
Showing posts from October, 2003

Convert To Int Js Code Example

Example 1: how to convert string to int js let string = "1" ; let num = parseInt ( string ) ; //num will equal 1 as a int Example 2: Javascript string to int var myInt = parseInt ( "10.256" ) ; //10 var myFloat = parseFloat ( "10.256" ) ; //10.256 Example 3: string to number javascript // Method - 1 ### parseInt() ### var text = "42px" ; var integer = parseInt ( text , 10 ) ; // returns 42 // Method - 2 ### parseFloat() ### var text = "3.14someRandomStuff" ; var pointNum = parseFloat ( text ) ; // returns 3.14 // Method - 3 ### Number() ### Number ( "123" ) ; // returns 123 Number ( "12.3" ) ; // returns 12.3 Number ( "3.14someRandomStuff" ) ; // returns NaN Number ( "42px" ) ; // returns NaN Example 4: convert string to number javascript var myString = "869.99" var myFloat = parseFloat ( myString ) var myInt = parseInt ( myString ) Example 5: how to chang...

Abc Binary Code Code Example

Example: alphabet binary code Alphabet table Letter ASCII Code Binary Letter ASCII Code Binary a 097 0110 0001 A 065 0100 0001 b 098 0110 0010 B 066 0100 0010 c 099 0110 0011 C 067 0100 0011 d 100 0110 0100 D 068 0100 0100 e 101 0110 0101 E 069 0100 0101 f 102 0110 0110 F 070 0100 0110 g 103 0110 0111 G 071 0100 0111 h 104 0110 1000 H 072 0100 1000 i 105 0110 1001 I 073 0100 1001 j 106 0110 1010 J 074 0100 1010 k 107 0110 1011 K 075 0100 1011 l 108 0110 1100 L 076 0100 1100 m 109 0110 1101 M 077 0100 1101 n 110 0110 1110 N 078 0100 1110 o 111 0110 1111 O 079 0100 1111 p 112 0111 0000 P 080 0101 0000 q 113 0111 0001 Q 081 0101 0001 r 114 ...

Coding Language To Learn For Unity Code Example

Example: what language does unity use C# : most used by far Boo : obscure language that looks Python UnityScript : version of JavaScript , but not identical to

Convert Varchar2 To Number In Oracle Code Example

Example: convert a varchar2 to number SELECT TO_NUMBER(NVL(emp_salary,'0'),'9999D99','nls_numeric_characters=,.') FROM emp_details

Rotate Text Css W3schools Code Example

Example 1: rotate text css .text { /* Browsers not below */ transform : rotate ( -90 deg ) ; /* Safari */ -webkit-transform : rotate ( -90 deg ) ; /* Firefox */ -moz-transform : rotate ( -90 deg ) ; /* Opera */ -o-transform : rotate ( -90 deg ) ; /* IE */ -ms-transform : rotate ( -90 deg ) ; } Example 2: css rotate text /* Answer to: "css rotate text" */ /* If what you are looking for is a way to set type vertically, you’re best bet is probably CSS writing-mode, here's a link: If you’re just trying to turn some text, you can rotate entire elements like this, which rotates it 90 degrees counterclockwise: */ .rotate { transform : rotate ( -90 deg ) ; /* Legacy vendor prefixes that you probably don't need... */ /* Safari */ -webkit-transform : rotate ( -90 deg ) ; /* Firefox */ -moz-transform : rotate ( -90 deg ) ; /* IE */ -ms-transform : rotate ( -90 de...

Angular 7 And Angular Material How To Get The Selected Option Text Of Mat-select Instead Of Its Value

Answer : Sorry for being late to the party. I'm really horrified of reading all answers above... The solution is much easier and direct than any of the proposed answers, as the select component just passes the selected model as part of the selectionChange argument. But first, some corrections to your example. You've declared an interface, so USE IT: export interface FamilyRelation { id: number; type: string; } So, in your constructor: constructor() { this.familyRelationArray=[ { id: 1, type: 'Parent' }, { id: 2, type: 'Sister' } ] } and not what you put in your StackBlitz... Then your view will become this: <mat-select (selectionChange)="onChange($event)" id="family_relation" placeholder="Family Relation"> <mat-option *ngFor="let familyRelation of familyRelationArray;" [value]=""> {{familyRelation.typ...

