
Showing posts from October, 2005

Multiple Class In Css Code Example

Example 1: css multiple classes //HTML Code <div class = 'firstClass secondClass' > </div > //CSS Code .firstClass .secondClass { } Example 2: css assign multiple classes to one element To specify multiple classes , separate the class names with a space , e.g. <span class= "classA classB" >. This allows you to combine several CSS classes for one HTML element. Example 3: css change multiple classes .objectOne , .objectTwo { /* We will now both be changed */ margin : 0 auto ; } Example 4: multiple classes in element html <article class= "column wrapper" > Example 5: css multiple classes <div class= "a-class another-class" ></div>

How To Make Text First Letter Capital In Css Code Example

Example: css all caps .uppercase { text-transform : uppercase ; } #example { text-transform : none ; /* No capitalization, the text renders as it is (default) */ text-transform : capitalize ; /* Transforms the first character of each word to uppercase */ text-transform : uppercase ; /* Transforms all characters to uppercase */ text-transform : lowercase ; /* Transforms all characters to lowercase */ text-transform : initial ; /* Sets this property to its default value */ text-transform : inherit ; /* Inherits this property from its parent element */ }

Calculate Value Of N Choose K

Answer : Here is my version, which works purely in integers (the division by k always produces an integer quotient) and is fast at O(k): function choose(n, k) if k == 0 return 1 return (n * choose(n - 1, k - 1)) / k I wrote it recursively because it's so simple and pretty, but you could transform it to an iterative solution if you like. You could use the Multiplicative formula for this: Probably the easiest way to compute binomial coefficients (n choose k) without overflowing is to use Pascal's triangle. No fractions or multiplications are necessary. (n choose k) . The nth row and kth entry of Pascal's triangle gives the value. Take a look at this page. This is an O(n^2) operation with only addition, which you can solve with dynamic programming. It's going to be lightning fast for any number that can fit in a 64-bit integer.

C With Classes Code Example

Example 1: C++ C ++ is a general - purpose programming language created by Bjarne Stroustrup as an extension of the C programming language , or "C with Classes" . //as you can also see to your right ----------------------> C ++ still qualifies as a high - level languge , yet the rise of languages like Ruby and Java have given capabilities that sway people's opinion towards what is and is not "high-level" . Yet high - level simply means it's farther from machine code and closer to human - readable form . Hence the need for a compiler / interpreter . So don't get too worked up about granular specifics . Example 2: c++ #include <iostream> int main ( ) { std :: cout << "Hello, world!" << std :: endl ; return 0 ; }

Convert YouTube DASH Audio (youtube-dl) To M4a (AAC DL)

Answer : No, you need a second conversion step. The problem is that for YouTube DASH, the MP4 container's ftyp has the "major brand" set to dash instead of m4a . This is the correct approach for DASH streaming, but Winamp is too old to recognize it (and many other programs are). Now, what would be a reasonable suggestion is to create a feature request for youtube-dl to add post-processing support for ffmpeg to convert the major brand of the MP4 container to something more compatible. But at the moment, such a thing does not exist. Or, file a bug report for Winamp to include decoding support for dash brands. Since it's likely to rely on a third-party decoder plugin, this probably means raising a bug report somewhere else, too. youtube-dl 2015.01.23.4 and newer will automatically correct the header of the m4a file if ffmpeg is present on the system. Source: youtube-dl : Youtube m4a files downloaded with --extract-audio can't play in some players All you ha...

Can't Run Curl Command Inside My Docker Container

Answer : curl: command not found is a big hint, you have to install it with : apt-get update; apt-get install curl Ran into this same issue while using the CURL command inside my Dockerfile. As Gilles pointed out, we have to install curl first. These are the commands to be added in the 'Dockerfile'. FROM ubuntu:16.04 # Install prerequisites RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \ curl CMD /bin/bash So I added curl AFTER my docker container was running. (This was for debugging the container...I did not need a permanent addition) I ran my image docker run -d -p 8899:8080 my-image:latest (the above makes my "app" available on my machine on port 8899) (not important to this question) Then I listed and created terminal into the running container. docker ps docker exec -it my-container-id-here /bin/sh If the exec command above does not work, check this SOF article: Error: Cannot Start Container: stat /bin/sh: no such file or directory...

