Angular-cli : Using Ng Lint
Answer : Updated answer for Angular CLI v6.x, 7.x, 8.x : ng lint <project-name> --fix where <project-name> is "name:" from package.json -- answer for Angular CLI v1.x -- ng lint -fix -- Original answer below -- To have tslint autofix many errors run the following in the root of your code. Obviously it can only autofix simpler issues like let -> const, "" -> ' etc. npx tslint src/**/*.ts --fix Yesterday I did this to auto-fix hundreds of let -> const issues in our fairly large code bases. Just reviewing the changes before committing took long enough, manually fixing them all would have taken over a day. For Angular 6.0+ you can run ng lint with autofix like so: ng lint <project> --fix where <project> is the name you gave to your project when running ng new . Learn more here: The functionality you are asking about is partially available these days in VS...