
Showing posts from April, 2020

Can A Google Sheets Custom Menu Pass A Variable To Function?

Answer : When you create a menu item with .addItem('Nathaniel MacIver', menuItem2('')) the function menuItem2 is called with the parameter ''. This results in the alert that you see. The return value of the function is undefined (as you don't return anything from it). So you end up with the same menu item as if it was .addItem('Nathaniel MacIver', undefined) which clearly isn't going to do anything. The method addItem takes only a function name, it does not allow for passing parameters to that function. To do what you want, you'll need separate functions for each person, each with an email hardcoded inside that function. Although you can't pass functions that invoke with a variable directly through the .addItem() method, because it only accepts strings, you can take a couple of extra steps (extra steps relative to what you were trying to do) to dynamically create functions that are pre-s...

How To Get Size Of Char* In C Code Example

Example 1: c print sizeof char char b = 'b' ; printf ( "the size of b is %d" , sizeof ( b ) ) ; Example 2: how to find the size of a character array in c++ Instead of sizeof ( ) for finding the length of strings or character arrays , just use strlen ( string_name ) with the header file # include <cstring> it's easier .

Camtasia 2021 Offline Activation Code Example

Example: camtasia 2020 offline activation UHGFS-WERTG-HJ6UY-GFDSE-RTYH9 FSW6Q-AZXDE-WQAZX-CVG7K-JNBVG

Js Change Css Var Code Example

Example 1: how to change a css variable with javascript var root = document. querySelector ( ':root' ) ; setProperty ( '--variable' , 'lightblue' ) ; /or/ setProperty ( '--variable' , myColor ) ; Example 2: how to change css variable in javascript setProperty ( "--main-background-color" , "green" ) ; Example 3: how to change css variable in javascript document.documentElement. setAttribute ( "style" , "--main-background-color: green" ) ; Example 4: change css variable with javascript let root = document.documentElement ; root .addEventListener ( "mousemove" , e = > { setProperty ( '--mouse-x' , e.clientX + "px" ) ; setProperty ( '--mouse-y' , e.clientY + "px" ) ; } ) ;

Html Padding Of Page Code Example

Example 1: css padding padding : 5 px 10 px 15 px 20 px ; //top right bottom left padding : 10 px 20 px ; //top & bottom then left & right padding-top : 5 px ; //just top padding padding-right : 10 px ; //just right padding padding-bottom : 15 px ; //just bottom padding padding-left : 20 px ; //just left padding Example 2: html padding <h2 style= "padding-top: 20px; padding-right: 20px; padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 20px" >London</h2>

Android Alarm Manager Is Not Working For Flutter Project App

Answer : I've finally fixed this issue myself, after struggling for a couple of hours (but felt a lot longer!). The breakthrough came when I actually cloned the Flutter Plugins Github repository that contains android_alarm_manager and poked around the example code and looked at how it was laid out in an IDE, rather than looking at isolated files online. The Readme is not very clear on what exactly to do, if you're not versed in Android Java development, but it becomes clear when you look at the working example code. You need to drop in the file they give you in the example directory into your actual project, in the same folder as your existing file. The contents should look like this: package io.flutter.plugins.androidalarmmanagerexample; import; import io.flutter.plugin.common.PluginRegistry; import io.flutter.plugin.common.PluginRegistry.PluginRegistrantCallback; import io.flutter.plugins.Genera...

Alert Javascript With Yes No Code Example

Example 1: javascript confirm yes no var proceed = confirm ( "Are you sure you want to proceed?" ) ; if ( proceed ) { //proceed } else { //don't proceed } Example 2: js alert yes no if ( confirm ( 'Are you sure you want to donate to Andrew Hyder ? ' ) ) { // true ( } else { // false }

Android:defaultValue="@string Android Navigation Code Example

Example: android safe args dependency //In top level gradle buildscript { repositories { google() } dependencies { def nav_version = "2.3.1" classpath "androidx.navigation:navigation-safe-args-gradle-plugin:$nav_version" } } //In app level gradle apply plugin: "androidx.navigation.safeargs.kotlin"

How To Give Box Shadow Around All Sides Of Box Code Example

Example 1: how to add box shadow to all sides css div { box-shadow : 0 0 10 px #fff ; } Example 2: css box shadow from all sides input { -webkit-box-shadow : 0 0 5 px 2 px #fff ; -moz-box-shadow : 0 0 5 px 2 px #fff ; box-shadow : 0 0 5 px 2 px #fff ; }

Angular: Scroll Dynamic Element Into View Knowing Only Its ID

Answer : You want the id to be on the actual item that the ng-for creates, not the ng-for itself. That would eliminate the need for any extra logic when passing data to the list from the component. // inside ngAfterViewInit() to make sure the list items render or inside ngAfterViewChecked() if you are anticipating live data using @Inputs const itemToScrollTo = document.getElementById('item-' + id); // null check to ensure that the element actually exists if (itemToScrollTo) { itemToScrollTo.scrollIntoView(true); } <div class="list" *ngFor="let item of functionThatGetsItems(); let i = index"> <div class="list-item" id="item-{{i}}"> <div class="title"> {{ item.title }} </div> <div class="content"> {{ item.content }} </div> </div> </div> This is not strictly angular, but you could do document.querySelector('#MyList31'...

