
Showing posts from February, 2020

Amazon SES 535 Authentication Credentials Invalid

Answer : Important Your SMTP user name and password are not the same as your AWS access key ID and secret access key. Do not attempt to use your AWS credentials to authenticate yourself against the SMTP endpoint. For more information about credentials, see Using Credentials With Amazon SES. Here's the link: The issue is fixed in our case with the following : The AWS SMTP had special characters in its credentials . The credentials have to be url encoded and then provided in the configuration. If you're using Terraform, you can use the following .tf file so that you can get the proper data resource "aws_iam_user" "smtp_user" { name = "smtp_user" } resource "aws_iam_access_key" "smtp_user" { user = } data "aws_iam_policy_document" "ses_sender" { statement { actions = ["ses...

How To Flip Image Css Code Example

Example 1: flip image css .image { transform : rotateY ( 180 deg ) ; } Example 2: flip image css img { transform : rotateY ( 180 deg ) ; }

36 Inches To Cm Code Example

Example: inch to cm 1 inch = 2.54 cm

Convert Date To String In Javascript Dd-mm-yyyy Code Example

Example 1: javascript format date yyyy-mm-dd let today = new Date ( ) today . toISOString ( ) . split ( 'T' ) [ 0 ] Example 2: javascript format date to dd-mm-yyyy function pad2 ( n ) { return ( n < 10 ? '0' : '' ) + n ; } var date = new Date ( ) ; var month = pad2 ( date . getMonth ( ) + 1 ) ; //months (0-11) var day = pad2 ( date . getDate ( ) ) ; //day (1-31) var year = date . getFullYear ( ) ; var formattedDate = day + "-" + month + "-" + year ; alert ( formattedDate ) ; //28-02-2021 Example 3: convert date format from yyyy-mm-dd to dd-mm-yyyy using value javascript date . value . split ( "-" ) . reverse ( ) . join ( "-" ) ; //"2021-01-17" --> 17-01-2021 Example 4: javascript date to string format dd mmm yyyy Date . prototype . toShortFormat = function ( ) { let monthNames = [ "Jan" , "Feb" , "Mar" , "Apr" , ...

Round Button Whith Link Css W3shool Code Example

Example 1: round button css .btn { display : block ; height : 300 px ; width : 300 px ; border-radius : 50 % ; border : 1 px solid red ; } Example 2: css button style rectangle <div class= "placeholder-box" > <button type= "button" > Button Text Here </button> <p>Nunc condimentum mauris elit</p> <ul> <li>Duis quis eros felis</li> <li>Nulla facilisi</li> </ul> </div>

Aes Key Fortnite Code Example

Example: aes encryption key fortnite Old Keys: -Previous Credits: (Credit: Bizzfarts) (Credit: 0x41414141) 14.12.2018 = Y298QJSB115NQQ3AGAD30DWN2QYRTI8CT6AP05L2PBV9QE92S94PDOVCCY06A38L 9.02.2018 = 0x2CCDFD22AD74FBFEE693A81AC11ACE57E6D10D0B8AC5FA90E793A130BC540ED4 17.03.2018 = 0xADBB45488E8DE69437AD4F31D3569B0F710D2092799BFB1CE21D5CF9744097C3 29.03.2018 = 0x7129D5E578F0DC3821E3CD704F01E511F9A60340CF5B4C850F3B0B6B5E80D0B9 ??.04.2018 = F6F6F7029F313A772C7AA17B50A26B4A6723A3467AB095AC911FD6398E91DC7 19.04.2018 = 0xA3278BA7DDD751A75456415A36C3559138E99134D08958C44C2FD29E4BBF342B 24.04.2018 = 0x06FAA3C715608759855F551DBF5F7D8302E90E3671CA1B54BAB55FB3E0890BE5 1.05.2018 = 0xBB3FE1D6E9296C2C0DBC880D07C7BFD6B4A6D8277D486446353B079B790CC434 8.05.2018 = 0x094E272E681207E061897192FEB7DB8C6B6DB228D5B53080645348C18B8FB5D7 16.05.2018 = 0x9D8C9A4A4FA082F213EED604B6E756237181685EEDA82216437617D7AA5231AF v5.00 = 0x81C42E03B21760A5C457C8DB7D52BA066F0633D0891FD9E37CF118F27687924A v6.02 = 0xD99660BBE703...

Css Input Remove Focus Border Code Example

Example 1: css remove border input focus textarea:focus, input:focus{ outline: none; } Example 2: remove blue border on a input input:focus { outline: none !important; } Example 3: input outline focus input:focus, textarea:focus { background-color: #FFFF66; border: 1px solid #F47E58; } Example 4: how to remove input field border outline on focus css outline = none;

Brew Install Postgresql (upgrade) Error, Could Not Link - Dead Links To Old Non-existent Version

Answer : I had the similar problem but with another package. Turned out there had been a bunch of dead links pointing to the old version all other my file system. Here is what helped in my case: Run brew link <appname> (e.g. brew link postgress ); If completed successfully then you are golden, otherwise proceed with the next step; Take a look at the path in the error message (e.g. /usr/local/Cellar/postgresql/9.2.3/include/server ) transform the path by removing the Cellar/<app name>/<version> from it (e.g. /usr/local/include/server ) Find under that path all links referring to Cellar/<app name>/<version> and remove them; Goto step 1. Hope that helps brew update brew doctor is always first steps. to help finding files, update the files db sudo /usr/libexec/locate.updatedb this is similar to updatedb on ubuntu and you might want to alias it. then you may perform locate postgresql and learn more about where things are. Chanc...

Create React App Npm Start Not Working Code Example

Example 1: npx create-react-app not working npm init npm install create-react-app npx create-react-app myapp Example 2: install react app using npm npx create-react-app umusic

A Generic Priority Queue For Python

Answer : You can use Queue.PriorityQueue. Recall that Python isn't strongly typed, so you can save anything you like: just make a tuple of (priority, thing) and you're set. I ended up implementing a wrapper for heapq , adding a dict for maintaining the queue's elements unique. The result should be quite efficient for all operators: class PriorityQueueSet(object): """ Combined priority queue and set data structure. Acts like a priority queue, except that its items are guaranteed to be unique. Provides O(1) membership test, O(log N) insertion and O(log N) removal of the smallest item. Important: the items of this data structure must be both comparable and hashable (i.e. must implement __cmp__ and __hash__). This is true of Python's built-in objects, but you should implement those methods if you want to use the data structure for custom objects. """ def __init__(self, items=[]): ...

Add CSS Rule Via JQuery For Future Created Elements

Answer : This should work: var style = $('<style>.class { background-color: blue; }</style>'); $('html > head').append(style); When you plan to remove elements from the DOM to re-insert them later, then use .detach() instead of .remove() . Using .detach() will preserve your CSS when re-inserting later. From the documentation: The .detach() method is the same as .remove(), except that .detach() keeps all jQuery data associated with the removed elements. This method is useful when removed elements are to be reinserted into the DOM at a later time. Here is some JavaScript code I wrote before to let me add, remove and edit CSS: function CSS(sheet) { if ( === 'CSSStyleSheet' ) this.sheet = sheet; else if ( === 'HTMLStyleElement') this.sheet = sheet.sheet; else throw new TypeError(sheet + ' is not a StyleSheet'); } CSS.prototype = {...

Youtube Mp33 Code Example

Example: youtube download mp3 I use https : // as a Python CLI tool to download videos

Html Table Border Style In Css Code Example

Example: table border css table , th , td { border : 1 px solid black ; }