
Showing posts from October, 2004

Convert Timestamp To Date Using Angular 2 Pipes

Answer : As mentioned by @Perry you will need to provide the date in milliseconds. From the Angular 2 reference for date we have: expression is a date object or a number (milliseconds since UTC epoch) or an ISO string So it can be simply be: {{load.loadDate * 1000 | date}} I used: <div>{{score.timestamp | date:'dd/MM/yyyy'}}</div> More info in

Angular Convert JSON To FormData Code Example

Example: Convert JS Object to form data Ask Question function buildFormData ( formData , data , parentKey ) { if ( data && typeof data === 'object' && ! ( data instanceof Date ) && ! ( data instanceof File ) ) { Object . keys ( data ) . forEach ( key => { buildFormData ( formData , data [ key ] , parentKey ? ` ${ parentKey } [ ${ key } ] ` : key ) ; } ) ; } else { const value = data == null ? '' : data ; formData . append ( parentKey , value ) ; } } function jsonToFormData ( data ) { const formData = new FormData ( ) ; buildFormData ( formData , data ) ; return formData ; } const my_data = { num : 1 , falseBool : false , trueBool : true , empty : '' , und : undefined , nullable : null , date : new Date ( ) , name : 'str' , another_object : { name : 'my_name' , value : 'w...

Bash Check If Argument Exists Code Example

Example 1: verify parameter one bash if [ - z "$1" ] then echo "No argument supplied" fi Example 2: if argument exists bash if [ - z "$1" ] then echo "No argument supplied" fi if [ "$1" ] then echo "Argument supplied is: " $ 1 fi

C Bool Variable Code Example

Example 1: boolean in c # include <stdbool.h> bool x = true ; Example 2: c bool # include <stdbool.h>

How To Remove Watermark In Filmora X Free Code Example

Example 1: how to remove filmora watermark Here How To Get Filmora 9 For Free WITHOUT Watermark [ Filmora X is Available Also ] 0. Disable Anti Virus Cuz You Gotta Install . DLL Files 1. Download and Setup Filmora 9 2. Watch The Video Video 3. Downlaod The Files in Desc Do as it Says 4. Login or Sign up and Make a Filmora Account 5. Enjoy Your Filmora WITHOUT The Watermark YouTube Video : https : // Cracked Files : https : // Thank me On Discord : Rigby# 9052 Example 2: how to remove filmora watermark for free thanks my dude it worked

Add Semantic Ui Cdn To React Code Example

Example: semantic-ui cdn < link rel = " stylesheet " href = " " >

Console Timestamp Javascript Code Example

Example 1: js timestamp var timestamp = new Date ( ) . getTime ( ) ; Example 2: how to get the timestamp in javascript const currentTimeInMilliseconds = Date . now ( ) ; // unix timestamp in milliseconds

Instagram Logo Color Code Css Code Example

Example: linear gradient instagram background : #f09433 ; background : -moz-linear-gradient ( 45 deg , #f09433 0 % , #e6683c 25 % , #dc2743 50 % , #cc2366 75 % , #bc1888 100 % ) ; background : -webkit-linear-gradient ( 45 deg , #f09433 0 % , #e6683c 25 % , #dc2743 50 % , #cc2366 75 % , #bc1888 100 % ) ; background : linear-gradient ( 45 deg , #f09433 0 % , #e6683c 25 % , #dc2743 50 % , #cc2366 75 % , #bc1888 100 % ) ; filter : progid : DXImageTransform.Microsoft. gradient ( startColorstr= '#f09433' , endColorstr= '#bc1888' , GradientType= 1 ) ;

Css Font-family List\ Code Example

Example 1: css comic sans font - family : "Comic Sans MS" , "Comic Sans" , cursive ; Example 2: css font families p { font - family : "Times New Roman" , Times , serif ; }

Darken() In Scss Code Example

Example 1: sass darken darken ( $color , $amount ) // darken ( #FFF , 30 % ) Example 2: scss darken darken ( $color , $amount )

13 Minute Timer Code Example

Example: 20 minute timer for good eyesight every 20 minutes look out the window at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds

Css Div Figure Code Example

Example: html figure < figure > < img src = " or local-filename.jpg " width = " auto " height = " auto " alt = " figure alt text " > < figcaption > Figure caption <!-- can also use <div>, <p>, etc. tags within <figcaption> --> </ figcaption > </ figure >

Brew Install Ffmpeg Windows Code Example

Example: install ffmpeg mac There are three options, sorted by complexity: Homebrew (or other package managers) Static builds Compile yourself To follow this you need to have a bit of knowledge using a terminal/shell under macOS.

ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken Rails 5 / Devise / Audited / PaperTrail Gem

Answer : As it turns out, Devise documentation is quite revealing with regard to this error: For Rails 5 , note that protect_from_forgery is no longer prepended to the before_action chain, so if you have set authenticate_user before protect_from_forgery , your request will result in " Can't verify CSRF token authenticity. " To resolve this, either change the order in which you call them, or use protect_from_forgery prepend: true . The fix was to change code in my application controller from this: protect_from_forgery with: :exception To this: protect_from_forgery prepend: true This issue did not manifest itself until I attempted adding Audited or Paper Trail gems.

Firebase Sdk Unity Ios Code Example

Example: unity connect to firebase // Perform the steps at the following link to setup Firebase // for your Unity project: https : / / firebase . google . com / docs / unity / setup // To connect to the databse in a script, use the following // two lines: FirebaseApp . DefaultInstance . SetEditorDatabaseUrl ( "" ) ; DatabaseReference reference = FirebaseDatabase . DefaultInstance . RootReference ; // To get a data snapshot and take action with it: FirebaseDatabase . DefaultInstance . GetReference ( "DATABASENAME" ) . GetValueAsync ( ) . ContinueWith ( task => { if ( task . IsFaulted ) { // Failure } else if ( task . IsCompleted ) { DataSnapshot snapshot = task . Result ; // Success } } ) ;

Convert ByteBuffer To Byte Array Java

Answer : ByteBuffer exposes the bulk get(byte[]) method which transfers bytes from the buffer into the array. You'll need to instantiate an array of length equal to the number of remaining bytes in the buffer. ByteBuffer buf = ... byte[] arr = new byte[buf.remaining()]; buf.get(arr); If hasArray() reports false then, calling array() will throw an exception. In that case, the only way to get the data in a byte[] is to allocate a byte[] and copy the bytes to the byte[] using get(byte) or similar.

Em Vs Rem Vs Px Code Example

Example 1: rem vs em em -> is relative to the font-size of its direct or nearest parent rem -> is relative to the html ( root ) font-size Example 2: em vs rem 1 EM or 1 REM ( r = root em ) The difference is inheritance. The Rem value is based on the root element ( html ) . What is meant here is the font size for html and not the font size for the documet body. ... Em is based on the font size of each Parent element. Example 3: rem vs em /* rem */ Translation of rem units to pixel value is determined by the font size of the html element. This font size is influenced by inheritance from the browser font size setting unless explicitly overridden with a unit not subject to inheritance ( px or vw ) . /* em */ Translation of em units to pixel values is determined by the font size of the element they’re used on. This font size is influenced by inheritance from parent elements unless explicitly overridden with a unit not subject to inheritance. --- > change the menu’s font size th...

C# Datetime Tostring Format Code Example

Example 1: csharp datetime string format DateTime . Now . ToString ( "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss" ) Example 2: c# date formats custom // create date time 2008 - 03 - 09 16 : 05 : 07.123 DateTime dt = new DateTime ( 2008 , 3 , 9 , 16 , 5 , 7 , 123 ) ; String . Format ( "{0:y yy yyy yyyy}" , dt ) ; // "8 08 008 2008" year String . Format ( "{0:M MM MMM MMMM}" , dt ) ; // "3 03 Mar March" month String . Format ( "{0:d dd ddd dddd}" , dt ) ; // "9 09 Sun Sunday" day String . Format ( "{0:h hh H HH}" , dt ) ; // "4 04 16 16" hour 12 / 24 String . Format ( "{0:m mm}" , dt ) ; // "5 05" minute String . Format ( "{0:s ss}" , dt ) ; // "7 07" second String . Format ( "{0:f ff fff ffff}" , dt ) ; // "1 12 123 1230" ...