
Showing posts from August, 2019

Integer.max Value Java Code Example

Example 1: java max integer Integer . MAX_VALUE //== 2147483647, once you increment past that, you //"wrap around" to Integer.MIN_VALUE Example 2: max in array java // Initializing array of integers Integer [ ] num = { 2 , 4 , 7 , 5 , 9 } ; // using Collections.min() to find minimum element // using only 1 line. int min = Collections . min ( Arrays . asList ( num ) ) ; // using Collections.max() to find maximum element // using only 1 line. int max = Collections . max ( Arrays . asList ( num ) ) ; Example 3: integer max value java //Integer.MAX_VALUE (MAX_VALUE Method In Integer Wrapper Class) - 2 , 147 , 483 , 648 //(Value) In Java , the integer ( long ) is also 32 bits , but ranges from - 2 , 147 , 483 , 648 to + 2 , 147 , 483 , 647. Example 4: java max int value public class Test { public static void main ( String [ ] args ) { System . out . println ( ...

Adding A Large Brace Next To A Body Of Text

Answer : As this is one of the initial, and therefore most visible, incarnations of \tikzmark , I thought it a good idea to update it to an answer using the \tikzmark library. \documentclass{article} %\url{} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{decorations.pathreplacing,calc,tikzmark} \begin{document} \hfill\tikzmark{right} \begin{itemize} \item First line \item Second line \tikzmark{2nd} \item Third line, which is quite long and seemingly tedious in the extreme \item Fourth line, which isn't as long as the third \tikzmark{4th} \item Fifth line \end{itemize} \begin{tikzpicture}[overlay, remember picture] \node[anchor=base] (a) at (pic cs:2nd) {\vphantom{h}}; % push the mark to the top of the line (ie including ascenders) \node[anchor=base] (b) at (pic cs:4th) {\vphantom{g}}; % push the mark to the bottom of the line (ie including descenders) \draw [decoration={brace,amplitude=0.5em},decorate,ultra thick,gray] (a.north -| {pic cs:right})...

How To Print Out A Boolean In C Code Example

Example: how to print boolean in c printf ( "%s" , x ? "true" : "false" ) ;

Could Not Publish Server Configuration For Tomcat V9.0 Server At Localhost. Multiple Contexts Have A Path Of "/". Code Example

Example: The Tomcat server configuration at \Servers\Tomcat v9.0 Server at localhost-config is missing. Check the server for errors. Probably, you have some problems with your server's configuration. Follow these steps to remove and create a new one, it might help you. In Eclipse 1. Window -> Show view -> Servers (If you cannot see it, you might need to choose Others -> Server) 2. From Server view -> Delete the server which has problems. 3. Right click -> New -> Server : to create a new one In my case, after new server was created, I get rid of this "localhost-config is missing"

Atoi C Function Code Example

Example 1: atoi # include <stdlib.h> //atoi's library # include <stdio.h> int main ( void ) { string input = "9" ; int output = atoi ( input ) ; printf ( "%i" , output ) ; //this will print out 9 as an int not a string } Example 2: atoi c # include <stdio.h> # include <stdlib.h> # include <string.h> //CONVERT STRING TO INT int main ( ) { int val ; char str [ 20 ] ; strcpy ( str , "98993489" ) ; val = atoi ( str ) ; printf ( "String value = %s, Int value = %d\n" , str , val ) ; strcpy ( str , "" ) ; val = atoi ( str ) ; printf ( "String value = %s, Int value = %d\n" , str , val ) ; return ( 0 ) ; } Example 3: what is atoi in strinf The C library function int atoi ( const char * str ) converts the string argument str to an integer ( type int ) . Note : It is...

Circle Button Flutter Code Example

Example 1: circular button in flutter Container ( width : 90 , height : 90 , child : RaisedButton ( onPressed : ( ) { } , color : Colors . deepOrange , textColor : Colors . white , shape : CircleBorder ( side : BorderSide . none ) , child : Text ( 'Login' , style : TextStyle ( fontSize : 20.0 ) , ) , ) , ) Example 2: circle around icon flutter CircleAvatar ( backgroundColor : Colors . white , radius : 30 , child : Icon ( Icons . add ) , ) , Example 3: flutter icon button circle ClipOval ( child : Material ( color : Colors . blue , // button color child : InkWell ( splashColor : Colors . red , // inkwell col...

Add-apt-repository: Command Not Found Ubuntu 18.04 Code Example

Example 1: apt-add-repository command not found sudo apt - get install software - properties - common sudo apt - get update Example 2: Fix ‘add-apt-repository command not found’ Error on Ubuntu and Debian //Debian GNU/Linux and chromebook linux sudo apt install software - properties - common Example 3: bash: apt-add-repository: command not found apt - get install software - properties - common

C11 In GCC?

