
Showing posts from September, 2016

Transform Rotate Animation Css Code Example

Example: css rotate animation <img class="image" src="http://i .stack .imgur .com /pC1Tv .jpg " alt="" width="120" height="120" > .image { position : absolute ; top : 50 % ; left : 50 % ; width : 120 px ; height : 120 px ; margin : -60 px 0 0 -60 px ; -webkit-animation : spin 4 s linear infinite ; -moz-animation : spin 4 s linear infinite ; animation : spin 4 s linear infinite ; } @-moz-keyframes spin { 100% { -moz-transform : rotate ( 360 deg ) ; } } @-webkit-keyframes spin { 100% { -webkit-transform : rotate ( 360 deg ) ; } } @keyframes spin { 100% { -webkit-transform : rotate ( 360 deg ) ; transform : rotate ( 360 deg ) ; } }

Dark Gold Color Code Code Example

Example: rgb gold color ( 255 , 215 , 0 ) /*gold*/ Hex #FFD700

Not First Child Css Selector Code Example

Example 1: css not first child .block :not ( :first-child ) { background-color : #990000 ; } //if you need to support legacy browsers then follow the below solution .block { background-color : #990000 ; /* applies to every ul */ } .block :first-child { background-color : transparent ; /* limits the scope of the previous rule */ } Example 2: other children than first css div ul :nth-child ( n + 2 ) { background-color : #900 ; }

Can You Crossplay Play Xbox And Pc With Gta 5 Code Example

Example: Is GTA V Online Cross Platform #include < stdio.h > int main() { int a,b; for(a=1;a<=5;a++) { for(b=1;b<=5;b++) { if(b-1==a) printf("*"); else printf(" "); } printf("\n"); } }

C++ Cctype

This header was originally in the C standard library as <ctype.h> . This header is part of the null-terminated byte strings library. Functions isalnum checks if a character is alphanumeric (function) isalpha checks if a character is alphabetic (function) islower checks if a character is lowercase (function) isupper checks if a character is an uppercase character (function) isdigit checks if a character is a digit (function) isxdigit checks if a character is a hexadecimal character (function) iscntrl checks if a character is a control character (function) isgraph checks if a character is a graphical character (function) isspace checks if a character is a space character (function) isblank (C++11) checks if a character is a blank character (function) isprint checks if a character is a printing character (function) ispunct checks if a character is a punctuation charac...

Add Object To Array Javascript Code Example

Example 1: javascript append element to array var colors = [ "red" , "blue" ] ; colors . push ( "yellow" ) ; Example 2: how to add objects in array var a = [ ] , b = { } ; a . push ( b ) ; // a[0] === b; Example 3: javascript add object to array var object = { 'Name' } ; var array = [ ] ; // Create empty array // SIMPLE array . push ( object ) ; // ADDS OBJECT TO ARRAY (AT THE END) // or array . unshift ( object ) ; // ADDS OBJECT TO ARRAY (AT THE START) // ADVANCED array . splice ( position , 0 , object ) ; // ADDS OBJECT TO THE ARRAY (AT POSITION) // Position values: 0=1st, 1=2nd, etc. // The 0 says: "remove 0 objects at position" Example 4: how to append object in array javascript var select = [ 2 , 5 , 8 ] ; var filerdata = [ ] ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < select . length ; i ++ ) { filerdata . push ( this . state . data . find ( ( record ) => record . id == select [ i ] ) ) ; } //I ...

Create Coupon Code Programmatically Woocommerce Code Example

Example: woocommerce create coupon programmatically /** * Create a coupon programatically */ $coupon_code = 'UNIQUECODE'; // Code $amount = '10'; // Amount $discount_type = 'fixed_cart'; // Type: fixed_cart, percent, fixed_product, percent_product $coupon = array( 'post_title' => $coupon_code, 'post_content' => '', 'post_status' => 'publish', 'post_author' => 1, 'post_type' => 'shop_coupon'); $new_coupon_id = wp_insert_post( $coupon ); // Add meta update_post_meta( $new_coupon_id, 'discount_type', $discount_type ); update_post_meta( $new_coupon_id, 'coupon_amount', $amount ); update_post_meta( $new_coupon_id, 'individual_use', 'no' ); update_post_meta( $new_coupon_id, 'product_ids', '' ); update_post_meta( $new_coupon_id, 'exclude_product_ids', '' ); update_post_meta( $new_coupon_id, 'usage_limit', '' )...

