
Showing posts from January, 2012

Align Two Divs Horizontally (one On Extreme Left And The Other On Extreme Right Of Container)

Answer : display:inline-block will not create a float issue so there is no need to add clearfix you can also use overflow:hidden instead of display:inline-block .header { display: inline-block; width: 100%; border: 1px solid red; } .playerOne { float: right; } .playerTwo { float: left; } <div class="header"> <div class="playerOne"> Oli </div> <div class="playerTwo"> Matt </div> </div> make it simple with flex .wrapper{ display: flex; justify-content: space-between } <div class="wrapper"><span>1</span><span>2</span></div> The problem is that you are not targeting the proper inline-block element. :) .header > div{ display: inline-block; } .playerOne{ float:right; }

Can I Restore A Single Table From A Full Mysql Mysqldump File?

Answer : You can try to use sed in order to extract only the table you want. Let say the name of your table is mytable and the file mysql.dump is the file containing your huge dump: $ sed -n -e '/CREATE TABLE.*`mytable`/,/Table structure for table/p' mysql.dump > mytable.dump This will copy in the file mytable.dump what is located between CREATE TABLE mytable and the next CREATE TABLE corresponding to the next table. You can then adjust the file mytable.dump which contains the structure of the table mytable , and the data (a list of INSERT ). I used a modified version of uloBasEI's sed command. It includes the preceding DROP command, and reads until mysql is done dumping data to your table (UNLOCK). Worked for me (re)importing wp_users to a bunch of Wordpress sites. sed -n -e '/DROP TABLE.*`mytable`/,/UNLOCK TABLES/p' mydump.sql > tabledump.sql This can be done more easily? This is how I did it: Create a temporary database (e.g. restore): ...

Dfs Library In Python Code Example

Example: dfs python ############### # The Algorithm ( In English ) : # 1 ) Pick any node . # 2 ) If it is unvisited , mark it as visited and recur on all its # adjacent nodes . # 3 ) Repeat until all the nodes are visited , or the node to be # searched is found . # The graph below ( declared as a Python dictionary ) # is from the linked website and is used for the sake of # testing the algorithm . Obviously , you will have your own # graph to iterate through . graph = { 'A' : [ 'B' , 'C' ] , 'B' : [ 'D' , 'E' ] , 'C' : [ 'F' ] , 'D' : [ ] , 'E' : [ 'F' ] , 'F' : [ ] } visited = set ( ) # Set to keep track of visited nodes . ################## # The Algorithm ( In Code ) def dfs ( visited , graph , node ) : if node not in visited : print ( node ) visited . add (...

Android Bitmap Image Size In XML

Answer : Only API 23 or later Just use <item android:width="200dp" android:height="200dp" android:drawable="@drawable/splash_background" android:gravity="center" /> instead <item android:left="200dp" android:right="200dp"> <bitmap android:src="@drawable/splash_background" android:gravity="center" /> </item> Although there is no width and height parameters for bitmap, you can set bitmap size using gravity and item width/height. <item android:width="230dp" android:height="70dp"> <bitmap android:gravity="fill_horizontal|fill_vertical" android:src="@drawable/screen" /> </item> You can set item width and height and scale bitmap inside of it using gravity. I know this is old question but maybe someone will find it useful. WARNING: As already ...

Css Image In Background Code Example

Example 1: css background image background-image : url ( "image.png" ) ; background-position : center ; background-repeat : no-repeat ; background-size : cover ; Example 2: css background image body { background-image : url ( "paper.gif" ) ; }

Css Grid Wrap Columns Code Example

Example: css grid wrap columns Use this if you are trying to wrap your rows in css grid like with flex-wrap. grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, < your-size > px);

88 Cm To Inches Code Example

Example: cm to inch 1 cm = 0.3937 inch

Create Element Javascript With Class Code Example

Example 1: create element javascript with class // create div element by javascript with class var div = document . createElement ( 'div' ) ; div . className = "div1" ; Example 2: javascript create element with class Let suppose we are creating a div using javascript create element // create a new div element var newDiv = document . createElement ( "div" ) ; // assigning class name to the new div newDiv . className = "className" ; Example 3: javascript create class class Person { constructor ( name , age ) { this . name = name ; this . age = age ; } present = ( ) => { //or present(){ console . log ( `Hi! i'm ${} and i'm ${this.age} years old` ) } } let me = new Person ( "tsuy" , 15 ) ; me . present ( ) ; // -> Hi! i'm tsuy and i'm 15 years old. Example 4: js create element with class var element = document . createElement ( "span" ) ; element . clas...

