
Showing posts from November, 2003

Conda Install Sklearn Code Example

Example 1: install sklearn pip install scikit - learn Example 2: install sklearn with conda conda install scikit - learn Example 3: conda install scikit-learn conda install - c anaconda scikit - learn Example 4: conda install sklearn conda install - c conda - forge scikit - learn Example 5: conda install sklearn 0.20 conda install scikit - learn = 0.20 Example 6: conda install sklearn python3 - m venv sklearn - venvpython - m venv sklearn - venvpython - m venv sklearn - venvsource sklearn - venv / bin / activatesource sklearn - venv / bin / activatesklearn - venv\Scripts\activatepip install - U scikit - learnpip install - U scikit - learnpip install - U scikit - learnpip3 install - U scikit - learnconda create - n sklearn - envconda activate sklearn - envconda install scikit - learn

Access Denied When Editing MSMQ Messsage Queuing Properties

Answer : Putting this here for posterity ;) Background: For as long as I’ve been using Windows 2008 R2, I have not been able to change the Message Queuing configuration settings (such as storage limits, storage locations, security, etc.) or access the System Queues (Journal messages, Dead-letter messages, Transactional dead-letter messages); all attempts at doing any of these things resulted in a cryptic “Access is denied” error. Whenever I needed to install Message Queuing on a server in our environment, I used Server Manager to install the Message Queuing Feature. Solution(?): On a whim, rather than install the Message Queuing Feature, I instead choose to add the “Application Server” Role. Adding this role automatically selected and installed the Message Queuing Feature, though it only enabled the Message Queuing Server, not Directory Service Integration and Message Queuing Triggers. I am now able to re-configure Message Queuing settings, as well as access and perform acti...

Copy And Paste In Windows PowerShell

Answer : To select text in PowerShell with the mouse, just select it as usual. To copy the selected text to the clipboard you have to either hit Enter, or right-click. To paste into the PowerShell window, right click. keyboard Paste: alt + [space] , e , p Note: In current versions of Windows 10, Ctrl + C , and Ctrl + V work as expected. (Elaborating on the answer of Ƭᴇcʜιᴇ007 and Val) Mouse Select/Mark: Press left mouse button, drag, release. Copy: Right-click. Paste: With content in the clipboard, right-click. Keyboard Activate Mark: Alt + Space > e > k . Select a Block: Navigate (arrow keys, Page-down , Page-up , End , Pos1 ) to the upper left corner of the block, press and hold Shift , navigate to the lower right corner, release Shift . Copy: With a block selected, either hit Enter or Alt + Space > e > y . Paste: With content in the clipboard, Alt + Space > e > p . Depends on which PowerShell you are using. With the newer PowerGUI Script Edi...

Can A Default Path Be Set Globally For \input{...} Akin To \graphicspath{...}?

Answer : \graphicspath comes from LaTeX's \input@path , just using the paths for graphics files. \input@path can be set independently, e.g.: \makeatletter \def\input@path{{path1/}{path2/}} \makeatother Internally package graphics stores its path of \graphicspath in \Ginput@path and locally sets \input@path to \Ginput@path , if it looks for files via \IfFileExists . Addition to \input@path The macro \input@path can be undefined (usually the default in LaTeX) or it can already contain other path entries. Therefore, \providecommand in the following code first defines the macro for the case that \input@path is undefined. Then \g@addto@macro extends the definition of \input@path . \makeatletter \providecommand*{\input@path}{} \g@addto@macro\input@path{{path1/}{path2/}}% append \makeatother Alternatively \edef can be used, which expands the definition text. The next example uses it to prepend the contents to \input@path to the old meaning of \input@path : \m...

How To Use Vertical Align Middle Css Code Example

Example: css vertical center /* No Flexbox */ .parent { position : relative ; } .child { position : absolute ; top : 50 % ; transform : translateY ( -50 % ) ; } /* With Flexbox */ .parent { display : flex ; flex-direction : column ; justify-content : center ; }

Change Size Of Transform Unity Code Example

Example 1: unity set object scale //gets the local scale of an object vector3 local = transform . localScale ; //sets the local scale of an object transform . localScale = new Vector3 ( scaleX , scaleY , scaleZ ) ; //gets the world scale of the object but is read only vector3 world = transform . lossyScale ; Example 2: unity how to get transform scale // This returns the scale of the object the script is attached to. transform . localScale