Answer : The standard C11 header for threading is <threads.h> , not <thread.h> . See section 7.26 of the N1570 draft. Most of the C standard library, including stdio for example, is not included in the gcc distribution. Instead, gcc depends on whatever runtime library is provided by the operating system. That generally includes both the headers (like <threads.h> ) and the actual code that implements the library. For most Linux systems (or GNU/Linux if you prefer), the library is GNU's glibc; for other systems it will be something else. So the real question is probably when glibc, or whichever C library you're using, will support C11's threading features. glibc adds support for C11 threads in version 2.28. Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS system currently still uses glibc 2.27. Again, this applies only to implementations using GNU libc, not to all gcc-based implementations. Mentioned by WorldSEnder in a comment. UPDATE: Ubuntu 18.10 (not an LTS (Long Term Su...

Scss Calc With Scss Variable Code Example

Example: calc sass variables height: calc ( 100% - # { $body_padding } )

Gras Css Gras Text 3wscool Code Example

Example: mettre en gras css p { font-size : small ; } h1 { font-size : large ; }

Android Emulator Snapshot File Location

Answer : To retrieve the saved snapshot on disc, you have to go to the AVD location. In Android Virtual Device Manager, right click on your AVD, then show on disc . You will find a directory call snapshots There's now a setting for this in the Emulator itself. In the options menu, tap on the Three Dots button to open Extended Controls. Tap the 'Settings' item in the left-hand list and you'll see 'Screenshot save location', which is an editable field. Press for 3 dots. Then Press the Settings and in top right corner you will see the screenshot folder location.

Addpath Windows Matlab Code Example

Example: matlab add to path addpath('matlab/myfiles') savepath matlab/myfiles/pathdef.m

Vs Code For C Programming Code Example

Example: how to run c program from visual studio terminal Fire up the terminal from VS code Use the command "gcc filename.c" to compile the program Use the command ".\a.exe" to run the program from the terminal P . S . Remove "" before exceuting

How To Convert Yt Videos To Mp3 Code Example

Example 1: youtube mp3 converter You can use WebTools , it's an addon that gather the most useful and basic tools such as a synonym dictionary , a dictionary , a translator , a youtube convertor , a speedtest and many others ( there are ten of them ) . You can access them in two clics , without having to open a new tab and without having to search for them ! - Chrome Link : https : // Firefox link : https : // Example 2: yt to mp3 Youtube - DL works great . Download from https : // To use, type youtube-dl <url> --audio-format mp3

Android Studio Button Icon Center Code Example

Example: center icon material button android < android: layout_width = " 50dp " android: layout_height = " 50dp " android: layout_marginTop = " 16dp " android: insetLeft = " 0dp " android: insetTop = " 0dp " android: insetRight = " 0dp " android: insetBottom = " 0dp " app: icon = " @drawable/ic_add " app: iconGravity = " textStart " app: iconPadding = " 0dp " android: paddingStart = " 4dp " android: paddingEnd = " 4dp " />

Convert Array To Collection In Laravel

Answer : Edit; I understand this question is getting a lot of hits based on the title so the TLDR for those people is to use the collect() helper to create a Collection instance. In answer to the questioner's brief: If you have $collection = collect([ (object) [ 'website' => 'twitter', 'url' => '' ], (object) [ 'website' => 'google', 'url' => '' ] ]); You then have your array wrapped in an instance of the Collection class. That means it does not behave like a typical array (- it will be array-like, but don't treat it like it is one -) until you call all() or toArray() on it. To remove any added indices you need to use values() . $sorted = $collection->sortBy('website'); $sorted->values()->all(); The expected output: [ {#769 +"website": "google", +"url": "googl...

Html Relative Layout Code Example

Example: what are the types of positioning in css The types of positioning in CSS are- 1 ) static : this is the default value. 2 ) sticky : the element is positioned based on the user's scroll position. 3 ) fixed : the element is positioned related to the browser window. 4 ) relative : the element is positioned relative to its normal position. 5 ) absolute : the element is positioned absolutely to its first positioned parent.

