
Showing posts from September, 2004

Bootstrap Registration Form With Validation Codepen Code Example

Example: form validation javascript bootstrap < script > // Example starter JavaScript for disabling form submissions if there are invalid fields ( function ( ) { 'use strict' ; window . addEventListener ( 'load' , function ( ) { // Fetch all the forms we want to apply custom Bootstrap validation styles to var forms = document . getElementsByClassName ( 'needs-validation' ) ; // Loop over them and prevent submission var validation = Array . prototype . filter . call ( forms , function ( form ) { form . addEventListener ( 'submit' , function ( event ) { if ( form . checkValidity ( ) === false ) { event . preventDefault ( ) ; event . stopPropagation ( ) ; } form . classList . add ( 'was-validated' ) ; ...

Css Hover Cursor Hand Code Example

Example 1: css cursor pointer hover .pointer { cursor: pointer; } Example 2: on hover change cursor li { cursor: pointer; } Example 3: onhover mouse pointer css li { cursor: pointer; }

Declaration Or Statement Expected. Code Example

Example 1: syntax error: ; expected Console . WriteLine ( "Hello World" ) Example 2: else js declaration or statement expected // This example shows that you need to wrap your line in parenthesis. // This is the syntax for destructuring after declaration as shown in the example here: let x0 , x1 , y0 , y1 ; if ( this . props . viewport ) { ( { x0 , x1 , y0 , y1 } = this . props . viewport ) ; }

Align Div Side By Side Html Responsive Code Example

Example 1: how to align two divs side by side .wrapper { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; } .wrapper>div { flex: 1 1 150px; height: 500px; } Example 2: div side by side .float-container { border: 3px solid #fff; padding: 20px; } .float-child { width: 50%; float: left; padding: 20px; border: 2px solid red; } < div class = " float-container " > < div class = " float-child " > < div class = " green " > Float Column 1 </ div > </ div > < div class = " float-child " > < div class = " blue " > Float Column 2 </ div > </ div > </ div >

Can I Import Existing PDF Books Into Kindle For PC?

Answer : Right click on the PDF and open with Kindle for PC . If the option isn't there then browse and select the Kindle for PC shortcut from its location (desktop, documents, etc). This will permanently put the PDF in your Kindle library. The Kindle DX natively supports PDF files. If, however, you have a First generation Kindle, then you can convert the PDF to a .prc file using the Mobipocket eBook Creator You could also use Amazon's Kindle Personal Documents Service.

Angular 4 Form Validators - MinLength & MaxLength Does Not Work On Field Type Number

Answer : Update 1 : phone: ['', [Validators.required, Validators.min(10000000000), Validators.max(999999999999)]], Used it like following and worked perfectly : phone: ['', [Validators.required, customValidationService.checkLimit(10000000000,999999999999)]], customValidationService : import { AbstractControl, ValidatorFn } from '@angular/forms'; export class customValidationService { static checkLimit(min: number, max: number): ValidatorFn { return (c: AbstractControl): { [key: string]: boolean } | null => { if (c.value && (isNaN(c.value) || c.value < min || c.value > max)) { return { 'range': true }; } return null; }; } } try this working sample code : component.html <div class="container"> <form [formGroup]="myForm" (ngFormSubmit)="registerUser(myForm.value)" novalidate> <div class="form-group" ...

Android Studio Sql Query Code Example

Example: sql for android ms sql for android

Ho0w Change A Test On Unity Programming Code Example

Example: unity change text // To change text of a text UI element use th combination below textGameObject . GetComponent < UnityEngine . UI . Text > ( ) . text = "text" ;

How To Wrap Text In React Native Text Code Example

Example: react native text wrap <View style= { { flexDirection : 'row' } } > <Text style= { { flexShrink : 1 } } > Really really long text... </Text> </View>

Crop An Inserted Image?

Answer : You can crop your image with graphicx \documentclass{article} \usepackage{graphicx} \begin{document} % trim from left edge \includegraphics[trim={5cm 0 0 0},clip]{example-image-a} % trim from right edge \includegraphics[trim={0 0 5cm 0},clip]{example-image-a} \end{document} Use the trim option, which takes four space separated values. trim={<left> <lower> <right> <upper>} If you don’t give a unit, the package assumes bp i.e. big points to be the unit. After setting these values you must activate the cropping with clip=true or just clip . If you combine trim with height or something similar the image will be cropped and then resized. That means that the crop values must fit the original size. If found no solution to say crop to 50 % width. Update As Martin said in the comments you can use adjustbox to clip the image exactly by 50 %. Note that you must replace \includegraphics by \adjincludegraphics , to access the \width . \documentclass{artic...