Can't Attach Android Studio's Debugger To Android Process

Answer : So finally I got it working, by: Checking 'Show all processes' checkbox! BUT as you see in the question, checkbox was on at the beginning, so there were multiple issues. To summarize, these are other actions to be done: Kill all adb processes (use ps -x | grep adb and kill -9 [process id] ) adb start-server in terminal Reconnect device adb devices (to make sure device is connected successfully) Make sure Android DDMS Devices | logcat shows your app and only one device is listed. Check Show all processes checkbox. See screenshot I solved this way a. Closed Android Studio b. Did adb kill-server from a terminal. Also check the adb process in also killed from the Running processes window in PC c. Started Android Studio d. Android Studio tried to initialize adb again and back to work. It could be because the release build variant (which you can set in the Build-Variants section) has been chosen mistakenly, only debug-variant is debuggabl...

How To Position Things Side By Side In Css Code Example

Example: css position side by side /************ How to position elements side by side? ***************/ /* We can use the property "display: inline" to place blocks of elements side by side, however, this does not allow an aesthetic alignment of all elements and we can't position a stack or group of two or more blocks beside another block. For example, placing a header and a paragraph on the left side of an image. For that, we use the "float" property. This tells the other elements to make room for the element that is "floating" in a certain position, with the minimum disturbance to the flow of the document (packing everything tightly) */ img { float : left ; /* The image will float on the left side of the text*/ } h3 { text-align : left ; } p { text-align : left ; } /****************** How to isolate this effect? **********************/ /* For example, in case we want to keep the image and the header side by side, but making sure ...

Sum Of Two Large Numbers In C++ Code Example

Example 1: sum of 2 numbers in cpp # include <iostream> int add ( int , int ) ; int main ( ) { using namespace std ; int a , b ; cout << "Enter first number: " ; cin >> a ; cout << "Enter second number: " ; cin >> b ; cout << "Sum = " << add ( a , b ) ; } int add ( int x , int y ) { return ( x + y ) ; } Example 2: sum of two numbers c++ # include <iostream> using namespace std ; int main ( ) { double number1 , number2 ; double sum0 ; sum = number1 + number2 ; cout << sum ; } Example 3: Sum of two large numbers in C++ string sum ( string a , string b ) { string res = "" ; while ( a . length ( ) < b . length ( ) ) a = "0" + a ; while ( b . length ( ) < a . length ( ) ) b = "0" + b ; int carry = 0 ; for ( int i = a . length ( ) - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- ) { int...

Count Pattern In A File Command Line Code Example

Example: count occurrences of word in unix bash $ grep -o -i needs inspire.txt | wc -l

Concatenate A Dynamic Variable Name In Javascript

Answer : Not sure exactly what you are trying to accomplish, but with JavaScript, you could use the following: > var a = 1; > var b = {}; > b['fruit_' + a] = 'apple'; > b.fruit_1 "apple" > b['fruit_1'] "apple" You can do this by assigning the variable to a context. For example, to create a dynamically-named global variable in a browser context, you would use: const a = 1 window['fruit_' + a] = 'apple' console.log(fruit_1) If you're in a Node context, you would use global instead of window . If you were trying to create a variable in a method context, you would use this .

Add To Array Unity C# Code Example

Example: add to array unity var Array = new[] {"str1", "str2"}; Array = Array.Concat(new[] {"str3"}).ToArray();

Can I Use Std::transform In Place With A Parallel Execution Policy?

Answer : I believe that it's talking about a different detail. The unary_op takes an element of the sequence and returns a value. That value is stored (by transform ) into the destination sequence. So this unary_op would be fine: int times2(int v) { return 2*v; } but this one would not: int times2(int &v) { return v*=2; } But that's not really what you're asking about. You want to know if you can use the unary_op version of transform as a parallel algorithm with the same source and destination range. I don't see why not. transform maps a single element of the source sequence to a single element of the destination sequence. However, if your unary_op isn't really unary, (i.e, it references other elements in the sequence - even if it only reads them, then you will have a data race). To quote the standard here [alg.transform.1] op [...] shall not invalidate iterators or subranges, or modify elements in the ranges this forbids y...