Calligraphic E (not \mathcal)

Answer : Try doing: \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \pagestyle{empty} \DeclareMathAlphabet{\mathpzc}{OT1}{pzc}{m}{it} \begin{document} The sample space is $\mathpzc{E}$. \end{document} See The Comprehensive LaTeX Symbol, page 68 for a pretty complete list of math fonts available and how to get to typeset them. You can also check A comprehensive review of mathematics in (La)TeX, page 95 onwards. There's also The LaTeX Font Catalogue - Calligraphic and Handwritten Fonts. You can try rsfs: The code \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \pagestyle{empty} \begin{document} The sample space is $\mathscr E$. \end{document} produces

Css Data-toggle= Collapse Code Example

Example 1: collapse boostrap < p > < a class = "btn btn-primary" data - toggle = "collapse" href = "#multiCollapseExample1" role = "button" aria - expanded = "false" aria - controls = "multiCollapseExample1" > Toggle first element < / a > < button class = "btn btn-primary" type = "button" data - toggle = "collapse" data - target = "#multiCollapseExample2" aria - expanded = "false" aria - controls = "multiCollapseExample2" > Toggle second element < / button > < button class = "btn btn-primary" type = "button" data - toggle = "collapse" data - target = ".multi-collapse" aria - expanded = "false" aria - controls = "multiCollapseExample1 multiCollapseExample2" > Toggle both elements < / button > < / p > < div class = "row" > ...

Call Function With SetInterval In JQuery?

Answer : To write the best code, you "should" use the latter approach, with a function reference: var refreshId = setInterval(function() {}, 5000); or function test() {} var refreshId = setInterval(test, 5000); but your approach of function test() {} var refreshId = setInterval("test()", 5000); is basically valid, too (as long as test() is global). Note that there is no such thing really as "in jQuery". You're still writing the Javascript language; you're just using some pre-made functions that are the jQuery library. First of all: Yes you can mix jQuery with common JS :) Best way to build up an intervall call of a function is to use setTimeout methode: For example, if you have a function called test() and want to repeat it all 5 seconds, you could build it up like this: function test(){ console.log('test called'); setTimeout(test, 5000); } Finally you have to trigger the function once: $(document).re...

Convert SVG Path D Attribute To A Array Of Points

Answer : The SVGPathElement API has built-in methods for getting this info. You do not need to parse the data-string yourself. Since you stored a selection for your line as a variable, you can easily access the path element's api using myLine.node() to refer to the path element itself. For example: var pathElement = myLine.node(); Then you can access the list of commands used to construct the path by accessing the pathSegList property: var pathSegList = pathElement.pathSegList; Using the length property of this object, you can easily loop through it to get the coordinates associated with each path segment: for (var i = 0; i < pathSegList.length; i++) { console.log(pathSegList[i]); } Inspecting the console output, you will find that each path segment has properties for x and y representing the endpoint of that segment. For bezier curves, arcs, and the like, the control points are also given as x1 , y1 , x2 , and y2 as necessary. In your case, regardless of whether yo...

Css Vs Scss Vs Sass Code Example

Example 1: sass vs scss /* Answer to: "sass vs scss" */ /* The basic difference is the syntax. While SASS has a loose syntax with white space and no semicolons, the SCSS resembles more to CSS. SASS stands for Syntactically Awesome StyleSheets. It is an extension of CSS that adds power and elegance to the basic language. There's more differences but too much for me! Fortunately, someone else asked the same question over in StackOverflow! Here's a link to their answer: */ Example 2: css vs scss /* Answer to: "css vs scss" */ /* Sass has two syntaxes. The most commonly used syntax is known as “SCSS” (for “Sassy CSS”), and is a superset of CSS3's syntax. ... Inspired by Haml's terseness, it's intended for people who prefer conciseness over similarity to CSS. Instead of brackets and semicolons, it uses the indentation of lines to spe...

Angular Cli - How To Disable Auto Reload When Ng Serve

Answer : Just do ng serve --live-reload false or ng serve --no-live-reload It used to not work, this PR solved it. serve your application with this command: ng serve --live-reload=false if you want to run your application in prod mode , use following command ng serve --source-map=false --aot --prod --live-reload=false I think you only want to disable the rebuild on change option Just try: $ ng serve --watch=true|false

Angular Form Builder Vs Form Control And Form Group

Answer : I have gone through the Angular Official Docs and on the Reactive Forms Part I have seen that: The FormBuilder service is an injectable provider that is provided with the reactive forms module. If you read more you see that the form builder is a service that does the same things as form-group, form-control and form-array. The official docs describe it as: Creating form control instances manually can become repetitive when dealing with multiple forms. The FormBuilder service provides convenient methods for generating controls. So basically saying that FormBuilder is a service that is trying to help us reduce boiler-plate code. An example of how FormBuilder is used to reduce boilerplate code can be seen here. To answer the question: So is there any advantage of one over the other way of doing it or is it just preference? Well, there is no technical advantage and whichever code you use all boils down to your preference. This example is here With FormControl: c...