
Showing posts from November, 2011

Can LINQ Be Used In PowerShell?

Answer : The problem with your code is that PowerShell cannot decide to which specific delegate type the ScriptBlock instance ( { ... } ) should be cast. So it isn't able to choose a type-concrete delegate instantiation for the generic 2nd parameter of the Where method. And it also does't have syntax to specify a generic parameter explicitly. To resolve this problem, you need to cast the ScriptBlock instance to the right delegate type yourself: $data = 0..10 [System.Linq.Enumerable]::Where($data, [Func[object,bool]]{ param($x) $x -gt 5 }) Why does [Func[object, bool]] work, but [Func[int, bool]] does not? Because your $data is [object[]] , not [int[]] , given that PowerShell creates [object[]] arrays by default; you can, however, construct [int[]] instances explicitly: $intdata = [int[]]$data [System.Linq.Enumerable]::Where($intdata, [Func[int,bool]]{ param($x) $x -gt 5 }) To complement PetSerAl's helpful answer with a broader answer to match the qu...

Add Title To Collection Of Pandas Hist Plots

Answer : With newer Pandas versions, if someone is interested, here a slightly different solution with Pandas only: ax = data.plot(kind='hist',subplots=True,sharex=True,sharey=True,title='My title') You can use suptitle() : import pylab as pl from pandas import * data = DataFrame(np.random.randn(500).reshape(100,5), columns=list('abcde')) axes = data.hist(sharey=True, sharex=True) pl.suptitle("This is Figure title") I found a better way: plt.subplot(2,3,1) # if use subplot df = pd.read_csv('documents',low_memory=False) df['column'].hist() plt.title('your title') It is very easy, display well at the top, and will not mess up your subplot.

Bootstrap Push Div Content To New Line

Answer : Do a row div. Like this: <link href="" rel="stylesheet" integrity="sha384-Zug+QiDoJOrZ5t4lssLdxGhVrurbmBWopoEl+M6BdEfwnCJZtKxi1KgxUyJq13dy" crossorigin="anonymous"> <div class="grid"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-3 col-xs-12 bg-success">Under me should be a DIV</div> <div class="col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-5 col-xs-12 bg-danger">Under me should be a DIV</div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-4 col-xs-12 bg-warning">I am the last DIV</div> </div> </div> If your your list is dynamically generated with unknown number and your target is to always have last div in a new line set last div class to "col-xl-12" and remove ...

Using Read Function In C Code Example

Example: read files in c # include <stdio.h> int main ( ) { FILE * in = fopen ( "name_of_file.txt" , "r" ) ; char c ; while ( ( c = fgetc ( in ) ) != EOF ) putchar ( c ) ; fclose ( in ) ; return 0 ; }

Addressable Assets Tutorial Download Code Example

Example: unity add addressables using System . Collections . Generic ; using UnityEngine ; using UnityEngine . AddressableAssets ; //You need to have the addressables package from the package manager installed. public class YourClassName : MonoBehaviour { //Add a script with this code to a Gameobject to get a List of assignable asset references [ SerializeField ] private List < AssetReference > references = new List < AssetReference > ( ) ; //Add a script with this code to a Gameobject to get a List of assignable asset label references [ SerializeField ] private List < AssetLabelReference > assetLabelReferences = new List < AssetLabelReference > ( ) ; }

Conference Vs Congress Vs Symposium Vs Meeting

Answer : There are certain (informal) nuances I believe: Symposium - Prestigious conferences, generally leading venues in their respective fields. Example: Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, European Test Symposium, Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS) etc Conference - Regular venues for publications, may range from established venues to the archaic. I understand the bulk of publications of most researchers are in one conference or other, as symposiums tend to have a very low acceptance rate. Meeting - I'm not so sure there are many of these, but I understand that it is more of a forum for interaction/surveys/posters than for publication of full papers. (I based my answer on the description for SIAM Annual Meeting 2012, which describes itself as providing "a broad view of the state of the art in applied mathematics, computational science, and their applications through invited presentation, prize lectures, minisymposia, and contributed papers and posters...

Copying Code From Inspect Element In Google Chrome

Answer : Right click on the particular element (e.g. div , table , td ) and select the copy as html . In earlier versions of Chrome we could simply select and copy an element (with Ctrl+C or Cmd+C) and then paste it inside an element by selecting it and then paste (with Ctrl+V or Cmd+V). It's not possible in the latest versions though (I'm running Chrome 58.0.3029.110) and it has set me up many times since then. Instead of using the commands for copy and paste, we now have to right click the element -> Copy -> Copy Element and then right click the element that we want to append the copied element to -> Copy -> Paste Element. I don't understand why the short commands are deactivated but at least it's still possible to do it in a more inconvenient way. Click on the line or element you want to copy. Copy to clipboard. Paste. The only tricky thing is if you click on a line, you get everything that line includes if it was folded. For example if you click on a ...

Can I Use An HTML Input Type "date" To Collect Only A Year?