Composer Update Single Package Not Working Code Example

Example 1: update particular package composer composer update doctrine/doctrine-fixtures-bundle Example 2: composer update single package composer require { package/packagename }

Buffering Line With Flat Cap Style Using GeoPandas?

Answer : GeoPandas isn't passing through all arguments to the shapely buffer method. Instead you can use the standard pandas apply method to call buffer on each geometry individually, e.g.: # Assumes that geometry will be the geometry column capped_lines = df.geometry.apply(lambda g: g.buffer(100, cap_style=2)) Also, not that this returns a GeoPandas GeoSeries object, so if you need the attributes (and projection for that matter, though that may be an outstanding issue) you'll need to overwite the geometry column in the original GeoDataFrame. GeoPandas now pass kwargs to shapely, so you can do below now: gdf.geometry.to_crs("epsg:3857").buffer(10, cap_style=2) PR: Update: reason for change crs to 3857 is control on buffer radius in meter, else geopandas raise below warning: UserWarning: Geometry is in a geographic CRS. Results from 'buffer' are likely incorrect. Use 'GeoSeries.to_crs()' to ...

Convert A String To Hexadecimal Python Code Example

Example: string to hex python >> > s = 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.' . encode ( 'utf-8' ) >> > s b'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.' >> > s . hex ( ) '54686520717569636b2062726f776e20666f78206a756d7073206f76657220746865206c617a7920646f672e'

Csgo Cheats Free Code Example

Example: csgo cheats dont cheat because this is what makes the community worse :)

Fa Fa Bootstrap Code Example

Example 1: fa icons <script src= '' ></script> Example 2: release icon font awesome <i class= "fa fa-rocket" aria-hidden= "true" ></i>

How To Check If File Exists In C Code Example

Example 1: c check if file exists if ( access ( fname , F_OK ) == 0 ) { // file exists } else { // file doesn't exist } Example 2: c check if file was created int canCreateFile ( char * path ) { FILE * file = fopen ( path , "w" ) ; if ( file ) { fclose ( file ) ; return 1 ; } return 0 ; }

Amc Stock Cnbc Code Example

Example 1: amc stock IF YOU SELL THE HEDGE FUNDS WIN Example 2: amc stock TO THE MOON ! ! ! !

Car Movement Script Unity Code Example

Example: advanced car movement script unity using UnityEngine ; using System . Collections ; public class CarController : MonoBehaviour { public WheelCollider WheelFL ; public WheelCollider WheelFR ; public WheelCollider WheelRL ; public WheelCollider WheelRR ; public Transform WheelFLtrans ; public Transform WheelFRtrans ; public Transform WheelRLtrans ; public Transform WheelRRtrans ; public Vector3 eulertest ; float maxFwdSpeed = - 3000 ; float maxBwdSpeed = 1000f ; float gravity = 9.8f ; private bool braked = false ; private float maxBrakeTorque = 500 ; private Rigidbody rb ; public Transform centreofmass ; private float maxTorque = 1000 ; void Start ( ) { rb = GetComponent < Rigidbody > ( ) ; rb . centerOfMass = centreofmass . transform . localPosition ; } void FixedUpdate ( ) { if ( ! braked ) { ...

Combobox Wpf\ Code Example

Example: combobox WPF //adding combo box items WPF (XAML) < ComboBox > < ComboBoxItem > ComboBox Item # 1 < / ComboBoxItem > < ComboBoxItem IsSelected = "True" > ComboBox Item # 2 < / ComboBoxItem > < ComboBoxItem > ComboBox Item # 3 < / ComboBoxItem > < / ComboBox >

ConnectionTimeout Versus SocketTimeout

Answer : A connection timeout occurs only upon starting the TCP connection. This usually happens if the remote machine does not answer. This means that the server has been shut down, you used the wrong IP/DNS name, wrong port or the network connection to the server is down. A socket timeout is dedicated to monitor the continuous incoming data flow. If the data flow is interrupted for the specified timeout the connection is regarded as stalled/broken. Of course this only works with connections where data is received all the time. By setting socket timeout to 1 this would require that every millisecond new data is received (assuming that you read the data block wise and the block is large enough)! If only the incoming stream stalls for more than a millisecond you are running into a timeout. A connection timeout is the maximum amount of time that the program is willing to wait to setup a connection to another process. You aren't getting or posting any application data at this po...