How Will You Print Hello World In C Language Without Semicolon? Code Example

Example: hello world without semicolon in c //there are many methods to print hello world or something else without semicolon: //here are some.... # include <stdio.h> int main ( ) { if ( printf ( "hello world" ) ) return 0 ; } //OR # include <stdio.h> int main ( ) { while ( ! printf ( "hello world" ) ) { } //if '!' symbol is not placed then it will be an infinite loop return 0 ; } //OR # include <stdio.h> int main ( ) { switch ( printf ( "hello world" ) ) { } return 0 ; } //Code By Dungriyal

Lighten Sass Code Example

Example 1: sass darken darken ( $color , $amount ) // darken ( #FFF , 30 % ) Example 2: scss darken darken ( $color , $amount ) Example 3: SCSS lighten lighten ( $color , $amount ) //Makes a color lighter. darken ( $color , $amount ) //Makes a color darker. Example 4: SCSS lighten saturate ( $color , $amount ) //Makes a color more saturated. desaturate ( $color , $amount ) //Makes a color less saturated.

Could Using ALT + F4 To Close A Game Corrupt Save Data?

Answer : As a programmer, both answers posted so far are incorrect. While it's possible to come up with a hypothetical situation in which pressing Alt + F4 would corrupt a save in progress, actually doing so would require the developers to quite deliberately go out of their way to screw up the saving system. From a coding perspective, the user pressing Alt + F4 does not "close the active window," nor does it "interrupt the program." What it does is cause Windows to place a WM_CLOSE message onto the program's event queue. That's all. The event queue, as the name indicates, is a queue of events for the program to process; this mostly consists of input from the user. At the heart of the code for essentially every program driven by external input, including games, is what's known as an event loop , which checks for input on the event queue, processes it, then repeats the last two steps in a loop forever until it's time to shut down. There ...

Donwload Roboto Google Fonts Code Example

Example 1: google font roboto @import url ( '' ) ; font-family : 'Roboto' , sans-serif ; Example 2: google fonts roboto //html <link rel= "preconnect" href= "" > <link href= "" rel= "stylesheet" > //css @import url ( '' ) ; font-family : 'Roboto' , sans-serif ;

7z File Manager Crashed And Left Temp Files Behind

Answer : Using the run command: ( WIN + R ) type "%TEMP%" and hit enter. This will bring up all the temp files stored on your PC through the user account you are on. 7-zip tells you the temp location it uses (extract from 7-Zip doesn't know folder path of drop target. Only Windows Explorer knows exact drop target. And Windows Explorer needs files (drag source) as decompressed files on disk. So 7-Zip extracts files from archive to temp folder and then 7-Zip notifies Windows Explorer about paths of these temp files. Then Windows Explorer copies these files to drop target folder. To avoid temp file usage, you can use Extract command of 7-Zip or drag-and-drop from 7-Zip to 7-Zip. C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Local\Temp under windows 8.1 found MANY 7zipExxxx.tmp folders ...using up 16GB ! reboot did NOT help. Using CCleaner did NOT help. Manually looking at TEMP folders did NOT help. What I did was use WinDirStat to see all m...

Nth Child Of Even Odd Css Code Example

Example 1: css odd even child tr :nth-child ( even ) { background : #CCC } tr :nth-child ( odd ) { background : #FFF } Example 2: select odd child css li :nth-child ( odd ) { /* Selects only odd elements */ color : green ; }

Django Url Pass Parameter To View Code Example

Example 1: django slug int url mapping # in views define the int slugs then the url mapping is like this from django . urls import path , re_path from . import views urlpatterns = [ path ( 'articles/2003/' , views . special_case_2003 ) , re_path ( r '^articles/(?P<year>[0-9]{4})/$' , views . year_archive ) , re_path ( r '^articles/(?P<year>[0-9]{4})/(?P<month>[0-9]{2})/$' , views . month_archive ) , re_path ( r '^articles/(?P<year>[0-9]{4})/(?P<month>[0-9]{2})/(?P<slug>[\w-]+)/$' , views . article_detail ) , ] Example 2: django get parameters from url message = request . GET . get ( 'message' )

Cron Job Every 10 Seconds Code Example

Example: cron job every 10 seconds */10 * * * * * will run every 10 sec.