
Showing posts from April, 2003

15 Cm To In Code Example

Example: cm to inch 1 cm = 0.3937 inch

Convert Infix To Postfix Calculator Code Example

Example: infix to postfix conversion Begin initially push some special character say # into the stack for each character ch from infix expression, do if ch is alphanumeric character, then add ch to postfix expression else if ch = opening parenthesis (, then push ( into stack else if ch = ^, then //exponential operator of higher precedence push ^ into the stack else if ch = closing parenthesis ), then while stack is not empty and stack top ≠ (, do pop and add item from stack to postfix expression done pop ( also from the stack else while stack is not empty AND precedence of ch <= precedence of stack top element, do pop and add into postfix expression done push the newly coming character. done while the stack contains some remaining characters, do pop and add to the postfix expression done return postfix End

Define Multiple Styles In React Native Code Example

Example: multiple styling react native style= { [ styles .button , { backgroundColor : 'green' } ] }

Csstricks Resposive Grid Code Example

Example 1: responsive css grid @supports ( display : grid ) { main { max-width : 10000 px ; margin : 0 ; } .grid-container { display : grid ; grid-template-columns : repeat ( auto-fit , minmax ( 300 px , 2 fr ) ) ; grid-gap : 1 rem ; } } Example 2: css grid responsive grid-template-columns : repeat ( auto-fit , minmax ( 300 px , 1 fr ) ) ;

10 Digit Mobile Number Validation Pattern In Javascript Code Example

Example: 10 digit mobile number validation pattern in javascript \(?\d+\)?[-.\s]?\d+[-.\s]?\d+

Cookie Clicker Hack Code Example

Example 1: cookie clicker hack // change number of cookies (you can still click on things that look unselectable) Game.cookies = 100000000 // and auto clicker: function myFunction() {document.getElementById("bigCookie").click();document.getElementById("bigCookie").click();document.getElementById("bigCookie").click()}; window.setInterval(myFunction, 0.0001) Example 2: cookie clicker hack extension // change number of cookies (you can still click on things that look unselectable) Game.cookies = 100000000 // and auto clicker: function myFunction() {document.getElementById("bigCookie").click();document.getElementById("bigCookie").click();document.getElementById("bigCookie").click()}; window.setInterval(myFunction, 0.0001 Example 3: cookie clicker hack 101010101010101010 Example 4: cookie clicker hack 999999999999 Example 5: cookie clicker hack 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999...

Convertonlinefree Pdf To Word Code Example

Example: pdf to word Use, or Sejda

Convert RGBA To RGB In Python

Answer : You probably want to use an image's convert method: import PIL.Image rgba_image = rgb_image = rgba_image.convert('RGB') In case of numpy array, I use this solution: def rgba2rgb( rgba, background=(255,255,255) ): row, col, ch = rgba.shape if ch == 3: return rgba assert ch == 4, 'RGBA image has 4 channels.' rgb = np.zeros( (row, col, 3), dtype='float32' ) r, g, b, a = rgba[:,:,0], rgba[:,:,1], rgba[:,:,2], rgba[:,:,3] a = np.asarray( a, dtype='float32' ) / 255.0 R, G, B = background rgb[:,:,0] = r * a + (1.0 - a) * R rgb[:,:,1] = g * a + (1.0 - a) * G rgb[:,:,2] = b * a + (1.0 - a) * B return np.asarray( rgb, dtype='uint8' ) in which the argument rgba is a numpy array of type uint8 with 4 channels. The output is a numpy array with 3 channels of type uint8 . This array is easy to do I/O with library imageio using imread and imsave .

Bubble Chat Roblox Code Example

Example 1: How to Make Bubble Chat in Roblox studio local ChatService = game:GetService("Chat") ChatService:RegisterChatCallback(Enum.ChatCallbackType.OnCreatingChatWindow, function() return {BubbleChatEnabled = true} end) --Made By Rigby#9052 on Discord Example 2: How to make a bubble chat script local Chat = game:GetService("Chat") local function setUpChatWindow() return { BubbleChatEnabled = true } end Chat:RegisterChatCallback(Enum.ChatCallbackType.OnCreatingChatWindow, setUpChatWindow) ---Script By Rigby#9052 on Discord

C++ Std Getline Code Example

Example: getline cpp //getline allows for multi word input including spaces ex. "Jim Barens" # include <iostream> # include <string> int main ( ) { string namePerson { } ; // creating string getline ( cin , namePerson ) ; // using getline for user input std :: cout << namePerson ; // output string namePerson }

Connecting Bluetooth Headset Kills Wifi Internet On Laptop PC

Answer : The problem you are experiencing is due to interference caused by RF overlapping channels. 802.11 RF Channel Specification: The IEEE 802.11 standard establishes several requirements for the RF transmission characteristics of an 802.11 radio. Included in these are the channelization scheme as well as the spectrum radiation of the signal (that is, how the RF energy spreads across the channel frequencies). The 2.4-GHz band is broken down into 11 channels for the FCC or North American domain and 13 channels for the European or ETSI domain. These channels have a center frequency separation of only 5 MHz and an overall channel bandwidth (or frequency occupation) of 22 MHz. This is true for 802.11b products running 1, 2, 5.5, or 11 Mbps as well as the newer 802.11g products running up to 54 Mbps. The differences lie in the modulation scheme (that is, the methods used to place data on the RF signal), but the channels are identical across all of these products. There is also a g...