Conda Install Numpy Code Example

Example 1: conda install numpy conda install numpy Example 2: conda install scipy conda install -c anaconda scipy Example 3: install numpy py -m pip install numpy Example 4: conda install package #To install a package in currently active enviroment conda install package-name Example 5: how to install numpy module in python anaconda import numpy as np np.version

Creating A "grouped" Bar Chart From A Table In Excel

Answer : Excel charts work by plotting rows and columns of data, not just a big long row. So arrange your data like this: Select this range of data, and on the Insert ribbon tab, click Table. It won't insert anything, but it will convert your ordinary range of data into a special data structure known as a Table. Nothing to be scared of, Tables are pretty powerful. The dialog will ask if your range has headers, which it does (Week, A, B, C, Total). The Table now has special formatting, with a colorful header row and alternating bands of color. It's a little overformatted, but you can select it and choose a less (or more!) formatted style. Now select the table, or a cell within the table, and insert a column chart. If you don't want the total (it might overwhelm the rest of the data, simply select and delete the total columns in the chart, or select only the first four columns of the table before selecting the chart. Now comes the magic of Tables. If you have a formula som...

Mp3 Music Download Youtube Code Example

Example: youtube download mp3 I use https : // as a Python CLI tool to download videos

Anaconda: Cannot Import Cv2 Even Though Opencv Is Installed (how To Install Opencv3 For Python3)

Answer : opencv is not compatible with python 3. I had to install opencv3 for python 3. The marked answer in how could we install opencv on anaconda? explains how to install opencv(3) for anaconda: Run the following command: conda install -c opencv I realized that opencv3 is also available now, run the following command: conda install -c opencv3 Edit on Aug 18, 2016: You may like to add the "menpo" channel permanently by: conda config --add channels menpo And then opencv can be installed by: conda install opencv (or opencv3) Edit on Aug 14, 2017: " clinicalgraphics " channel provides relatively newer vtk version for very recent python3 conda install -c clinicalgraphics vtk Edit on April 16, 2020 (based on @AMC's comment): OpenCV can be installed through conda-forge (details see here) conda install -c conda-forge opencv You can try conda install -c menpo opencv=3 Use this cod...

Css Navigation Bar W3schools Code Example

Example 1: html navigation bar <!-- How to create a navigation bar: This is the html file: Put the class="active" in the html file/page you are coding in (e.g. put the class="active" in the Home.html file) To position a page link to the right do class="right" --> < body > < ul class = " topnav " > < li > < a class = " active " href = " Home.html " > Home </ a > </ li > < li > < a href = " Page1.html " > Page1 </ a > </ li > < li > < a href = " Page2.html " > Page2 </ a > </ li > < li class = " right " > < a href = " About.html " > About </ a > </ li > </ ul > </ body > <!-- This is the css file: (have a play with the colours and features!)--> ul.topnav { list-style-type: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; overflow: hidden; backgro...

Find Length Of List In Python Code Example

Example 1: python initialize list length n Creating an empty list : >> > l = [ None ] * 10 >> > l [ None , None , None , None , None , None , None , None , None , None ] Example 2: python list length # example of len ( ) function list_number = [ 6 , 3 , 8 , 0 ] length = len ( list_number ) print ( "The lentgh of the list is: " + str ( length ) ) Example 3: python get the length of a list studentGrades = [ 9.1 , 8.8 , 10.0 , 7.7 , 6.8 , 8.0 , 10.0 , 8.1 , 10.0 , 9.9 ] print ( len ( studentGrades ) ) Example 4: list length in python list1 = [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] print ( len ( list ) ) Example 5: length of list python thistuple = ( "apple" , "banana" , "cherry" ) print ( len ( thistuple ) ) Example 6: length of list python >> > list = [ a , b , c ] >> > len ( list ) #output 3

Bootstrap Select2 Height Code Example

Example: .select2-selection__arrow { height: 34px !important; } .select2-selection__rendered { line-height: 31px !important; } .select2-container .select2-selection--single { height: 35px !important; } .select2-selection__arrow { height: 34px !important; }