
Showing posts from April, 2004

Could Not Find A Version That Satisfies The Requirement Tensorflow ERROR: No Matching Distribution Found For Tensorflow Code Example

Example 1: ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement tensorflow (from versions: none) ERROR: No matching distribution found for tensorflow in the terminal paste this this will surely work pip3 install --upgrade Example 2: ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement tensorflow== ERROR: No matching distribution found for tensorflow== # Check, if you are using 64 bit python, since it's required for tensorflow. # If you are using 32 bit python first install a 64 bit version of python, before installing tensorflow. # Check bit version: # If you start python in your terminal, you can see the bit version in square brackets in the first line. # E.g.: # C:\>python # Python 3.x.x ... [MSC v.1928 64 bit (AMD64)] ... # Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. # >>>

Conda Install Anaconda-clean Windows Code Example

Example 1: delete conda from machine conda install anaconda - clean # install the package anaconda clean anaconda - clean -- yes # clean all anaconda related files and directories rm - rf ~ / anaconda3 # removes the entire anaconda directory rm - rf ~ / . anaconda_backup # anaconda clean creates a back_up of files / dirs , remove it # ( conda list ; cmd shouldn ' t respond after the clean up ) Example 2: uninstall anaconda ubuntu # Install anaconda - clean conda install anaconda - clean # start anaconda - clean anaconda - clean -- yes

What Is Cloudflare Secondary Dns Code Example

Example: cloudflare dns IPv4 1.1 .1 .1 1.0 .0 .1 IPv6 2606 : 4700 : 4700 :: 1111 2606 : 4700 : 4700 :: 1001 Android 9 Pie and above one . one . one . one 1 dot1dot1dot1 . cloudflare - dns . com

C++ Std::less Example

Defined in header <functional> template < class T > struct less ; (until C++14) template < class T = void > struct less ; (since C++14) Function object for performing comparisons. Unless specialized, invokes operator< on type T . Specializations A specialization of std::less for any pointer type yields a strict total order, even if the built-in operator< does not. The strict total order is consistent among specializations of std::less , std::greater , std::less_equal , and std::greater_equal for that pointer type, and is also consistent with the partial order imposed by the corresponding built-in operators ( < , > , <= and >= ). If the function call operator of the specialization std::less<void> calls a built-in operator comparing pointers, it yields a strict total order even if the built-in operator< does not. This strict total order is consistent among the specializations std::less<v...

Corvid Insert Data To Database Wix Code Example

Example: Corvid insert data to database wix wixData.insert("MyCollectionName", {"someFieldKey": "someValue"});

Convert Float To Int Javascript Code Example

Example 1: javascript convert float to int function float2int ( value ) { return value | 0 ; } float2int ( 3.75 ) ; //3 - always just truncates decimals //other options Math . floor ( 3.75 ) ; //3 - goes to floor , note (-3.75 = -4) Math . ceil ( 3.75 ) ; //4 - goes to ceiling, note (-3.75 = -3) Math . round ( 3.75 ) ; //4 Example 2: convert int to float in javascript parseFloat ( "4" ) . toFixed ( 2 ) Example 3: javascript quick float to integer console . log ( 23.9 | 0 ) ; // Result: 23 console . log ( - 23.9 | 0 ) ; // Result: -23

Es6 Append Html Code Example

Example 1: JavaScript append text to div var div = document . getElementById ( 'myElementID' ) ; div . innerHTML += "Here is some more data appended" ; Example 2: appendchild javascript const parent = document . createElement ( 'div' ) ; const child = document . createElement ( 'p' ) ; // Appending Node Objects parent . append ( child ) // Works fine parent . appendChild ( child ) // Works fine // Appending DOMStrings parent . append ( 'Hello world' ) // Works fine parent . appendChild ( 'Hello world' ) // Throws error

Could Not Open A Connection To Your Authentication Agent. Ssh-add Code Example

Example 1: Could not open a connection to your authentication agent. eval `ssh-agent -s` ssh-add Example 2: ssh-add could not open a connection to your authentication agent centos ##1 $ cd ~/.ssh ##2 #ubuntu $ eval $(ssh-agent) #CentOS $ exec ssh-agent bash ##3 $ ssh-add my_id_rsa Example 3: ssh-add could not open a connection to your authentication agent # wsl2 solution with vscode to connect to Github repository (not sure why it works with the agent but not otherwise keys are in Ubuntu ie. could be with it being in a VM) eval $(ssh-agent) ssh-add Example 4: Could not open a connection to your authentication agent. $ eval `ssh-agent -s` Example 5: git bash Could not open a connection to your authentication agent. when adding ssh ssh-agent bash ssh-add

A Binary Indexed Tree Code Example

Example: dfenwick tree code c++ // C++ code to demonstrate operations of Binary Index Tree # include <iostream> using namespace std ; /* n --> No. of elements present in input array. BITree[0..n] --> Array that represents Binary Indexed Tree. arr[0..n-1] --> Input array for which prefix sum is evaluated. */ // Returns sum of arr[0..index]. This function assumes // that the array is preprocessed and partial sums of // array elements are stored in BITree[]. int getSum ( int BITree [ ] , int index ) { int sum = 0 ; // Iniialize result // index in BITree[] is 1 more than the index in arr[] index = index + 1 ; // Traverse ancestors of BITree[index] while ( index > 0 ) { // Add current element of BITree to sum sum += BITree [ index ] ; // Move index to parent node in getSum View index -= index & ( - index ) ; } return su...