Conditional AddSbtPlugin Based On ScalaVersion

Answer : tl;dr It's not possible given the description of the problem. There are at least two build configurations involved in a sbt project - the real project (you want to bet your money on) and the meta build for the build of your project. Yes, I know it sounds a little weird, but it's a very powerful concept IMHO. See sbt is recursive: The project directory is another build inside your build, which knows how to build your build. To distinguish the builds, we sometimes use the term proper build to refer to your build, and meta-build to refer to the build in project. The projects inside the metabuild can do anything any other project can do. Your build definition is an sbt project. sbt runs atop Scala and requires a strict version of it. No way to change it unless you fancy spending time on things you should really not be touching in the first place :) What you can do is to apply the plugin in project/plugins.sbt and then, in the project, apply the settings of the plu...

C# Wpf Change Button Text Color In Code Code Example

Example: wpf set button text color < Button Name = "btn" Click = "btn_Click" Content = "Load Profile Image" Foreground = "White" >

Copy To Clipboard Using Javascript In IOS

Answer : Update! iOS >= 10 Looks like with the help of selection ranges and some little hack it is possible to directly copy to the clipboard on iOS (>= 10) Safari. I personally tested this on iPhone 5C iOS 10.3.3 and iPhone 8 iOS 11.1. However, there seem to be some restrictions, which are: Text can only be copied from <input> and <textarea> elements. If the element holding the text is not inside a <form> , then it must be contenteditable . The element holding the text must not be readonly (though you may try, this is not an "official" method documented anywhere). The text inside the element must be in selection range. To cover all four of these "requirements", you will have to: Put the text to be copied inside an <input> or <textarea> element. Save the old values of contenteditable and readonly of the element to be able to restore them after copying. Change contenteditable to true and readonly to false . Create a ...

React Slick Slider Margin Between Slides Code Example

Example 1: slick margin between slides /* the slides */ .slick-slide { margin : 0 26 px ; } /* the parent */ .slick-list { margin : 0 -26 px ; } Example 2: how to make distance betwwen corosel transition /* the slides */ .slick-slide { margin : 0 10 px ; } /* the parent */ .slick-list { margin : 0 -10 px ; }

Text Sliding Text Html/css Code Example

Example: text sliding css .slide-right { width : 100 % ; overflow : hidden ; margin-left : 400 px ; max-width : 500 px } .slide-right h2 { animation : 2 s slide-right ; animation-delay : 2 s ; } @keyframes slide-right { from { margin-left : -500 px ; } to { margin-left : 0 % ; } }

C# Bool Function Code Example

Example: bool in c# bool isCSharpFun = true ; bool isFishTasty = false ; Console . WriteLine ( isCSharpFun ) ; // Outputs True Console . WriteLine ( isFishTasty ) ; // Outputs False

Angular 2 Custom Validator That Depends On Another Form Control

Answer : You are one step closer. You need to attach your custom validator to the FormGroup instead, because it needs to know two FormControl ( categories and mealTypes ), so attaching to FormGroup will give the validator more broad view and access to the entire FormControl To achieve that, change your ngOnInit to ngOnInit() { this.findForm = new FormGroup({ mealTypes : new FormControl(null, Validators.Required), categories : new FormControl(null) // others form control here }, validateMealType); // <-- see here is your custom function } On above code, you actually have to use FormGroup constructor instead of FormBuilder , so you can attach your custom validation in the parameters. Also, move your custom validator outside the component class. Take a look at this Plunker to get more insight for your specific case here. The solution proposed by @Michael worked for me with a minor change for the Angular 4. In the validation function...

Parindent Latex Code Example

Example: latex space between paragraphs and lines \setlength { \parindent } { 4 em } \setlength { \parskip } { 1 em } \renewcommand { \baselinestretch } { 1.5 }