Bootstrap Tabs In Carousel Code Example

Example: bootstrap tabs < nav > < div class = " nav nav-tabs " id = " nav-tab " role = " tablist " > < button class = " nav-link active " id = " nav-home-tab " data-bs-toggle = " tab " data-bs-target = " #nav-home " type = " button " role = " tab " aria-controls = " nav-home " aria-selected = " true " > Home </ button > < button class = " nav-link " id = " nav-profile-tab " data-bs-toggle = " tab " data-bs-target = " #nav-profile " type = " button " role = " tab " aria-controls = " nav-profile " aria-selected = " false " > Profile </ button > < button class = " nav-link " id = " nav-contact-tab " data-bs-toggle = " tab " data-bs-target = " #nav-contact " type = " button ...

Bootstrap V4.3.1 ( Code Example

Example 1: bootstrap <!-- CSS --> < link rel = " stylesheet " href = " " integrity = " sha384-TX8t27EcRE3e/ihU7zmQxVncDAy5uIKz4rEkgIXeMed4M0jlfIDPvg6uqKI2xXr2 " crossorigin = " anonymous " > <!-- jQuery and JS bundle w/ Popper.js --> < script src = " " integrity = " sha384-DfXdz2htPH0lsSSs5nCTpuj/zy4C+OGpamoFVy38MVBnE+IbbVYUew+OrCXaRkfj " crossorigin = " anonymous " > </ script > < script src = " " integrity = " sha384-ho+j7jyWK8fNQe+A12Hb8AhRq26LrZ/JpcUGGOn+Y7RsweNrtN/tE3MoK7ZeZDyx " crossorigin = " anonymous " > </ script > Example 2: bootstrap 4 <!-- CSS only --> < link rel = " stylesheet " href = " ht...

76 Cm In Inches Code Example

Example: cm to inch 1 cm = 0.3937 inch

171 Cm To Feet Code Example

Example 1: cm to foot 1 cm = 0.032808399 foot Example 2: cm to foot # 1 cm = 0.0328084 foot # Divide the cm value by 30.48 def cm_to_foot ( cm ) : return cm / 30.48 print ( cm_to_foot ( 1 ) ) # Result- 0.0328084

Can You Get Painted Or Certified Items In Rocket League With Trade-ins?

Answer : It is most certainly possible to get a painted and/or certified from a trade up. Below are two video examples of getting a painted, and then a painted and certified item from a trade up. These items are from the latest Turbo crate but the rules apply to any items traded up. Trade ups Painted Endo Painted and Certified Tachyon

Html Form Css W3 Code Example

Example: form css #form { border : 1 px solid black ; padding : 1.5 % ; text-align : center ; }

Draw Line Unity 3d Code Example

Example 1: unity drawline public Transform target ; void OnDrawGizmosSelected ( ) { if ( target != null ) { // Draws a blue line from this transform to the target Gizmos . color = Color . blue ; Gizmos . DrawLine ( transform . position , target . position ) ; } } Example 2: create line in unity // you need the LineRenderer component in your object var line = gameObject . AddComponent < LineRenderer > ( ) ; line . SetPosition ( 0 , startingPoint ) ; line . SetPosition ( 1 , middlePoint ) ; line . SetPosition ( 2 , endPoint ) ;

Css Text Italics Code Example

Example 1: font-style css #example { font - style : normal ; /* no specification, default */ font - style : italic ; /* font is italic */ font - style : oblique ; /* font is italic, even if italic letters are not specified for font family */ font - style : inherit ; /* inherit property from parent */ font - style : initial ; /* default value */ } Example 2: css how to make text italic /* I know i already made a HOW TO MAKE CSS TEXT ITALIC but here's one 100% css */ #italic - selector { font - style : italic ; } Example 3: css italics . my_italic_class { font - style : italic } Example 4: italic in css style = "font-style: italic;" Example 5: css how to make text italic < style > #italic { font - style : italic ; } < / style > < p id = "italic" > This is my italic text . : ) < / p > Example 6: how to italicize text in html < i > This is an example of Italic < / i >

