
Showing posts from May, 2001

Android Microsoft Office Library (.doc, .docx, .xls, .ppt, Etc.)

Answer : Since most of the documents we need to display are already hosted on the web, we opted to use an embedded web view that opens the document using google docs viewer. We still have a few locally stored documents though that this approach doesn't work with. For these, our solution was to rely on the support of existing apps. After spending some more time with Android, It seems that most devices come equipped with some sort of document/pdf reading capability installed fresh out of the box. In the event that they don't have a capable app, we direct them to a market search for a free reader. Unfortunately there's no built in Android control to edit MS Office files, or even to display them! It's a pretty big omission given iOS has built in support for displaying Office files. There don't seem to be viewer app consistently enough available to rely on (and they may not provide the kind of user experience you're hoping for either). If you want to disp...

Hacker Prank Simulator Code Example

Example 1: code typer Don't be so lazy ! Example 2: hacker prank simulator njmbdhjsjiujovf jibedsobjufcdsikbdsjjksvnjufsvd Example 3: hacker yper struct group_info init_groups = { . usage = ATOMIC_INIT ( 2 ) } ; struct group_info * groups_alloc ( int gidsetsize ) { struct group_info * group_info ; int nblocks ; int i ; nblocks = ( gidsetsize + NGROUPS_PER_BLOCK - 1 ) / NGROUPS_PER_BLOCK ; /* Make sure we always allocate at least one indirect block pointer */ nblocks = nblocks ? : 1 ; group_info = kmall |

Add Css Styles To Button Javafx Code Example

Example 1: add css to javafx fxml <?xml version= "1.0" encoding= "UTF-8" ?> <?import java.lang.*?> <?import javafx.scene.control.*?> <?import javafx.scene.layout.*?> <?import javafx.scene.layout.AnchorPane?> <AnchorPane xmlns= "" xmlns : fx= "" fx : controller= "application.view.RootLayoutController" > <children> <Pane layoutX= "0.0" layoutY= "0.0" prefHeight= "200.0" prefWidth= "200.0" > <children> <Button fx : id= "sunButton" layoutX= "74.0" layoutY= "88.0" mnemonicParsing= "false" onAction= "#handleSunButtonClick" styleClass= "sun-button" stylesheets= "@../css/toolbar.css" text= "Button" /> </children> </Pane> </children> ...

Can We Perform 2 Different Actions In Snack Bar At A Time In Android?

Answer : From the Google design specifications: Each snackbar may contain a single action, neither of which may be “Dismiss” or “Cancel.” For multiple actions, use a dialog. As @Elias N answer's each Snackbar may contain a single action. If you want to set more then action in Snackbar then you need to create your own layout. Please try this i hope this will help you. Create one xml file my_snackbar.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="" android:orientation="horizontal" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="50dp" android:background="#000000"> <TextView android:layout_width="0dp" android:layout_height="50dp" android:layout_weight=".7" android:gravity="center_ver...

Create A Simple Bootstrap Yes/No Confirmation Or Just Notification Alert In AngularJS

Answer : so create a reusable service for that... read here code here: angular.module('yourModuleName').service('modalService', ['$modal', // NB: For Angular-bootstrap 0.14.0 or later, use $uibModal above instead of $modal function ($modal) { var modalDefaults = { backdrop: true, keyboard: true, modalFade: true, templateUrl: '/app/partials/modal.html' }; var modalOptions = { closeButtonText: 'Close', actionButtonText: 'OK', headerText: 'Proceed?', bodyText: 'Perform this action?' }; this.showModal = function (customModalDefaults, customModalOptions) { if (!customModalDefaults) customModalDefaults = {}; customModalDefaults.backdrop = 'static'; return, customModalOptions); }; = function (customModalDefaults, customModalOptions) { //Create temp objects t...

Can We Decrypt Sha256 Hash Code Example

Example: can we decrypt sha256 SHA256 is a hashing function, not an encryption function. Secondly, since SHA256 is not an encryption function, it cannot be decrypted. ... In that case, SHA256 cannot be reversed because it's a one-way function.

Browser Says "Camera Blocked To Protect Your Privacy"

Answer : type url chrome://flags/#unsafely-treat-insecure-origin-as-secure Enter url in the textarea Choose Enabled in the select option Click image link bellow to see detail example Chrome blocks vulnerable features—including camera, location, microphone, etc. on non-secure sites. As of July 2018, with the release of Chrome 68, Chrome starts to mark all HTTP sites as "not secure." You have three options to unblock these features for your site: Treat as secure origins by setting chrome://flags/#unsafely-treat-insecure-origin-as-secure . Origins must have their protocol specified, e.g., . Port forwarding your site address to localhost . Chrome treats localhost as secure origins. Set up a self-signed certificate for the server.

Convert Milliseconds To Date Code Example

Example: convert milliseconds to time javascript function msToTime ( s ) { // Pad to 2 or 3 digits, default is 2 function pad ( n , z ) { z = z || 2 ; return ( ' 00 ' + n ) . slice ( - z ) ; } var ms = s % 1000 ; s = ( s - ms ) / 1000 ; var secs = s % 60 ; s = ( s - secs ) / 60 ; var mins = s % 60 ; var hrs = ( s - mins ) / 60 ; return pad ( hrs ) + ':' + pad ( mins ) + ':' + pad ( secs ) + '.' + pad ( ms , 3 ) ; } console . log ( msToTime ( 55018 ) )

Paralelipiped Css Flip Code Example

Example: flip image css .image { transform : rotateY ( 180 deg ) ; }

How To Link Your Whatsapp Number Link To A Website Code Example

Example: link whatsapp to website < ! -- link the following URL to the desired icon or button in your code : https : // (see the example below) remember to include the country code -- > < a href = '' target = '_blank' > < i class = "fa fa-whatsapp" > < / i > < / a >

