
Showing posts from December, 2012

Strcmp And Strcmpi In C Code Example

Example 1: strcmp c // use: strcmp(string1, string2); string a = "words" ; string b = "words" ; if ( strcmp ( a , b ) == 0 ) { printf ( "a and b match" ) ; // strcmp returns 0 if both strings match } else { printf ( "a and b don't match" ) ; // strcmp returns anything else if the strings dont match } Example 2: strcmp in c # include <stdio.h> # include <string.h> int main ( ) { char str1 [ ] = "abcd" , str2 [ ] = "abCd" , str3 [ ] = "abcd" ; int result ; // comparing strings str1 and str2 result = strcmp ( str1 , str2 ) ; printf ( "strcmp(str1, str2) = %d\n" , result ) ; // comparing strings str1 and str3 result = strcmp ( str1 , str3 ) ; printf ( "strcmp(str1, str3) = %d\n" , result ) ; return 0 ; }

Can't Install Levenshtein Distance Package On Windows Python 3.5

Answer : While not solving your problem directly, you should be able to install the library using the excellent unofficial Windows binary reposistory here: Download the .whl file and install it using pip: pip install python_Levenshtein-0.12.0-cp35-none-win_amd64.whl As for the error, I agree with Rogalski. You likely need a C compiler installed (like the free Visual Studio Community Edition). Edit: Sorry, I just noticed that this has already been suggested in one of your linked questions here: - I hope it helps anyway! Had a similar issue, solved by installing another related library: python-Levenshtein-wheels ; pip install python-Levenshtein-wheels In case you are using Anaconda, try: conda install -c conda-forge python-levenshtein

Adding A Watch App To A Flutter IOS Application

Answer : Flutter doesn't support Apple Watch apps due to the fact that it lacks Bitcode support for iOS as discussed in this GitHub issue. You can track the state of Adding Bitcode support for iOS - Flutter GitHub issue, but currently it seems to have a low priority for the Flutter development team. looks like apple watch development is supported in flutter now. here is an example:

Convert Int To String In Python Code Example

Example 1: int to string python # Use the function str ( ) to turn an integer into a string integer = 123 string = str ( integer ) string # Output : # '123' Example 2: how to make an int into a string python int x = 10 string p = str ( x ) Example 3: concatenate int to string python string = 'string' for i in range ( 11 ) : string += str ( i ) print string Example 4: make int into string python number = 12 string_number = str ( number ) Example 5: convert int to string python num = 333333 print ( str ( num ) ) Example 6: to str python >> > str ( 10 ) '10' >> > int ( '10' ) 10

Lru Cache Gfg Practice Code Example

Example: lru cache gfg List < int > queue , map < int , int > mp

Correct Usage Of A Spinner, Following Material Design Guidelines

Answer : A spinner will be automatically themed correctly for the Material Guidelines when your App Theme inherits from Material.Theme (or Appcompat). You can then declare and populate your spinner like described here: In Android Studio you can find the Spinner in the section "Widgets" at the bottom. I wrote an article here: There is No Material Design Spinner for Android covering usage, styling, data-binding, etc. of the material design "spinner".

Converting AVI Encoded File With An IMM5 Codec

Answer : If all else fails, you can try Virtualdub: It offers the option to export to a series of BMP files, which you can then stitch together using a more common codec. Did some googling, and IMM5 seems like a pretty obscure format, possibly without open-source implementation, too. How about (and this is really the last option) using a desktop recorder tool (Fraps, VLC - yes, it can do that too.) and recording the video as it plays in that "BackupPlayer"? Since it's CCTV footage, it's probably low-resolution and framerate anyway, so you shouldn't have any noticable quality loss when doing that. This obscure format seems to be produced by a number of DVRs that use the Infinity encoding chip. The references that I have found relate to the IMM4 codec, but may still be worth trying. The article IMM4 Codec and MEncoder describes how the author converted IMM4 video to other formats, so my advice is to read it carefully. The codec was found t...

Consolelog In Php Code Example

Example 1: php console log // Assuming you are wishing to log to the JS Console... <?php function consoleLog ( $msg ) { echo '<script type="text/javascript">' . 'console.log(' . $msg . ');</script>' ; } consoleLog ( 'Hello, console!' ) ; ?> Example 2: console.log in php /* console.log in php */ <?php function consoleLog ( $message ) { echo '<script type="text/javascript">' . 'console.log(' . $message . ');</script>' ; } consoleLog ( 'Hello, greppers!' ) ; ?> Example 3: php print to console < script > console . log ( <?= json_encode ( $foo ) ; ?> ) ; </ script >

Crontab Every 10 Seconds Code Example

Example: cron job every 10 seconds */10 * * * * * will run every 10 sec.

Android Based On Which Language Code Example

Example: what language is android written in Java, C, xml, Python

Css Text Decoration Underline Thickness Code Example

Example: how to change the underline thickness in css text-decoration-thickness : 3 px ; text-decoration-thickness : 5 % ;

All GIT Patches I Create Throw Fatal: Unrecognized Input

Answer : There is format problem in patch file. To fixthe path file: Open your patch file in notepad++ then enter these two menus: Encoding/Convert to UTF-8 Edit/EOL conversion/Unix (LF) Run: git apply --reject --whitespace=fix your_patch.patch Updated You might have a file which was not encoded to UTF-8. To fix that on *nix systems (MacOS, Linux etc.) iconv -f ascii -t utf-8 fix.patch -o fix_utf8.patch For windows you can try: Get-Content .\fix.patch | Set-Content -Encoding utf8 fix_utf8.patch If your file may already have color codes in it you can try: git apply --reject --whitespace myfile.patch Passing in color param seems to fix the problem. git diff HEAD --color=never > fix.patch And now check returns no error message. git apply fix.patch --check Changing my .gitconfig file from [color] ui = always change to always [color] ui = auto Fixed my problem so I do not have to pass color option when diffing to patch file. UPDATE: ...

Cannot Import .tsx File From .ts File (and Vice Versa)

Answer : When you write import WriteEditor from './write_editor'; Webpack will automatically look for ./write_editor ./write_editor.js ./write_editor.json (And a few others) Since you're using .ts and .tsx , you need to tell it to look for those too in your Webpack config using resolve.extensions : { resolve: { extensions: [".js", ".json", ".ts", ".tsx"], }, } In my case, I got same error when using typescript-eslint . It is an app created by create-react-app . The way is by adding this code in .eslintrc.js . module.exports = { // ... settings: { 'import/resolver': { 'node': { 'extensions': ['.js','.jsx','.ts','.tsx'] } } } };