
Showing posts from March, 2012

How To Add Style To Active Link In Html Code Example

Example: link active css a :active { background-color : #34D399 ; }

CSS Writing Modes

CSS Writing Modes is a CSS module that defines various international writing modes, such as left-to-right (e.g. used by Latin and Indic scripts), right-to-left (e.g. used by Hebrew or Arabic scripts), bidirectional (used when mixing left-to-right and right-to-left scripts) and vertical (e.g. used by some Asian scripts). Reference Properties direction glyph-orientation-horizontal text-combine-upright text-orientation unicode-bidi writing-mode Specifications Specification Status Comment CSS Writing Modes Module Level 3 Proposed Recommendation CSS Level 2 (Revision 1) Recommendation CSS Level 1 Recommendation Initial definition

How To Make Round Image Css Code Example

Example: how to round the edges of an image in HTML img .rounded-corners { border-radius : 30 px ; }

Count Length Array Php Code Example

Example 1: php array length count ( $myArray ) ; Example 2: php length of array <?php $arr = [ "one" , "two" , "three" , "four" ] ; echo count ( $arr ) ; ?> Example 3: php array lenght <?php $cars = array ( "Volvo" , "BMW" , "Toyota" ) ; echo count ( $cars ) ; ?> Example 4: array length php // $a = array ( 1 , 3 , 5 ) ; echo count ( $a ) ; // -> 3

Add Python Path To Environment Variables Code Example

Example 1: add python to path windows 10 To add Python to the Windows Path , follow these steps : 1 . Start the Run box and enter sysdm . cpl 2 . In the System Properties window go to the Advanced tab and click the Environment Variables button 3 . In the System variable window , find the Path variable and click Edit 4 . Position your cursor at the end of the Variable value line and add the path to the python . exe file , preceeded with the semicolon character ( ; ) Example 2: python path to python executable >> > import sys >> > print ( sys . executable ) C : \path\to\python . exe Example 3: add python to path # On linux $ which python ; # Get Path of the executable $ export PATH = $PATH : { PATH_PYTHON } ; # but it isn't continue # ---------------------- $ which python ; # Get Path of the executable export PATH = $PATH : { PATH_PYTHON } ; # add in your ~/.bashrc or your ~/.zshrc

Can You Beat The British Intelligence? (Nonogram Solver)

Answer : Haskell, 242 230 201 199 177 163 160 149 131 bytes import Data.Lists m=map a#b=[x|x<-m(chunk$length b).mapM id$[0,1]<$(a>>b),g x==a,g(transpose x)==b] g=m$list[0]id.m sum.wordsBy(<1) Finally under 200 bytes, credit to @Bergi. Huge thanks to @nimi for helping almost halving the size. Wow. Almost at half size now, partly because of me but mainly because of @nimi. The magic function is (#) . It finds all solutions of a given nonogram. This is able to solve all cases, but may be super slow, since it's complexity is about O(2^(len a * len b)) . A quick benchmark revealed 86GB allocated for a 5x5 nonogram. Fun fact: It works for all nonograms, not only square ones. How it works: a#b : Given lists of lists of integers which represent the number of squares, generate all grids ( map(chunk$length b).mapM id$a>>b>>[[0,1]] ) and filter the results to keep only the valid ones. g : Given a potential nonogram it sums the runs of 1's...

Angular 2 Is Not Sending The Request

Answer : Since the post method of the Http class returns an observable you need to subscribe it to execute its initialization processing. Observables are lazy. You should have a look at this video for more details: You must subscribe to the returned observable if you want the call to execute. See also the Http documentation. Always subscribe! An HttpClient method does not begin its HTTP request until you call subscribe() on the observable returned by that method. This is true for all HttpClient methods . The AsyncPipe subscribes (and unsubscribes) for you automatically. All observables returned from HttpClient methods are cold by design. Execution of the HTTP request is deferred , allowing you to extend the observable with additional operations such as tap and catchError before anything actually happens. Calling subscribe(...) triggers execution of the observable and causes HttpClient to compose an...

Dynamic Width Element Css Code Example

Example: css dynamic width <div style= "width:100%;" > <div style= "width:50px; float: left;" ><img src= "myleftimage" /></div> <div style= "width:50px; float: right;" ><img src= "myrightimage" /></div> <div style= "display:block; margin-left:auto; margin-right: auto;" >Content Goes Here</div> </div>

Android Dual SIM Signal Strength

Answer : For this particular version of TelephonyManager, instead of using TelephonyManager.listen (phoneStateListener, state) which only listens on the default SIM, you may try using 2 instances of your PhoneStateListener, and call TelephonyManager.listenGemini (phoneStateListener1, state, 0) for the 1st SIM, and TelephonyManager.listenGemini (phoneStateListener2, state, 1) for the 2nd SIM, where the third parameter for listenGemini is the SIM number. Thanks for the answer headuck! I have not tried your solution, but i found my own solution which worked. It is possible to use a different constructor for the TelephonyManager where you can pass in the sim card slot you want control over: MultiSimClass = Class.forName("android.telephony.MultiSimTelephonyManager"); for (Constructor<?> constructor : MultiSimClass.getConstructors()){ if (constructor.getParameterTypes().length == 2){ try { multiSimTeleph...

