
Showing posts from January, 2014

Pip Install Anaconda-clean Code Example

Example 1: delete conda from machine conda install anaconda - clean # install the package anaconda clean anaconda - clean -- yes # clean all anaconda related files and directories rm - rf ~ / anaconda3 # removes the entire anaconda directory rm - rf ~ / . anaconda_backup # anaconda clean creates a back_up of files / dirs , remove it # ( conda list ; cmd shouldn ' t respond after the clean up ) Example 2: uninstall anaconda ubuntu # Install anaconda - clean conda install anaconda - clean # start anaconda - clean anaconda - clean -- yes

Pl Sql Substr Code Example

Example 1: plsql left() function SUBSTR ( "20190601" , 0 , 6 ) Example 2: plsql substr SUBSTR ( string , start_position [ , length ] ) Example 3: oracle right characters -- For Oracle only -- syntax SUBSTR ( < main - string > , - < number - of - characters > ) -- example SUBSTR ( 'Useless stuff' , - 9 ) -- OUTPUT : ess stuff -- practical example SELECT SUBSTR ( 'Useless stuff' , - 9 ) FROM DUAL ; Example 4: Subtr Oracle ? /*Using SUBSTR in Oracle (Example from */ /*Simple select query...*/ SELECT DISTINCT city FROM station /*Using WHERE and SUBSTR to find (distinct) cities in station table that begin as well as end with a vowel.*/ WHERE SUBSTR ( city , 1 , 1 ) IN ( 'A' , 'E' , 'I' , 'O' , 'U' ) AND substr ( city , - 1 ) IN ( 'a' , 'e' , 'i' , 'o' , 'u' ) ; /*Parameters for SUBSTR (Substring) in order a...

Stoi() Cpp Code Example

Example 1: convert stirng to int c++ int thing = std :: stoi ( string ) ; Example 2: stoi c++ // stoi example # include <iostream> // std::cout # include <string> // std::string, std::stoi int main ( ) { std :: string str_dec = "2001, A Space Odyssey" ; std :: string str_hex = "40c3" ; std :: string str_bin = "-10010110001" ; std :: string str_auto = "0x7f" ; std :: string :: size_type sz ; // alias of size_t int i_dec = std :: stoi ( str_dec , & sz ) ; int i_hex = std :: stoi ( str_hex , nullptr , 16 ) ; int i_bin = std :: stoi ( str_bin , nullptr , 2 ) ; int i_auto = std :: stoi ( str_auto , nullptr , 0 ) ; std :: cout << str_dec << ": " << i_dec << " and [" << str_dec . substr ( sz ) << "]\n" ; std :: cout << str_hex << ": " << i_hex << ... .doc To .pdf Code Example

Example 1: word to pdf // In menu of word document select "File" // Under File select "Print" // In Print form, expand the "Printer" selection box. // Select "Microsoft Print to PDF" // Click "Print" and select a destination folder to save your PDF Document. Example 2: word to pdf You Can Try pdfcandy

5 Feet 6 Inches In Cm Code Example

Example: 6 foot 5 to cm 6foot 5inches is 195,58 cm

Creating Jar With Intellij 2016 - No Main Manifest Attribute

Answer : I was stucked with the same problem with maven build. When you are creating the artifact from project structure settings (ctrl+alt+shift+S), you have to change manifest directory: <project folder>\src\main\java change java to resources <project folder>\src\main\resources I have also used the option extract to the target JAR, and it's working well. EDIT You can find a detailed step-by-step, an other solutions here: I spent a few days to resolve it. My solution: I loaded a project that present in this answer. Then I compared and corrected settings of the loaded project and my own project. I compared/corrected: Run/Debug Configurations MANIFEST.MF in Progect Structure settings: Project, Modules (mark what is sources, resources and etc), Artifacts. In the end, I placed META-INF in resources directory. Maybe i did excess actions, but it worked for me :) P.S. also need to choose "Inherit project compile output path...

CPU Temperature Sensor Wrong?

Answer : If the fan is very cool and the processor is reporting very hot, I would first suspect the connection between the fan/heatsink and the processor package. Make sure the heatsink is properly seated with thermal paste. Let's get some terminology straight from Lavalys' KB: CPU Diode or Core temperature is the temperature measured across a temperature sensitive diode on the processor die. The most common implementation uses a temperature sensor part external to the processor with the CPU Thermal Diode Anode (+) and Cathode (-) connections to it. CPU Temperature is the temperature measured by a remote temperature sensors part on the motherboard near the CPU. It is possible for these temperature sensors to fail although I haven't seen it personally. Try installing a different processor and see if the readings are still incorrect. This can help point to where the problem lies. If the readings are OK, I would suspect your processor, if they are off as well, then suspect ...