Process Finished With Exit Code -1073740940 (0xC0000374) Code Example

Example: Process finished with exit code -1073740791 (0xC0000409) class serialThreadC ( QThread ) : updateOutBox = QtCore . pyqtSignal ( str ) updateStatus = QtCore . pyqtSignal ( int ) def __init__ ( self ) : super ( serialThreadC , self ) . __init__ ( ) self . ser = False self . state = 0 self . _mutex = QMutex ( ) self . serialEnabled = False def ConnDisconn ( self ) : self . _mutex . lock ( ) self . serialEnabled = not self . serialEnabled self . _mutex . unlock ( ) def run ( self ) : while True : if self . state == - 3 or self . state == - 2 : self . _mutex . lock ( ) if self . serialEnabled : self . updatePB ( 20 ) self . _mutex . unlock ( ) elif self . state == 0 : self . _mutex . lock ( ) if self . serialEnabled : ...

Smooth Fonts Css Code Example

Example 1: antialiasing css * { -webkit-font-smoothing : antialiased ; -moz-osx-font-smoothing : grayscale ; } //Also use webfonts : https : // Example 2: what css font smoothing The font-smooth CSS property controls the application of anti-aliasing when fonts are rendered. This feature is non-standard and is not on a standards track. It depends on the browser used and the system specifications ; thus , it may not work for every user.

Convert JSON Array In MySQL To Rows

Answer : It's true that it's not a good idea to denormalize into JSON, but sometimes you need to deal with JSON data, and there's a way to extract a JSON array into rows in a query. The trick is to perform a join on a temporary or inline table of indexes, which gives you a row for each non-null value in a JSON array. I.e., if you have a table with values 0, 1, and 2 that you join to a JSON array “fish” with two entries, then fish[0] matches 0, resulting in one row, and fish1 matches 1, resulting in a second row, but fish[2] is null so it doesn't match the 2 and doesn't produce a row in the join. You need as many numbers in the index table as the max length of any array in your JSON data. It's a bit of a hack, and it's about as painful as the OP's example, but it's very handy. Example (requires MySQL 5.7.8 or later): CREATE TABLE t1 (rec_num INT, jdoc JSON); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1, '{"fish": ["red", "blue"]}...

@angular/material/index.d.ts' Is Not A Module

Answer : After upgrading to Angular 9 (released today), I ran into this issue as well and found that they made the breaking change mentioned in the answer. I can't find a reason for why they made this change. I have a material.module.ts file that I import / export all the material components (not the most efficient, but useful for quick development). I went through and updated all my imports to the individual material folders, although an index.ts barrel might be better. Again, not sure why they made this change, but I'm guessing it has to do with tree-shaking efficiencies. Including my material.module.ts below in case it helps anyone, it's inspired off other material modules I've found: NOTE : As other blog posts have mentioned and from my personal experience, be careful when using a shared module like below. I have 5~ different feature modules (lazy loaded) in my app that I imported my material module into. Out of curiosity, I stopped using the shared module and...

Bootstrap Mdb-select Md-form Cdn Code Example

Example 1: md bootstrap cdn <!-- Font Awesome --> < link rel = " stylesheet " href = " " > <!-- Google Fonts --> < link rel = " stylesheet " href = ",400,500,700&display=swap " > <!-- Bootstrap core CSS --> < link href = " " rel = " stylesheet " > <!-- Material Design Bootstrap --> < link href = " " rel = " stylesheet " > Example 2: mdb CDN <!-- JQuery --> < script type = " text/javascript " src = " " > </ script > <!-- Bootstrap tooltips --> < script type =...

Android: TextColor Of Disabled Button In Selector Not Showing?

Answer : You need to also create a ColorStateList for text colors identifying different states. Do the following: Create another XML file in res\color named something like text_color.xml . <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <selector xmlns:android=""> <!-- disabled state --> <item android:state_enabled="false" android:color="#9D9FA2" /> <item android:color="#000"/> </selector> In your style.xml , put a reference to that text_color.xml file as follows: <style name="buttonStyle" parent="@android:style/Widget.Button"> <item name="android:textStyle">bold</item> <item name="android:textColor">@color/text_color</item> <item name="android:textSize">18sp</item> </style> This should resolve your issue. 1.Create a color folder ...

ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=undefined (recommended Setting) ANDROID_HOME=/Users/admin/Library/Android/sdk/ (DEPRECATED) Code Example

Example: add android sdk root to path export ANDROID_HOME=~/Library/Android/sdk export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=~/Library/Android/sdk export ANDROID_AVD_HOME=~/.android/avd