Can I Use Two 7805 ICs In Parallel To Get Double Current Capacity?

Answer : As others have already said, paralleling multiple linear voltage regulators is a bad idea. However here is a way to effectively increase the current capability of a single linear regulator: At low currents, there is little voltage across R1. This keeps Q1 off, and things work as before. When the current builds up to around 700 mA, there will be enough voltage across R1 to start turning on Q1. This dumps some current onto the output. The regulator now needs to pass less current itself. Most additional current demand will be taken up by the transistor, not the regulator. The regulator still provides the regulation and acts as the voltage reference for the circuit to work. The drawback of this is the extra voltage drop across R1. This might be 750 mV or so at full output current of the combined regulator circuit. If IC1 has a minimum input voltage of 7.5 V, then IN must now be at 8.3 V or so minimum. A Better Way Use a buck regulator already! Consider the...

Get Component = Component Unity Code Example

Example 1: how to get component in unity c# GetComponent < Rigidbody > ( ) ; //used to find component on character (rigid body can be changed) GameObject . FindGameObjectWithTag ( "player" ) ; //finds any game object in the scene with this tag Example 2: unity gameobject.getcomponent rb = GetComponent < Rigidbody > ( ) ;

Can't Zoom Out In Visual Studio Code

Answer : On-Screen keyboard did not work for me. But managed to click the reset zoom setting under View>Appearance>Reset Zoom. Zoom Out option was not working. However, Zoom was reset after clicking Reset Zoom option. Found the solution by opening the on-screen keyboard, activating the numeric pad, and using its - . The - is not working on my laptop. On my installation the keyboard shortcuts are working as stated in documentation ( CTRL + - ). For a workaround you can perhaps use the menu items under View > Zoom Out as also written in documentation in Chapter Zoom.

Cron To Human Readable String

Answer : A Java library that converts cron expressions into human readable strings: Well yes I did understand your question. But I should have explained my answer a little better. No I don’t know any tool that will help you get a cron expression in “human” readable form. But by getting access to the CronExpression you can create you own. Try calling cronTrigger.getExpressionSummary() on the cron expression: "0/2 * * 4 * ?" it returns the following String: seconds: 0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,30,32,34,36,38,40,42,44,46,48,50,52,54,56,58 minutes: * hours: * daysOfMonth: 4 months: * daysOfWeek: ? lastdayOfWeek: false nearestWeekday: false NthDayOfWeek: 0 lastdayOfMonth: false calendardayOfWeek: false calendardayOfMonth: false years: * By having access to the CronExpression object, you can create your own "human" explenation. cron-utils may be useful for this task, since provides human readable descriptions and does ...

Bootstrap Table Striped: How Do I Change The Stripe Background Colour?

Answer : Add the following CSS style after loading Bootstrap: .table-striped>tbody>tr:nth-child(odd)>td, .table-striped>tbody>tr:nth-child(odd)>th { background-color: red; // Choose your own color here } .table-striped > tbody > tr:nth-child(2n+1) > td, .table-striped > tbody > tr:nth-child(2n+1) > th { background-color: red; } change this line in bootstrap.css or you could use (odd) or (even) instead of (2n+1) If you are using Bootstrap 3, you can use Florin's method, or use a custom CSS file. If you use Bootstrap less source instead of processed css files, you can directly change it in bootstrap/less/variables.less . Find something like: //** Background color used for `.table-striped`. @table-bg-accent: #f9f9f9;

Css ::marker Example

The ::marker CSS pseudo-element selects the marker box of a list item, which typically contains a bullet or number. It works on any element or pseudo-element set to display: list-item , such as the <li> and <summary> elements. ::marker { color : blue ; font-size : 1.2em ; } Allowable properties Only certain CSS properties can be used in a rule with ::marker as a selector: All font properties The white-space property color text-combine-upright , unicode-bidi and direction properties The content property All animation and transition properties The specification states that additional CSS properties may be supported in future. Syntax ::marker Examples HTML < ul > < li > Peaches </ li > < li > Apples </ li > < li > Plums </ li > </ ul > CSS ul li::marker { color : red ; font-size : 1.5em ; } Result Specifications Specification Status Comment CSS Pseudo-Elements Level 4 The defi...

