
Showing posts from July, 2012

CSS To Set A4 Paper Size

Answer : I looked into this a bit more and the actual problem seems to be with assigning initial to page width under the print media rule. It seems like in Chrome width: initial on the .page element results in scaling of the page content if no specific length value is defined for width on any of the parent elements ( width: initial in this case resolves to width: auto ... but actually any value smaller than the size defined under the @page rule causes the same issue). So not only the content is now too long for the page (by about 2cm ), but also the page padding will be slightly more than the initial 2cm and so on (it seems to render the contents under width: auto to the width of ~196mm and then scale the whole content up to the width of 210mm ~ but strangely exactly the same scaling factor is applied to contents with any width smaller than 210mm ). To fix this problem you can simply in the print media rule assign the A4 paper width and hight to html, body or direct...

Increase Height Breakpoint Bootstrap Code Example

Example 1: bootstrap media queries /* Large desktops and laptops */ @media ( min-width : 1200 px ) { } /* Landscape tablets and medium desktops */ @media ( min-width : 992 px ) and ( max-width : 1199 px ) { } /* Portrait tablets and small desktops */ @media ( min-width : 768 px ) and ( max-width : 991 px ) { } /* Landscape phones and portrait tablets */ @media ( max-width : 767 px ) { } /* Portrait phones and smaller */ @media ( max-width : 480 px ) { } Example 2: bootstrap media queries /* Answer to: "bootstrap media queries" */ /* Since Bootstrap is developed to be mobile first, the use a handful of media queries to create sensible breakpoints for their layouts and interfaces. These breakpoints are mostly based on minimum viewport widths and allow scaling up elements as the viewport changes. Bootstrap primarily uses the following media query ranges—or breakpoints—in their source Sass files for their layout, grid system, and components...

Convertisseur Youtube Vers Mp3 Code Example

Example: youtube mp3 converter You can use WebTools, it's an addon that gather the most useful and basic tools such as a synonym dictionary, a dictionary, a translator, a youtube convertor, a speedtest and many others (there are ten of them). You can access them in two clics, without having to open a new tab and without having to search for them ! -Chrome Link : Firefox link :

1/2 Inch To Cm Code Example

Example: inch to cm 1 inch = 2.54 cm

Shorthand If Statement Python Code Example

Example 1: python if else short version x = 10 if a > b else 11 Example 2: short if python a = '123' if b else '456' Example 3: shorthand python if # Traditional Ternary Operatorcan_vote = ( age >= 18 ) true : false ; # Python Ternary Operatorcan_vote = True if age >= 18 else False

Wait System Call C Code Example

Example: wait function in c sleep ( /*How many seconds do you want to wait*/ ) ;

How To Show Image Center In Div Code Example

Example 1: centre align image in div body { margin : 0 ; } #over img { margin-left : auto ; margin-right : auto ; display : block ; } Example 2: position images in center of container .image-container { width : 500 px ; height : 500 px ; position : relative ; } .image-container img { position : absolute ; right : 0 ; left : 0 ; top : 0 ; bottom : 0 ; margin : auto auto ; }

Bootstrap Radio Button Yes No Code Example

Example: bootstrap radio buttons Bootstrap’s . button styles can be applied to other elements , such as < label > s , to provide checkbox or radio style button toggling . Add data - toggle = "buttons" to a . btn - group containing those modified buttons to enable their toggling behavior via JavaScript and add . btn - group - toggle to style the < input > s within your buttons . Note that you can create single input - powered buttons or groups of them . The checked state for these buttons is only updated via click event on the button . If you use another method to update the input—e . g . , with < input type = "reset" > or by manually applying the input’s checked property—you’ll need to toggle . active on the < label > manually . Note that pre - checked buttons require you to manually add the . active class to the input’s < label > . < div class = "btn-group-toggle" data - toggle = "buttons...

Borderstyle Flutter Code Example

Example: border side in flutter import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; void main() { runApp(MyApp()); } class MyApp extends StatelessWidget { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Center( child: Container( child: Text( "This is a Boder with One Side", textDirection: TextDirection.ltr, style: TextStyle(color:, ), padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 100.0, horizontal: 100.0), decoration: BoxDecoration( border: Border( top: BorderSide(width: 16.0, color: Colors.lightBlue.shade600), bottom: BorderSide(width: 16.0, color: Colors.lightBlue.shade900), ), color: Colors.white, ), ), ); } }

How To Add A Bottom Border In Css Code Example

Example 1: css border bottom .bottomBorder { /* width style color */ border-bottom : 5 px solid black ; } Example 2: css border botttom div { border-bottom : 4 px dashed blue ; background-color : gold ; height : 100 px ; width : 100 px ; font-weight : bold ; text-align : center ; }

Javascript Int.parse Code Example

Example 1: how to convert string to int js let string = "1" ; let num = parseInt ( string ) ; //num will equal 1 as a int Example 2: intval js parseInt ( value ) ; let string = "321" console . log ( string ) ; // "321" <= string let number = parseInt ( string ) ; console . log ( number ) // 321 <=int Example 3: Javascript string to int var myInt = parseInt ( "10.256" ) ; //10 var myFloat = parseFloat ( "10.256" ) ; //10.256 Example 4: string to int javascript var text = '42px' ; var integer = parseInt ( text , 10 ) ; // returns 42 Example 5: string to number javascript new Number ( valeur ) ; var a = new Number ( '123' ) ; // a === 123 donnera false var b = Number ( '123' ) ; // b === 123 donnera true a instanceof Number ; // donnera true b instanceof Number ; // donnera false Example 6: javascript pareseint parseInt ( string , radix ) ; console . log ( par...