Calculate Sum Of List Python Code Example

Example 1: how to sum all the numbers in a list in python # to sum all the numbers we use python's sum ( ) function a = [ 4 , 5 , 89 , 5 , 33 , 2244 , 56 ] a_total = sum ( a ) Example 2: how to calculate the sum of a list in python # Python code to demonstrate the working of # sum ( ) numbers = [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 1 , 4 , 5 ] # start parameter is not provided Sum = sum ( numbers ) print ( Sum ) # result is 25 # start = 10 Sum = sum ( numbers , 10 ) print ( Sum ) # result is 10 + 25 = 35 Example 3: python sum of list >>> list = [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] >>> sum ( list ) 6

Convert Matrix To 3-column Table ('reverse Pivot', 'unpivot', 'flatten', 'normalize')

Answer : To “reverse pivot”, “unpivot” or “flatten”: For Excel 2003: Activate any cell in your summary table and choose Data - PivotTable and PivotChart Report: For later versions access the Wizard with Alt + D , P . For Excel for Mac 2011, it's ⌘ + Alt + P (See here). Select Multiple consolidation ranges and click Next . In “Step 2a of 3”, choose I will create the page fields and click Next . In “Step 2b of 3” specify your summary table range in the Range field (A1:E5 for the sample data) and click Add , then Next . In “Step 3 of 3”, select a location for the pivot table (the existing sheet should serve, as the PT is only required temporarily): Click Finish to create the pivot table: Drill down (ie double-click) on the intersect of the Grand Totals (here Cell V7 or 7 ): The PT may now be deleted. The resulting Table may be converted to a conventional array of cells by selecting Table in the Quick Menu (right-click in the Table) and Convert to Range . There is a video ...

Adding A Splash Screen To Flutter Apps

Answer : I want to shed some more light on the actual way of doing a Splash screen in Flutter. I followed a little bit the trace here and I saw that things aren't looking so bad about the Splash Screen in Flutter. Maybe most of the devs (like me) are thinking that there isn't a Splash screen by default in Flutter and they need to do something about that. There is a Splash screen, but it's with white background and nobody can understand that there is already a splash screen for iOS and Android by default. The only thing that the developer needs to do is to put the Branding image in the right place and the splash screen will start working just like that. Here is how you can do it step by step: First on Android (because is my favorite Platform :) ) Find the "android" folder in your Flutter project. Browse to the app -> src -> main -> res folder and place all of the variants of your branding image in the corresponding folders. For example: th...

How To Change Input Text Color Of Textformfield In Flutter Code Example

Example 1: text fieldform color flutter TextField ( style : TextStyle ( color : Colors . red ) , decoration : InputDecoration ( fillColor : Colors . orange , filled : true ) , ) Example 2: color textfield text flutter TextField ( style : TextStyle ( color : Colors . white ) , .. . )

Add Array To Arraylist In Php Code Example

Example: add item to array in php <?php $a = array ( "red" , "green" ) ; array_push ( $a , "blue" , "yellow" ) ; print_r ( $a ) ; ?>

Adding Useradd To Group For Docker Code Example

Example 1: add user to docker group sudo usermod -aG docker $USER #$USER is your username Example 2: add user to docker group sudo gpasswd -a $USER docker

How To Come At The End Of File Vim Code Example

Example: vijm jump to end of file Move cursor to end of file in vim In short press the Esc key and then press Shift + G to move cursor to end of file in vi or vim text editor under Linux and Unix - like systems

Breadcrumbs Bootstrap 4 Code Example

Example 1: bootstrap breadcrumb <nav aria-label= "breadcrumb" > <ol class= "breadcrumb" > <li class= "breadcrumb-item" ><a href= "#" >Home</a></li> <li class= "breadcrumb-item" ><a href= "#" >Library</a></li> <li class= "breadcrumb-item active" >Data</li> </ol> </nav> Example 2: bootstrap Breadcrumb Indicate the current page’s location within a navigational hierarchy that automatically adds separators via CSS. <nav aria-label= "breadcrumb" > <ol class= "breadcrumb" > <li class= "breadcrumb-item active" aria-current= "page" >Home</li> </ol> </nav> <nav aria-label= "breadcrumb" > <ol class= "breadcrumb" > <li class= "breadcrumb-item" ><a href= "#" >Home</a...

Table W3schools Css Code Example

Example 1: table border css table , th , td { border : 1 px solid black ; } Example 2: table css tr , th , td { border : 1 px solid black ; padding : 5 % ; text-align : center ; }