Gradient Color In Background Css Code Example

Example 1: linear gradient css /* A gradient tilted 100 degrees, starting gray and finishing black */ .class { background : linear-gradient ( 100 deg , rgba ( 63 , 63 , 63 , 0.8 ) 0 % , rgba ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 0 ) 25 % ) ; } /* A gradient going from the bottom to top starting red and finishing orange */ .class { background : linear-gradient ( to top , #f32b60 , #ff8f1f ) ; } Example 2: gradient css background /*From bottom to top*/ background : rgb ( 166 , 166 , 166 ) ; background : linear-gradient ( 0 deg , rgba ( 166 , 166 , 166 , 1 ) 0 % , rgba ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 1 ) 29 % ) ; Example 3: double color background css background : linear-gradient ( <angle> , color1 color1-stop-at , color2 color2-start-at ) ;

Apple - Allow Button Not Working In System Preferences

Answer : This worked for me on High Sierra 10.13.4 : System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Select 'All Controls' Then: System Preferences > Privacy & Security > Press 'Tab' until 'Allow' is selected > Press 'Spacebar' *Note: the Privacy & Security page may need to be unlocked before 'Tab' will work. *Note: After open Security & Privacy and selecting General tab you should push tab key to select allow button after that push space bar key! Hope this helps! Credit to @dansanduleac's answer on GitHub If you are connecting to the computer remotely with software such as TeamViewer, VNC etc. it will not work, because macOS doesn’t allow you to press “Allow” button through other applications. You have to directly press that button with your trackpad. We can use Apple Script to click on the Allow button as follows: Press Shift Command 4 to start screen capture (but don't actually go t...

Add Bootstrap Glyphicon To Input Box

Answer : Without Bootstrap: We'll get to Bootstrap in a second, but here's the fundamental CSS concepts in play in order to do this yourself. As beard of prey points out, you can do this with CSS by absolutely positioning the icon inside of the input element. Then add padding to either side so the text doesn't overlap with the icon. So for the following HTML: <div class=" inner-addon left-addon "> <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-user"></i> <input type="text" class="form-control" /> </div> You can use the following CSS to left and right align glyphs: /* enable absolute positioning */ .inner-addon { position: relative; } /* style icon */ .inner-addon .glyphicon { position: absolute; padding: 10px; pointer-events: none; } /* align icon */ .left-addon .glyphicon { left: 0px;} .right-addon .glyphicon { right: 0px;} /* add padding */ .left-addon input { padding-left: 30p...

.count Function Python Pandas Not A Value In A Row Code Example

Example: pandas count rows with value len ( df [ df [ 'score' ] == 1.0 ] )

Discord Colored Text Generator Code Example

Example 1: css discord color guide Default : # 839496 ``` NoKeyWordsHere ``` Quote : # 586e75 ```brainfuck NoKeyWordsHere ``` Solarized Green : # 859900 ```CSS NoKeyWordsHere ``` Solarized Cyan : # 2 aa198 ```yaml NoKeyWordsHere ``` Solarized Blue : # 268 bd2 ```md NoKeyWordsHere ``` Solarized Yellow : #b58900 ```fix NoKeyWordsHere ``` Solarized Orange : #cb4b16 ```glsl NoKeyWordsHere ``` Solarized Red : #dc322f ```diff - NoKeyWordsHere ``` Example 2: css discord color guide And here is the escaped Default : # 839496 ``` This is a for statement ``` Quote : # 586e75 ```bash # This is a for statement ``` Solarized Green : # 859900 ```diff + This is a for statement ``` //Second Way to do it ```diff ! This is a for statement ``` Solarized Cyan : # 2 aa198 ```cs "This is a for statement" ``` ```cs 'This is a for statement' ``` Solarized Blue : # 268 bd2 ```ini [ This is a for statement ] ``` //Second Way to do it ```asciido...

Android - Resource Linking Failed / Failed Linking References

Answer : Solution 1: Set your compileSdkVersion to 28 and let Android Studio download the needed files. If you already targetting this version, you could try cleaning your project and sync your gradle files. In my case, I made two custom backgrounds which were not recognised. I removed the <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> tag from the top of those two XML resources file. This worked for me, after trying many solutions from the community. Errors with XML files are quite hard to figure out. They even trickle their impact down to Java files.

6ft To Inches Code Example

Example: foot to inch 1 foot = 12 inches

Concatenation Meaning Code Example

Example 1: concatenation "con" + "cat" + "e" + "nate" Example 2: concatenation the process of adding strings / chars together to make a larger string ie: String str = "cat"; Char letter = 's'; String newWord = str + letter; ==> newWord == "cats"

A Symbol For The Quotient Of Two Objects

Answer : How about using \left , \right , and \raisebox ? \newcommand{\bigslant}[2]{{\raisebox{.2em}{$#1$}\left/\raisebox{-.2em}{$#2$}\right.}} \begin{equation} \bigslant{\mathcal{O}_{(V',0)}}{\mathcal{O}_{(V,0)}} \end{equation} which gives The only problem is that I need to re-enter mathmode inside the \raisebox es. Anyone know how to avoid that? If you want to invoke the Someone Else's Problem principle, there's also the faktor package, which ostensibly was designed to do what you want, and which implements using the AMS symbol \diagup . But IMHO the slash is a bit small. For in-line expressions, you can also consider the nicefrac package, which makes both the "denominator" and "numerator" small. As already mentioned, there are two packages to solve this problem: xfrac - typeset fractions in the form n/d generally faktor - especially to typeset factor structures Here is a comparison between the \sfrac{n}{d} and \faktor{n}{d} ...