Js To Uppercase Code Example

Example 1: javascript lowercase string var str = "My Big Boy!" var res = str. toLowerCase ( ) ; //res is "my big boy!" Example 2: javascript capitalize words //capitalize only the first letter of the string. function capitalizeFirstLetter ( string ) { return string. charAt ( 0 ) . toUpperCase ( ) + string. slice ( 1 ) ; } //capitalize all words of a string. function capitalizeWords ( string ) { return string .replace ( / ( ?:^|\s ) \S/g , function ( a ) { return a. toUpperCase ( ) ; } ) ; } ; Example 3: uppercase javascript var str = "Hello World!" ; var res = str. toUpperCase ( ) ; //HELLO WORLD! Example 4: to capital case javascript const toCapitalCase = ( string ) = > { return string. charAt ( 0 ) . toUpperCase ( ) + string. slice ( 1 ) ; } ; Example 5: capitalize in javascript const name = 'flavio' const nameCapitalized = name. charAt ( 0 ) . toUpperCase ( ) + name. slice ( 1 ) Example 6: uppercase javascript ...

C# Bindingsource Refresh Code Example

Example: c# how to refreshyour bindingsource source . DataSource = null ; source . DataSource = ListTriangles ; //set it to null and recconect it to the list to //Refresh it

Adobe XD Align Justify Text Code Example

Example: justify xd adobe xd justify-it plugin https : //

Cannot Get Textarea Value In Angularjs

Answer : Your problem lies in the ui-if part. Angular-ui creates a new scope for anything within that directive so in order to access the parent scope, you must do something like this: <textarea ng-model="$parent.noticeText"></textarea> Instead of <textarea ng-model="noticeText"></textarea> This issue happened to me while not using the ng-if directive on elements surrounding the textarea element. While the solution of Mathew is correct, the reason seems to be another. Searching for that issue points to this post, so I decided to share this. If you look at the AngularJS documentation here , you can see that Angular adds its own directive called <textarea> that "overrides" the default HTML textarea element. This is the new scope that causes the whole mess. If you have a variable like $scope.myText = 'Dummy text'; in your controller and bind that to...

Create File In Windows Cmd Code Example

Example 1: how to create empty file cmd windows copy NUL test.txt Example 2: make new file windows cmd type nul > README.txt Example 3: create a file cmd type NUL > EmptyFile.txt # also echo. 2 > EmptyFile.txt copy nul file.txt > nul # also in qid's answer below REM. > empty.file fsutil file createnew file.cmd 0 # to create a file on a mapped drive Example 4: cmd make new file $null > filename ( including the $ ) Example 5: creating file in cmd notepad newfilename.extension Example 6: make a file windows cmd nul > FILENAME.EXTENSION

Bootstrap.yml Configuration Not Processed Anymore With Spring Cloud 2020.0

Answer : As pointed put by Nicoll, With Spring Cloud Vault 3.0 and Spring Boot 2.4, the bootstrap context initialization ( bootstrap.yml , ) of property sources was deprecated . This can be fixed in one of the 2 ways Use Spring Boot 2.4.0 Config Data API to import configuration from Vault (Preferred) Legacy Processing: Enable the bootstrap context either by setting the configuration property or by including the dependency <dependency> <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>spring-cloud-starter-bootstrap</artifactId> </dependency> 1. Use Spring Boot 2.4.0 Config Data API (Preferred) Move bootstrap.yml configuration to application.yml and updated file looks like below application.yml spring: cloud: vault: authentication: APPROLE app-role: role-id: ${role-id} secret-id: ${secret-id} role: pres-read app-role...

