
Showing posts from June, 2016

Anaconda Update All Possible Packages?

Answer : TL;DR: dependency conflicts: Updating one requires (by it's requirements) to downgrade another You are right: conda update --all is actually the way to go 1 . Conda always tries to upgrade the packages to the newest version in the series (say Python 2.x or 3.x). Dependency conflicts But it is possible that there are dependency conflicts (which prevent a further upgrade). Conda usually warns very explicitly if they occur. e.g. X requires Y <5.0, so Y will never be >= 5.0 That's why you 'cannot' upgrade them all. Resolving To add: maybe it could work but a newer version of X working with Y > 5.0 is not available in conda. It is possible to install with pip, since more packages are available in pip. But be aware that pip also installs packages if dependency conflicts exist and that it usually breaks your conda environment in the sense that you cannot reliably install with conda anymore. If you do that, do it as a last resort and af...

48 Degrees Fahrenheit To Celsius Code Example

Example 1: fahrenheit to celsius formula cels = ( fahr - 32.0 ) * 5.0 / 9.0 ; //Fahr to cels fahr = ( cels * 9.0 / 5.0 ) + 32.0 ; //Cels to fahr Example 2: convert fahrenheit to celsius import java . util . Scanner ; public class Main { public static void main ( String args [ ] ) { Scanner sc = new Scanner ( System . in ) ; int far = sc . nextInt ( ) ; int cel = ( far - 32 ) * 5 / 9 ; System . out . printf ( "%d Fahrenheit is %d Celsius" , far , cel ) ; } }

Breaking Out Of A Recursive Query In Postgres 11

Answer : WITH RECURSIVE cte AS ( SELECT id, domain_name, valid FROM domains WHERE parent_id IS NULL UNION ALL SELECT, domains.domain_name, domains.valid FROM domains JOIN cte ON domains.parent_id = WHERE NOT cte.valid -- stop recursion when valid node reached ) SELECT id, domain_name FROM cte WHERE valid fiddle

G Code Example

Example 1: so so so , you have the same problem as I do .. . searching "google" in google itself LMAO Example 2: google Why you searching google on google ?

Abstraction Python' Code Example

Example: Abstraction example python from abc import ABC , abstractclassmethod class Parent ( ABC ) : @abstractclassmethod def pqr ( self ) : pass class Child ( Parent ) : def pqr ( self ) : print ( "PQR" ) obj = Child ( ) obj . pqr ( )

Angular2 Dynamic Change CSS Property

Answer : 1) Using inline styles <div [style.color]="myDynamicColor"> 2) Use multiple CSS classes mapping to what you want and switch classes like: /* CSS */ .theme { /* any shared styles */ } { color: blue; } { color: red; } /* Template */ <div class="theme" [ngClass]="{blue: isBlue, red: isRed}"> <div class="theme" []="isBlue"> Code samples from: More info on ngClass directive : Just use standard CSS variables: Your global css (eg: styles.css) body { --my-var: #000 } In your component's css or whatever it is: span { color: var(--my-var) } Then you can change the value of the variable directly with TS/JS by setting inline style to html element: document.querySelector("body").style.cssText = "--my-var: #000"; Otherwise you...

Css Sticky Element To Another Code Example

Example: how to make a div sticky using js <!DOCTYPE html > <html > <head > <title > How to make make a div stick to the top of the screen once it’s been scrolled to? </title > <style > .sticky-div { background-color : green ; position : relative ; width : 100 % ; padding : 10 px 0 px ; } .start { height : 100 px ; } .end { height : 500 px ; } </style> </head> <body> <h1 style= "color: green" > GeeksforGeeks </h1> <b> How to make make a div stick to the top of the screen once it’s been scrolled to? </b> <p class= "start" > A Computer Science portal for geeks. It contains well written , well thought and well explained compu...

Array Length Python Code Example

Example 1: size array python size = len ( myList ) Example 2: python get array length # To get the length of a Python array , use 'len()' a = arr . array ( ‘d’ , [ 1.1 , 2.1 , 3.1 ] ) len ( a ) # Output : 3 Example 3: find array length python array = [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 ] print ( len ( arr ) ) Example 4: python array length len ( my_array ) Example 5: find array length in python a = arr . array ( 'd' , [ 1.1 , 2.1 , 3.1 ] ) len ( a )

Align Right Inside Flex Column Code Example

Example 1: flexbox align right and left .primary-nav { display : -webkit-flex ; display : flex ; list-style-type : none ; padding : 0 ; justify-content : flex-end ; } .left { margin-right : auto ; } Example 2: flex align children to side flex-direction : column ; align-items : flex-start ; //left align-items : center ; //center align-items : flex-end ; //right

Javascript Array Declaration Code Example

Example 1: javascript array //create an array like so: var colors = [ "red" , "blue" , "green" ] ; //you can loop through an array like this: for ( var i = 0 ; i < colors . length ; i ++ ) { console . log ( colors [ i ] ) ; } Example 2: javascript declare array var array = [ ] Example 3: javacript array [ element0 , element1 , . . . , elementN ] new Array ( element0 , element1 [ , . . . [ , elementN ] ] ) new Array ( arrayLength ) Example 4: how define array js var Names = [ "Arbab" , "Ali" , "Ahsan" ] Example 5: javascript get array value var array = [ ] array [ 0 ] = "hi" array [ 1 ] = "dude" var done = false while ( done == false ) { var valueToFind = "hi" ; var rounds = array . length ; if ( rounds < 0 ) { return false } if ( array [ rounds ] == valueToFind ) { done = true return rounds } rounds ...

Math Papa Code Example

Example: math papa anyone else tryna do their math homework ?

Online Rotate Image Code Example

Example: rotate image animation rotate 360 infinity loop

Pyqt5 Stylesheet Code Example

Example: how to change qss in pyqt5 label-> setProperty ( "foo" , "success" ) ; label-> style ( ) -> unpolish ( label ) ; label-> style ( ) -> polish ( label ) ; label-> update ( ) ;

Android Generate Debug Keystore Again React Native Code Example

Example: download debug.keystore keytool -genkey -v -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore -storepass android -alias androiddebugkey -keypass android -dname "CN=Android Debug,O=Android,C=US"