Can't Find File Executable In Your Configured Search Path For Gnc Gcc Compiler

Answer : I'm guessing you've installed Code::Blocks but not installed or set up GCC yet. I'm assuming you're on Windows, based on your comments about Visual Studio; if you're on a different platform, the steps for setting up GCC should be similar but not identical. First you'll need to download GCC. There are lots and lots of different builds; personally, I use the 64-bit build of TDM-GCC. The setup for this might be a bit more complex than you'd care for, so you can go for the 32-bit version or just grab a preconfigured Code::Blocks/TDM-GCC setup here. Once your setup is done, go ahead and launch Code::Blocks. You don't need to create a project or write any code yet; we're just here to set stuff up or double-check your setup, depending on how you opted to install GCC. Go into the Settings menu, then select Global compiler settings in the sidebar, and select the Toolchain executables tab. Make sure the Compiler's installation director...

Material Css Input Text Area Type Code Example

Example 1: materialize css form file input <form action= "#" > <div class= "file-field input-field" > <div class= "btn" > <span>File</span> <input type= "file" > </div> <div class= "file-path-wrapper" > <input class= "file-path validate" type= "text" > </div> </div> </form> Example 2: fix materialize form label not working input :-webkit-autofill + label { font-size : 0.8 rem ; transform : translateY ( -140 % ) ; }

Cron Job Run Every 10 Seconds Code Example

Example: run cron every saturday 0 0 * * SAT

Bootstrap Textarea Responsive Width Code Example

Example: bootstrap textarea width <textarea class= "form-control" style= "min-width: 100%" ></textarea>

Convert String To Float C# Unity Code Example

Example: unity cast int to float //(float) casts float or int after it to an float intVar = ( float ) var

Connect Multiple Clients To One Server In Python Socket Code Example

Example 1: multiple clients in socket programming python import socket ClientSocket = socket . socket ( ) host = '' port = 1233 print ( 'Waiting for connection' ) try : ClientSocket . connect ( ( host , port ) ) except socket . error as e : print ( str ( e ) ) Response = ClientSocket . recv ( 1024 ) while True : Input = input ( 'Say Something: ' ) ClientSocket . send ( str . encode ( Input ) ) Response = ClientSocket . recv ( 1024 ) print ( Response . decode ( 'utf-8' ) ) ClientSocket . close ( ) Example 2: multiple clients in socket programming python import socket import os from _thread import * ServerSocket = socket . socket ( ) host = '' port = 1233 ThreadCount = 0 try : ServerSocket . bind ( ( host , port ) ) except socket . error as e : print ( str ( e ) ) print ( 'Waitiing for a Connection..' ) ServerSocket . listen ( 5 ) def threaded_client ( connection ) ...

Grey Colour In Rgba Code Example

Example: grey rgb RGB ( 220 , 220 , 220 )

Href Html W3school Code Example

Example 1: html a href <a href= "" >Link text</a> Example 2: a href tag Actually href is a html attribute , which is used for passing page url to the a tag. Example <a href= "url" >Click here</a>

Font Tracking Css Code Example

Example: kerning css // There is no kerning property , but you can use letter-spacing div { letter-spacing : 2 px ; }

Count Letters In String Python Code Example

Example 1: count characters in string python >> > sentence = 'Mary had a little lamb' >> > sentence . count ( 'a' ) 4 Example 2: check how many letters in a string python # use the built in function len ( ) len ( "hello" ) # or you can count the characters in a string variable a = "word" len ( a )

Js Max Number Code Example

Example 1: javascript int max console. log ( Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER ) ; // expected output : 9007199254740991 Example 2: js maximum number value Number.MAX_VALUE ; Example 3: js max array Math. max ( ...array ) ; Example 4: javascript max number MAX_SAFE_INTEGER = 9007199254740991 Example 5: js return the highest and lowest number console. log ( Math. max ( 1 , 3 , 2 ) ) ; // expected output : 3 console. log ( Math. max ( -1 , -3 , -2 ) ) ; // expected output : -1 const array1 = [ 1 , 3 , 2 ] ; console. log ( Math. max ( ...array1 ) ) ; // expected output : 3 Example 6: javascript index of biggest number arr. indexOf ( Math. max ( ...arr ) )

Angular Class Binding Conditional Code Example

Example 1: Angular 8 ngClass If [ngClass]="{'my-class': step=='step1'}" Example 2: ngclass condition [ngClass]="(step=='step1')?'my-class1':'my-class2'" Example 3: Angular 8 ngClass If [ngClass]="(step=='step1')?'my-class1':'my-class2'" Example 4: conditional classes angular < div [className] = " isActive ? ' active ' : ' inactive ' " > </ div >