Calculating SHA 3 Hash In Java

Answer : The common Java reference implementation for crypto and crypto support is probably BouncyCastle. It can be a big library to bring in, which is why we often reach into (rightly or wrongly.) Anyway, BouncyCastle seems to offer org.bouncycastle.jcajce.provider.digest.SHA3.DigestSHA3 Thanks to @jdv for his answer. I'm adding more information to have a quick start and an example. First, add the BouncyCastle maven dependency, or get it on Maven Central : <dependency> <groupId>org.bouncycastle</groupId> <artifactId>bcpkix-jdk15on</artifactId> <version>1.56</version> </dependency> Then we can test it : import org.bouncycastle.jcajce.provider.digest.SHA3; import org.bouncycastle.util.encoders.Hex; import org.junit.Test; @Test public void testSha3() throws Exception { String input = "Hello world !"; SHA3.DigestSHA3 digestSHA3 = new SHA3.Digest512(); byte[...

Python String Isdigit Code Example

Example 1: isdigit python s = '12' s . isdigit ( ) #returns True Example 2: python isdigit my_char . isdigit ( ) Example 3: isdigit python string . isdigit ( ) how to remove a integer from a string Example 4: python isdigit txt = "50800" x = txt . isdigit ( ) print ( x )

Can I Completely Disable Cortana On Windows 10?

Answer : Update 2018: Warning about Taskbar Breakage I just reinstalled Windows 10 Pro and followed all the prescribed steps (both removing Cortana and removing all store apps) and it still works as prescribed. It bears mentioning that removing Cortana will break the Default Taskbar in weird ways. It doesn't break Windows Search - so Explorer search still works in my experience. I've, personally, always replaced the default taskbar with Classic Start (linked via Ninite installer) and have no issues in day-to-day Windows usage otherwise. Update: Remove Cortana via "TakeOwn" Apparently, this trick stopped working at some point. I've used @Meferdati's link at some point successfully: winaero: how to uninstall Cortona. It contains a script that does all the work for you, as well as an explanation of how it works. Below are the steps I've been using, which are very similar to @MC10's answer, except I've always had to "TakeOwn" t...

Converting String To Int With Swift

Answer : Updated answer for Swift 2.0+ : toInt() method gives an error, as it was removed from String in Swift 2.x. Instead, the Int type now has an initializer that accepts a String : let a: Int? = Int(firstTextField.text) let b: Int? = Int(secondTextField.text) Basic Idea, note that this only works in Swift 1.x (check out ParaSara's answer to see how it works in Swift 2.x): // toInt returns optional that's why we used a:Int? let a:Int? = firstText.text.toInt() // firstText is UITextField let b:Int? = secondText.text.toInt() // secondText is UITextField // check a and b before unwrapping using ! if a && b { var ans = a! + b! answerLabel.text = "Answer is \(ans)" // answerLabel ie UILabel } else { answerLabel.text = "Input values are not numeric" } Update for Swift 4 ... let a:Int? = Int(firstText.text) // firstText is UITextField let b:Int? = Int(secondText.text) // secondText is UITextField...

How To Declare A Boolean In C++? Code Example

Example 1: c++ boolean bool isCodingFun = true ; bool isFishTasty = false ; cout << isCodingFun ; // Outputs 1 (true) cout << isFishTasty ; // Outputs 0 (false) //credit to Example 2: bool c++ # include <stdio.h> # include <stdbool.h> main ( ) { bool value = true ; ( value ) ? printf ( "value is true" ) : printf ( "value is false" ) ; }

Adjust GridView Child Height According To The Dynamic Content In Flutter

Answer : Edit: I added the constructor in the 0.2.0. With that you should be able to build you app ;-). First comment: For now with StaggeredGridView, the layout and the children rendering are completely independant. So as @rmtmckenzie said, you will have to get the image size to create your tiles. Then you can use StaggeredTile.count constructor with a double value for the mainAxisCellCount parameter: new StaggeredTile.count(x, x*h/w) (where h is the height of your image and w its width. So that the tile with have the same aspect ratio as your image. What you want to accomplish will need more work because you want to have an area below the image with some information. For that I think you will have to compute the real width of your tile before creating it and use the StaggeredTile.extent constructor. I understand this is not ideal and I'm currently working on a new way to create the layout. I hope it will help to build scenarios like yours. F...