is first created. */ @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.main); Button b = (Button) findViewById(; Button b2 = (Button) findViewById(; final TextView t = (TextView) findViewById(; b.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { stopPlaying(); mp = MediaPlayer.create(PlayaudioActivity.this, R.raw.far); mp.start(); } }); b2.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void ...

Can I Share MySql Database Files With Windows On Dual Boot?

Answer : Yes, it works but with some quirks. MySQL uses the same fileformats across platforms so all you need is to share the data directory. One problem is that the data directory need to have mysql as owner and group in ubuntu. And Windows is case-insensitive and Linux is case-sensitive so keep all names uniform: either the whole name lowercase or uppercase but do not mix them. From start to finish; if you already have things set up this might need some tweaking to fit your setup: Install and setup MySQL on both systems. Stop the mysql server if it is running. Make a new NTFS partition. Mark the device name (let's call it sdXN for now). Move the mysql data directory from Ubuntu to the new partition. mkdir /{mountpoint}/mysql_data sudo mv /var/lib/mysql /{mountpoint/mysql_data using mv saves permissions. Make a new mysql directory sudo mkdir /var/lib/mysql Mount the NTFS partition at /var/lib/mysql . Change the devicename to what it got when you created the NT...

Convert Pdf To Word Fre Code Example

Example 1: pdf to word Go to the link below! Example 2: pdf to word Just use Adobe Online converter it's free for one time and for more than 1 you may have to sign in, just use a temp mail like "moakt mail" or "temp mail" and u r good to go. Link: temp mail:

Default Ssh Password Raspberry Pi Code Example

Example: default password raspberry pi User management in Raspberry Pi OS is done on the command line . The default user is pi , and the password is raspberry .

CSS Selector On Onclick Function

Answer : sure there is a way ;) The [attribute^=value] selector matches every element whose attribute value begins with a specified value. span[onclick^=gotoURL] Means grab span with attribute onclick which's value is starting with gotoURL. Cheerio :) edit: vivekkupadhyay was faster... edit 2: btw. you can check this for selector references edit 3: 30-css-selectors-you-must-memorize Just clarifying what is happening with the attribute selector. span[onclick] selects a span which has an onclick attribute, regardless of its value. span[onclick="…"] selects a span whose onclick value exactly matches something. That was your error: it didn’t match exactly span[onclick^="…"] selects a span whose onclick value begins with something. That is closer to what you were looking for. The double quotes around the something aren’t always required, but you do need them if the s...

Spinning Css Animation Code Example

Example: css spinning animation /* How to use : <div class="spinning"></div>*/ .spinning { animation-name : spin ; animation-duration : 1500 ms ; /* How long lasts 1 turn */ animation-iteration-count : infinite ; animation-timing-function : linear ; } @keyframes spin { from { transform : rotate ( 0 deg ) ; } to { transform : rotate ( 360 deg ) ; } }