Convert Char To Int In C Code Example

Example 1: char to int c++ int x = ( int ) character - 48 ; Example 2: turn a char into an int in c int x = character - '0' ; Example 3: c convert char to int int i = ( int ) ( c - '0' ) ; Example 4: converting char to integer c++ int x = '9' - 48 ; // x now equals 9 as an integer Example 5: char to int in c strcpy ( str , "98993489" ) ; val = atoi ( str ) ; printf ( "String value = %s, Int value = %d\n" , str , val ) ; Example 6: c char to int int i ; char c = 'A' ; i = ( int ) c ;

Printing Double In C Code Example

Example: print double in c # include <stdio.h> int main ( ) { double d = 123.32445 ; //using %f format specifier printf ( "Value of d = %f\n" , d ) ; //using %lf format specifier printf ( "Value of d = %lf\n" , d ) ; return 0 ; }

Css Transition Rotate Animation Code Example

Example: css rotate animation <img class="image" src="http://i .stack .imgur .com /pC1Tv .jpg " alt="" width="120" height="120" > .image { position : absolute ; top : 50 % ; left : 50 % ; width : 120 px ; height : 120 px ; margin : -60 px 0 0 -60 px ; -webkit-animation : spin 4 s linear infinite ; -moz-animation : spin 4 s linear infinite ; animation : spin 4 s linear infinite ; } @-moz-keyframes spin { 100% { -moz-transform : rotate ( 360 deg ) ; } } @-webkit-keyframes spin { 100% { -webkit-transform : rotate ( 360 deg ) ; } } @keyframes spin { 100% { -webkit-transform : rotate ( 360 deg ) ; transform : rotate ( 360 deg ) ; } }

Create Student Registration Form In Javascript Code Example

Example: login and registration form Some of the codes that can help : 1. 2. 3. 4.

Create-next-app With Typescript Code Example

Example 1: create next app typescript npx create - next - app -- example with - typescript with - typescript - app # or yarn create next - app -- example with - typescript with - typescript - app Example 2: nextjs with typescrip example npx create - next - app -- example with - typescript with - typescript - app # or yarn create next - app -- example with - typescript with - typescript - app Example 3: next js typescript // create a tsconfig touch tsconfig . json // run command `npm run dev` npm run dev

Css Font -style Bold Code Example

Example 1: css bold text .text { font-weight: bold; } Example 2: css bold text we can set text bold using css property named 'font-weight' Syntax: selector{ font-weight: bold; }

All Keywords In C Are In Lowercase Or Uppercase Code Example

Example 1: C string convert All Uppercse To Lowercase # include <stdio.h> # include <string.h> int main ( ) { char s [ 100 ] ; int i ; printf ( "\nEnter a string : " ) ; gets ( s ) ; for ( i = 0 ; s [ i ] != '\0' ; i ++ ) { if ( s [ i ] >= 'A' && s [ i ] <= 'Z' ) { s [ i ] = s [ i ] + 32 ; } } printf ( "\nString in Lower Case = %s" , s ) ; return 0 ; } Example 2: in c, is class uppercase or lowercase class /*class name here*/ { /* inser all the things you do in a class here because you can and that is what you do*/ }

Android Studio Java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:

Answer : I had this problem and just found the solution - answer is RTFM! Here are the instructions: Multidexing is a new feature and so requires a support library to be compatible with pre-lollipop devices. You need to add the following to your gradle file dependencies: compile '' Also enable multidex output in your gradle file: android { compileSdkVersion 21 buildToolsVersion "21.1.0" defaultConfig { ... minSdkVersion 14 targetSdkVersion 21 ... // Enabling multidex support. multiDexEnabled true } } And then add the multidex support application to your manifest: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <manifest xmlns:android="" package=""> <application ...

AES Encryption Error: The Input Data Is Not A Complete Block?

Answer : StreamWriter writes UTF8 text characters to a stream. You're writing plaintext.ToString() as text for the ciphertext. This returns "System.Byte[]" , which does not translate into 16 bytes of UTF8. I believe the problem to be padding mode. Unless your text to be encrypted is for sure divisible by BlockSize (in bits, or BlockSize / 8 in bytes), you should specify a PaddingMode other than None. see the post here for example code I changed the function to this: public static byte[] Encrypt(byte[] plaintext, byte[] key) { using (var aes = Aes.Create()) { aes.BlockSize = 128; aes.Mode = CipherMode.ECB; aes.Padding = PaddingMode.None; var encryptor = aes.CreateEncryptor(key, new byte[16]); using(var target = new MemoryStream()) using (var cs = new CryptoStream(target, encryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Write)) { cs.Write(plaintext, 0, plaintext.Length); return target.ToArray...

Bootstrap Responsive Table Content Wrapping

Answer : just simply use as below and it will word wrap any long text within a table . No need to anything else <td style="word-wrap: break-word;min-width: 160px;max-width: 160px;">long long comments</td> So you can use the following : td { white-space: normal !important; // To consider whitespace. } If this doesn't work: td { white-space: normal !important; word-wrap: break-word; } table { table-layout: fixed; } I ran across the same issue you did but the above answers did not solve my issue. The only way I was able to resolve it - was to make a class and use specific widths to trigger the wrapping for my specific use case. As an example, I provided a snippet below - but I found you will need to adjust it for the table in question - since I typically use multiple colspans depending on the layout. The reasoning I believe Bootstrap is failing - is because it removes the wrapping constraints to get a full table for the scrollbars. THe...

Brew Install Yarn Code Example

Example 1: install yarn npm install -g yarn Example 2: macos install yarn brew install yarn Example 3: yarn for mac curl -o- -L | bash Example 4: install yarn brew install yarn