Jquery .class Contains Code Example

Example 1: jquery hasclass if ( $ ( " #foo " ) .hasClass ( 'className' ) ) { $ ( "#foo" ) . removeClass ( 'className' ) ; } else { $ ( "#foo" ) . addClass ( 'className' ) ; } Example 2: detect if an element has a class jQurey $ ( "#EL_ID" ) . hasClass ( "CLASS_NAME" ) ; Example 3: jquery hasclass $ ( "#mydiv" ) . hasClass ( "foo" )

Arduino Millis Micros Code Example

Example 1: arduino millis() /*Description Returns the number of milliseconds passed since the Arduino board began running the current program. This number will overflow (go back to zero), after approximately 50 days. Syntax */ time = millis ( ) ; Example 2: arduino millis /*Description Returns the number of milliseconds passed since the Arduino board began running the current program. This number will overflow (go back to zero), after approximately 50 days. Syntax */ time = millis ( ) /* Returns Number of milliseconds passed since the program started. Return Data type: unsigned long. */

Create Mkvirtualenv Python3.8 Code Example

Example 1: creating venv python3 # CREATE FOLDER FOR A PROJECT mkdir project_folder cd project_folder # CREATE VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENT python3 . 7 - m venv myvenv # or alternativelly virtualenv myvenv - - python = python3 . 7 # ACTIVATE VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENT source myvenv / bin / activate Example 2: create virtualenv python3 python3 - m venv / path / to / new / virtual / environment

Global Variables Unity Code Example

Example: unity global variable // When I want a really global variable what I do is to make a // static class to store this variables, like this: public static class GlobalVariables { public static float pathLength ; } // This way every single script in my game could access this // variable just writing: GlobalVariables . pathLength = 1.0f ; GlobalVariables . pathLength += SegmentLength ;

Android Material Switch Code Example

Example: switch material android tutorial // To check a switch switchMaterial . isChecked = true // To listen for a switch's checked/unchecked state changes switchMaterial . setOnCheckedChangeListener { buttonView , isChecked // Responds to switch being checked/unchecked }

&nbsp Example

Example 1: leading spaces html <!-- Add leading white space in front of text --> &nbsp ; Hello World <!-- Output : ' Hello World' --> Example 2: html space tag non-breaking space = &nbsp ; < less than = &lt ; > greater than = &gt ; & ampersand = &amp ;

Html Attributes List Cheat Sheet Code Example

Example: html cheat sheet <!-- Answer to : "html cheat sheet" --> <!-- An image of a useful HTML Cheat Sheet : https : // 2014 / 09 /html5-cheat-sheet.png -->

Convert Code From Python To Java Code Example

Example 1: python to java converter try jython , Refer : https : / / www . jython . org Example 2: convert python code to java for i in range ( 2 , len ( array ) ) :

How To Underline In Latex Code Example

Example: underline in latex \underline { science }

How To Add Component Unity Code Example

Example 1: Add component object to gameobject unity //to add a new ridgidbody gameobject . AddComponent < Rigidbody > ( ) ; //to add a new meshCollider gameobject . AddComponent < MeshCollider > ( ) ; //Original answer by MakerBenjammin6, cleanup by me. Example 2: unity add component //Use the AddComponent<T>() Method to add a component to your gameobject GameObject gameObject ; gameObject . AddComponent < BoxCollider > ( ) ; //Component has to be an actual Unity component Example 3: On add component unity void Reset ( ) { //Your code here } Example 4: how to add a componet to a gameobject throgh code unity //This uses C# and unity //to add a ridgidbody gameobject . addComponet < ridgidbody > ( ) ; //to add a meshCollider gameobject . addComponet < MeshCollider > ( ) ; //check out my profile

How To Return A Array In C++ Code Example

Example 1: return array from function c++ # include <iostream> using namespace std ; int * fun ( ) { int * arr = new int [ 100 ] ; /* Some operations on arr[] */ arr [ 0 ] = 10 ; arr [ 1 ] = 20 ; return arr ; } int main ( ) { int * ptr = fun ( ) ; cout << ptr [ 0 ] << " " << ptr [ 1 ] ; return 0 ; } Example 2: cpp return array int * fillarr ( int arr [ ] , int length ) { for ( int i = 0 ; i < length ; ++ i ) { // arr[i] = ? // do what you want to do here } return arr ; } // then where you want to use it. int main ( ) { int arr [ 5 ] ; int * arr2 ; arr2 = fillarr ( arr , 5 ) ; } // at this point, arr & arr2 are basically the same, just slightly // different types. You can cast arr to a (char*) and it'll be the same. Example 3: c++ function return array # include <iostream> # include <c...