
Showing posts from January, 2003

Enter Message In C Code Example

Example: read enter in c char prev = 0 ; while ( 1 ) { char c = getchar ( ) ; if ( c == '\n' && prev == c ) break ; // double return pressed! prev = c ; }

Can I Power An NodeMCU Trough VIN Providing 5v

Answer : Can I use the micro usb's 5v to power the board through the VIN or do any solution require more equipment than that ? Yes. That is the pin's purpose. You can use any voltage from about 4.5V up to 20V, although higher voltages will cause more heat from the on-board 3.3V regulator. VIN just connects to the 5V of the USB. If you are working with the "v3" (Lolin) pcb, USB v5 pin is not directly connected to Vin, but to VU. Vin has a S4 SMD diode (aka Schottky 40V1A 1N5819) between it and the USB v5 pin.

Angular 10 Ngstyle Conditional Example

Example 1: conditional style angular < div [ngStyle] = " { ' color ' === ' India ' ? ' orange ' : ' red ' } " > </ < div > Example 2: ngstyle conditional < div [ngClass] = " { ' class1 ' : true, ' class2 ' : false} " > </ div > <!--passed as an object-->

How To Add Padding To Materialize Css Input Code Example

Example: materialize css form file input <form action= "#" > <div class= "file-field input-field" > <div class= "btn" > <span>File</span> <input type= "file" > </div> <div class= "file-path-wrapper" > <input class= "file-path validate" type= "text" > </div> </div> </form>

Bootstrap Margin Left And Right Not Working Code Example

Example 1: bootstrap Margin and padding Use the margin and padding spacing utilities to control how elements and components are spaced and sized. Bootstrap 4 includes a five-level scale for spacing utilities , based on a 1 rem value default $spacer variable. Choose values for all viewports ( e.g. , .mr-3 for margin-right : 1 rem ) , or pick responsive variants to target specific viewports ( e.g. , .mr-md-3 for margin-right : 1 rem starting at the md breakpoint ) . <div class= "my-0 bg-warning" >Margin Y 0 </div> <div class= "my-1 bg-warning" >Margin Y 1 </div> <div class= "my-2 bg-warning" >Margin Y 2 </div> <div class= "my-3 bg-warning" >Margin Y 3 </div> <div class= "my-4 bg-warning" >Margin Y 4 </div> <div class= "my-5 bg-warning" >Margin Y 5 </div> <div class= "my-auto bg-warning" >Margin Y Auto</div> ... Mvc Take Viewbag As List Code Example

Example 1: viewBag as a list < td > @ ( ( ViewBag . data as ICollection < Person > ) . First ( ) . FirstName ) < / td > Example 2: viewBag as a list < ul > @ foreach ( var person in ViewBag . data ) { < li > @person . FirstName < / li > } < / ul >

Alert Message In Php W3schools Code Example

Example: simple alert program in javascript alert("this is the alert")

Android Context.getResources.updateConfiguration() Deprecated

Answer : Inspired by Calligraphy, I ended up creating a context wrapper. In my case, I need to overwrite system language to provide my app users with the option of changing app language but this can be customized with any logic that you need to implement. import android.annotation.TargetApi; import android.content.Context; import android.content.ContextWrapper; import android.content.res.Configuration; import android.os.Build; import java.util.Locale; public class MyContextWrapper extends ContextWrapper { public MyContextWrapper(Context base) { super(base); } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public static ContextWrapper wrap(Context context, String language) { Configuration config = context.getResources().getConfiguration(); Locale sysLocale = null; if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT > Build.VERSION_CODES.N) { sysLocale = getSystemLocale(config); } else { sysL...

C Compiler Online Tutorialspoint Code Example

Example 1: online c compiler I Personally Like https : // Example 2: c compiler online i reccomend online gdb https : //

Connect Robomongo To MongoDB Docker Container

Answer : There is another way. You can SSH with Robomongo into your actual virtual server that hosts your docker applications (SSH tab, check "Use SSH tunnel" and complete the other fields accordingly) Now ssh into the same machine in your terminal. docker ps should show you your MongoDB container. docker inspect <mongo container id> will print out complete information about that container. Look for IPAddress in the end, that will give you the local IP of the container. In the "Connection" tab in Robomongo use that container IP to connect. Another sidenote: Make sure that you don't expose your mongodb service ports in any way (neither Dockerfile nor docker-compose.yml), cause that will make your database openly accessible from everywhere. Assuming that you don't have set up a username / password for that service you will be scanned and hacked soon. The easiest way is to enable forwarding the Mongo Container itself, here's how my docker-compo...

No Border Css Code Example

Example 1: dashed lin in css hr { border : none ; border-top : 1 px dashed #f00 ; color : #fff ; background-color : #fff ; height : 1 px ; width : 50 % ; } Example 2: css border style /* * border-style: solid: A solid, continuous line. none (default): No line is drawn. hidden: A line is drawn, but not visible. this can be handy for adding a little extra width to an element without displaying a border. dashed: A line that consists of dashes. dotted: A line that consists of dots. double: Two lines are drawn around the element. groove: Adds a bevel based on the color value in a way that makes the element appear pressed into the document. ridge: Similar to groove, but reverses the color values in a way that makes the element appear raised. inset: Adds a split tone to the line that makes the element appear slightly depressed. outset: Similar to inset, but reverses the colors in a way that makes the element appear slightly raised. */ /* Example using the typical solid borde...