How To Extract Data From Xml File Using Python Code Example

Example: how to read ome xml file in python showinf - omexml - only / path / to / file / myFile . ome . tif >> path / to / output / myFile . ome . xml

How To Set Display:block Using Jquery Code Example

Example 1: jquery display none The correct way to do this is to use show and hide : $ ( '#id' ) . hide ( ) ; $ ( '#id' ) . show ( ) ; An alternate way is to use the jQuery css method : $ ( "#id" ) . css ( "display" , "none" ) ; $ ( "#id" ) . css ( "display" , "block" ) ; Example 2: display none in jquery // The correct way to do this is to use show and hide : <div id= "check" > <h3> Hello we check hide / show by jquery </h3> </div> //Syntex $ ( '#yourid' ) . hide ( ) ; $ ( '#yourid' ) . show ( ) ; // Example $ ( '#check' ) . hide ( ) ; $ ( '#check' ) . show ( ) ; // Alternate way is to use the jQuery by css method : //Syntex $ ( "#yourid" ) . css ( "display" , "none" ) ; $ ( "#yourid" ) . css ( "display" , "block" ) ; //Example $ ( "#clear" ) . css ( "display...

Ag-grid Height=100% Collapsed

Answer : This is almost certainly due to you having DOCTYPE html in your html file. If you do, then you need to ensure that the grids container has a non-0 height to fill, otherwise it will appear as a flat line as you've found. This is not an ag-Grid specific issue - it's a side effect of not having quirks mode in use. The easiest thing for you to do is this: <style> html, body { width: 100%; height: 100%; } This StackOverflow Question/Answer explains the underlying issue pretty well You shall try setting the autoHeight of the ag-grid, by setting the DomLayout . See the sample code below for angular. onGridReady(params) { this.gridApi = params.api; this.gridColumnApi = params.columnApi; //The ag-grid is not enlarging based on the page height, //so dynamically adjusting the height of the grid this.gridApi.setDomLayout("autoHeight"); } For reference see this

Button Href In Html Code Example

Example 1: href on a button < button onclick = " window.location.href= ' /page2 ' " > Continue </ button > Example 2: html button link < button > < a href = ' ' alt = ' Broken Link ' > This is a button </ a > </ button > Example 3: buton html href <!-- if you are on Window : --> < button onclick = " window.location.href= ' page2.html ' " > Button </ button > <!-- if you are on linux or macOS : --> < button onclick = " location.href= ' page2.html ' " > Button </ button > Example 4: add link behind a button in html <! DOCTYPE html > < html > < head > < title > Title of the document </ title > </ head > < body > < form > < input type = " button " onclick = " window.location.href = ' https://www.w3...

Android Notifications Triggered By Alarm Manager Not Firing When App Is In Doze Mode

Answer : Adding an intent Flag FLAG_RECEIVER_FOREGROUND prior to calling the broadcast receiver should do the trick Intent intent = new Intent(context, ScheduleAllReceiver.class); intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_FOREGROUND); PendingIntent scheduleAllPendingIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, SCHEDULER_DAILY_ALL, intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT); I have faced the similar problems. I tried with work manager but the result was same. When phone is locked and is in doze mode the event are not triggered. But for triggering event at exact time you need to use alarm manager only. It should work even in doze mode. Method to register alarm manger (use set exact time instead of repeating) public static void registerAlarm(Context context){ final int FIVE_MINUTES_IN_MILLI = 300000; final int THIRTY_SECOND_IN_MILLI = 30000; long launchTime = System.currentTimeMill...

Decompiler Online C Code Example

Example: c compiler online i reccomend online gdb https : //

Transparent Buttons Css Code Example

Example 1: css button transparent button { background-color : Transparent ; background-repeat : no-repeat ; border : none ; cursor : pointer ; overflow : hidden ; outline : none ; } Example 2: transparent button css button { background-color : rgba ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 0 ) ; } Example 3: button transparent using css <button type="submit" name="submitDetails" > Submit Data</button > <style > button { background-color : rgba ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 0 ) ; } </style>

Html Href W3schools Code Example

Example 1: html a href <a href= "" >Link text</a> Example 2: a href tag Actually href is a html attribute , which is used for passing page url to the a tag. Example <a href= "url" >Click here</a>

Convert JQuery Code To JavaScript Online Tool Code Example

Example 1: jquery to js converter online //it works for small pieces of code, you still have to do most by hand. Just like you do at night https : / / properprogramming . com / tools / jquery - to - javascript - converter / Example 2: jquery to javascript converter online There is no i guess : D

Unity 2d Animation Package Code Example

Example: unity animation 2d c# using UnityEngine ; using System . Collections ; public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour { public Animation anim ; void Start ( ) { anim = GetComponent < Animation > ( ) ; foreach ( AnimationState state in anim ) { state . speed = 0.5F ; } } }

How To Scan A Character In C Code Example

Example: how make a character in c scanf scanf ( " %c" , & c ) ;