Answer : No you can not but you may want to use input type number as a workaround. Look at the following example: <input type="number" min="1900" max="2099" step="1" value="2016" /> No, you can't, it doesn't support only year, so to do that you need a script, like jQuery or the webshim link you have, which shows year only. If jQuery would be an option, here is one, borrowed from Sibu: Javascript $(function() { $( "#datepicker" ).datepicker({dateFormat: 'yy'}); });​ CSS .ui-datepicker-calendar { display: none; } Src: Src fiddle: Here is an updated fiddle, without the month and prev/next buttons If bootstrap is an option, check this link, they have a layout how you want. There is input type month in HTML5 which allows to select month and year. Month selector works with autocomplete. Check the examp...

Css Text Italic Code Example

Example 1: how bold text in css p .normal { font-weight : normal ; } p .thick { font-weight : bold ; } p .thicker { font-weight : 900 ; } Example 2: italic css font-style : italic ; Example 3: font-style css #example { font-style : normal ; /* no specification, default */ font-style : italic ; /* font is italic */ font-style : oblique ; /* font is italic, even if italic letters are not specified for font family */ font-style : inherit ; /* inherit property from parent */ font-style : initial ; /* default value */ } Example 4: css how to make text italic /* I know i already made a HOW TO MAKE CSS TEXT ITALIC but here's one 100% css */ #italic-selector { font-style : italic ; } Example 5: css italics .my_italic_class { font-style : italic } Example 6: italic in css style= "font-style: italic;"

Convert String Array To Int Array Java Code Example

Example 1: convert array string to number // CONVERT ARRAY STRING TO ARRAY NUMBER const arrStr = ["1", "3", "5", "9"]; const nuevo = => Number(i)); console.log(nuevo); // [1,3,5,9]; Example 2: java convert string to int array import java.util.Arrays; public class StringToIntegerArray { public static void main(String args[]) { String [] str = {"123", "345", "437", "894"}; int size = str.length; int [] arr = new int [size]; for(int i=0; i Example 3: convert string to int array char c = '2'; int asInt = c - '0'; //asInt = 2 Example 4: java convert string array to int array int[] intArray = convertStringArrayToIntArray(numbers.split(", "));

Convert Uri To File Android Code Example

Example: create file from uri File(uri.getPath());

Migrate Meaning Code Example

Example: migration meaning Migration is the movement of people from one place to another in search of better shelter or greener pastures

Can I Limit The Length Of An Array In JavaScript?

Answer : You're not using splice correctly: arr.splice(4, 1) this will remove 1 item at index 4. see here I think you want to use slice: arr.slice(0,5) this will return elements in position 0 through 4. This assumes all the rest of your code (cookies etc) works correctly The fastest and simplest way is by setting the .length property to the desired length: arr.length = 4; This is also the desired way to reset/empty arrays: arr.length = 0; Caveat: setting this property can also make the array longer than it is: If its length is 2, running arr.length = 4 will add two undefined items to it. Perhaps add a condition: if (arr.length > 4) arr.length = 4; Alternatively: arr.length = Math.min(arr.length, 4); arr.length = Math.min(arr.length, 5)

2b2t Version Code Example

Example 1: tf version python -c 'import tensorflow as tf; print(tf.__version__)' # for Python 2 python3 -c 'import tensorflow as tf; print(tf.__version__)' # for Python 3 Example 2: 2b2t what are you doing here looking at this larp server??? Example 3: 2b2t go code a hack client dumbass

Math Pow C Library Code Example

Example 1: pow() c int base = 3 ; int power = 5 ; pow ( double ( base ) , double ( power ) ) ; Example 2: pow() c [ Mathematics ] xy = pow ( x , y ) [ In programming ]

Style Bold Css Code Example

Example 1: css bold text .text { font-weight : bold ; } Example 2: css text bold font-weight : bold ; Example 3: how bold text in css p .normal { font-weight : normal ; } p .thick { font-weight : bold ; } p .thicker { font-weight : 900 ; } Example 4: font-weight css /* Valeurs avec un mot-clé */ font-weight : normal ; font-weight : bold ; /* Valeurs relatives à l'élément parent */ font-weight : lighter ; font-weight : bolder ; /* Valeurs numériques */ font-weight : 1 ; font-weight : 100 ; font-weight : 100.6 ; font-weight : 123 ; font-weight : 200 ; font-weight : 300 ; font-weight : 321 ; font-weight : 400 ; font-weight : 500 ; font-weight : 600 ; font-weight : 700 ; font-weight : 800 ; font-weight : 900 ; font-weight : 1000 ; /* Valeurs globales */ font-weight : inherit ; font-weight : initial ; font-weight : unset ; Example 5: css bold text we can set text bold using css property named 'font-weight' Syntax: selector { font-weight...

Cron Job Every 30 Minutes Code Example

Example: crontab every 30 minutes in specific minute // every 30 minutes */30 * * * * // it depends on the crontab version you are using // example: every 30 minutes at number '5' // mode 1 5,35 * * * * // mode 2 5/30 * * * *

10 Digit Mobile Number Validation In Javascript Regex Code Example

Example: 10 digit mobile number validation pattern in javascript \(?\d+\)?[-.\s]?\d+[-.\s]?\d+

Add Column Mysql After Another Column Code Example

Example: insert column after column mysql ALTER TABLE tbl_name ADD COLUMN new_column_name VARCHAR ( 15 ) AFTER existing_column_name ;