Android: Picasso Load Image Failed . How To Show Error Message

Answer : Use builder: Picasso.Builder builder = new Picasso.Builder(this); builder.listener(new Picasso.Listener() { @Override public void onImageLoadFailed(Picasso picasso, Uri uri, Exception exception) { exception.printStackTrace(); } });; Edit For version 2.71828 they have added the exception to the onError callback: Picasso.get() .load("yoururlhere") .into(imageView, new Callback() { @Override public void onSuccess() { } @Override public void onError(Exception e) { } }) When you use callback, the picaso will call method onSuccess and onError! File fileImage = new File(mPathImage); Picasso.with(mContext).load(fileImage) .placeholder(R.drawable.draw_detailed_view_display) .error...

Can I Loop Through A Javascript Object In Reverse Order?

Answer : Javascript objects don't have a guaranteed inherent order, so there doesn't exist a "reverse" order. 4.3.3 Object An object is a member of the type Object. It is an unordered collection of properties each of which contains a primitive value, object, or function. A function stored in a property of an object is called a method. Browsers do seem to return the properties in the same order they were added to the object, but since this is not standard, you probably shouldn't rely on this behavior. A simple function that calls a function for each property in reverse order as that given by the browser's, is this: // f is a function that has the obj as 'this' and the property name as first parameter function reverseForIn(obj, f) { var arr = []; for (var key in obj) { // add hasOwnPropertyCheck if needed arr.push(key); } for (var i=arr.length-1; i>=0; i--) {, arr[i]); } } //usage reverseFo...

Styling Checkboxes CSS Tricks Code Example

Example: custom checkbox in css /* Custom CSS Checkbox */ <input type="checkbox" > <label > <span class="custom-checkbox" > </span > my checkbox </label > [ type = "checkbox" ] { opacity : 0 ; position : absolute ; } .custom-checkbox { min-width : 0.75 em ; min-height : 0.75 em ; margin-right : 0.75 em ; border : 2 px solid currentColor ; border-radius : 50 % ; display : inline-block ; } [ type = "checkbox" ] :checked + label .custom-checkbox { border-color : blue ; background : blue ; box-shadow : inset 0 0 0 2 px white ; }

Adding Window.event Handler To Typescript

Answer : This window.addEventListener('keydown', keyDownListener, false) window is defined will all events in lib.d.ts and this particular listener as addEventListener(type: "keydown", listener: (ev: KeyboardEvent) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void; or this, if you want to keep your original "style", window.onkeydown = (ev: KeyboardEvent): any => { //do something }

Ado Meaning Code Example

Example: ado stands for ActiveX Data Objects

Setup Glide Android Code Example

Example: android glide dependency dependencies { implementation 'com.github.bumptech.glide:glide:4.11.0' annotationProcessor 'com.github.bumptech.glide:compiler:4.11.0' }

Css Make Font Italic Code Example

Example 1: italic css font-style : italic ; Example 2: font-style css #example { font-style : normal ; /* no specification, default */ font-style : italic ; /* font is italic */ font-style : oblique ; /* font is italic, even if italic letters are not specified for font family */ font-style : inherit ; /* inherit property from parent */ font-style : initial ; /* default value */ } Example 3: css italics .my_italic_class { font-style : italic } Example 4: italic in css style= "font-style: italic;" Example 5: css font style .example { font-style : italic ; } Example 6: css how to make text italic <style > #italic { font-style : italic ; } </style> <p id= "italic" >This is my italic text. : ) </p>

Copy An Associative Array In JavaScript

Answer : In JavaScript, associative arrays are called objects. <script> var some_db = { "One" : "1", "Two" : "2", "Three" : "3" }; var copy_db = clone(some_db); alert(some_db["One"]); alert(copy_db["One"]); function clone(obj) { if (null == obj || "object" != typeof obj) return obj; var copy = obj.constructor(); for (var attr in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(attr)) copy[attr] = clone(obj[attr]); } return copy; } </script> I would normally use var copy_db = $.extend({}, some_db); if I was using jQuery. Fiddle Proof: Thanks @maja. As @Niko says in the comment, there aren't any associative arrays in JavaScript. You are actually setting properties on the array object, which is not a very good idea. You would be better off using an actual object. var some...

Vue Router Get Query Params Code Example

Example 1: query params vuejs http : //localhost:8000?name=John& parameters = this . $route . query console . log ( parameters ) name = this . $route . query . name console . log ( name ) Example 2: url params vue //we can configure the routes to receive data via the url //first configure the route so it can receive data: const routes = [ . . { path : '/page/:id?' , name = 'page' , component : Page } , . . //inside the Page component we can get the data: name : 'Page' , mounted ( ) { this . url_data = this . $route . params . id ; } , data ( ) { return { url_data : null } ; } //the data can be then used in the template section of the component < h2 > { { url_data } } < / h2 > Example 3: get params from route vuejs const User = { template : '<div>User {{ $ }}</div>' } Example 4: vue router url string ...

Cpython Source Code Code Example

Example 1: Python source code # Python source code is available in TARBALLS at Example 2: python source code # Python source code will always end in .py and if compiled will # with .pyc