Angular - Wait Until I Receive Data Before Loading Template

Answer : After studying the different approaches that people gave me, I found the solution on the async pipe. But, it took me a while to understand how to implement it. Solution: // Declaring the Promise, yes! Promise! filtersLoaded: Promise<boolean>; // Later in the Component, where I gather the data, I set the resolve() of the Promise this.getFiltersSubscription = this.getFilters().subscribe( (filters) => { this.filters = filters;'API CALL. getting filters'); this.filtersLoaded = Promise.resolve(true); // Setting the Promise as resolved after I have the needed data } ); // In this listener triggered by the dynamic components when instanced, // I pass the data, knowing that is defined because of the template change // Listens to field's init and creates the fieldset triggering a service call // that will be listened by the field component this.iboService.initIBOsFilters$.subscribe( (fieldName) => { ...

Android Custom SeekBar - Progress Is Not Following The Thumb

Answer : Your implementation relies on a ClipDrawable to draw the progress bar. The progress drawable spans the entire length of the progress bar but is shortened, or clipped, by the ClipDrawable . This leaves the rounded corners on the left of the progress bar but squares off the right side. You are seeing the squared-off side as the progress bar grows, catches up to and overtakes the thumb. There are probably several ways to solve this, but let's go for something that is XML-based. Let's replace the ClipDrawable with a ScaleDrawable as follows: bg_seekbar.xml <layer-list> <item android:id="@android:id/background"> <shape android:shape="rectangle"> <size android:height="48dp" /> <corners android:radius="25dp" /> <stroke android:width="1dp" android:color="@color/semiLightBlue" /> </shape...

Angular2 Multiple Constructor Implementations Are Not Allowed TS2392

Answer : Making multiple constructors with the same parameters doesn't make sense unless they have different types, in Typescript you can do the following: class Foo { questions: any[]; constructor(service: QuestionSignupStepOneService, param2?: Param2Type) { this.questions = service.getQuestions(); if(param2){ console.log(param2); } } } This is equal to two constructors, the first one is new Foo(service) and the second one is new Foo(service, param2) . Use ? to state that the parameter is optional. If you want two constructors with the same parameter but for different types you can use this: class Foo { questions: any[]; constructor(service: QuestionSignupStepOneService | QuestionSignupStepOneAService) { if(service instanceof QuestionSignupStepOneService){ this.questions = service.getQuestions(); } else { this.questions = service.getDifferentQuestions(); } } }

AddCss Using Jquery Code Example

Example: how to css in jquery $(init); function init() { $("h1").css("backgroundColor", "yellow"); $("#myParagraph").css({ "backgroundColor": "black", "color": "white" }); $(".bordered").css("border", "1px solid black"); }

C++ Float Size Code Example

Example: data types in c++ int myNum = 5 ; // Integer (whole number) float myFloatNum = 5.99 ; // Floating point number double myDoubleNum = 9.98 ; // Floating point number char myLetter = 'D' ; // Character bool myBoolean = true ; // Boolean string myText = "Hello" ; // String

Convert English Numbers To Arabic Numerals

Answer : If you are referring to what Wikipedia calls eastern arabic / indic numerals, a simple replace operation should do. $western_arabic = array('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9'); $eastern_arabic = array('٠','١','٢','٣','٤','٥','٦','٧','٨','٩'); $str = str_replace($western_arabic, $eastern_arabic, $str); Definitions Western arabic numerals: "1234567890". Eastern arabic numerals: "١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩٠". The answer I wrote a couple of functions ( a while back. Demo ( echo arabic_w2e("1234567890"); // Outputs: ١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩٠ echo arabic_e2w("١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩٠"); // Outputs: 1234567890 Code <?php /** * Converts numbers in string from western to eastern Arabic numerals. * * @param string $str Arbitrary text * @return string Text with western Arabic numerals co...

This First Child Jquery Code Example

Example 1: first child element javascript Both these will give you the first child node : console. log ( parentElement.firstChild ) ; // or console. log ( parentElement.childNodes[ 0 ] ) ; If you need the first child that is an element node then use : console. log ( parentElement.children[ 0 ] ) ; Example 2: jquery first child $ ( 'div:first-child' ) Example 3: jquery first child $ ( "li" ) . first ( ) . css ( "background-color" , "red" ) ; Example 4: select the first elemnt have class in jquery <script> // jquery $ ( "tr:first" ) . css ( "font-style" , "bold" ) ; </script>

4 Pillars Of Democracy Code Example

Example: 4 pillars of democracy Legislative, Executive, Judiciary, Press

What Does Error Expected Declaration Or Statement At End Of Input Code Example

Example: error: expected declaration or statement at end of input /*Normally that error occurs when a } was missed somewhere in the code*/

Html Css Text Align Vertical Center Code Example

Example: css align text vertically /* HTML: */ <div class= "text" > lorem ipsum </div> /* CSS: */ .text { vertical-align : middle ; /*can take any value of: baseline | sub | super | text-top | text-bottom | middle | top | bottom | <percentage> | <length> */ }

Malloc In C++ Geeksforgeeks Code Example

Example 1: malloc in c # include <stdlib.h> void * malloc ( size_t size ) ; void exemple ( void ) { char * string ; string = malloc ( sizeof ( char ) * 5 ) ; if ( string == NULL ) return ; string [ 0 ] = 'H' ; string [ 1 ] = 'e' ; string [ 2 ] = 'y' ; string [ 3 ] = '!' ; string [ 4 ] = '\0' ; printf ( "%s\n" , string ) ; free ( string ) ; } /// output : "Hey!" Example 2: malloc c++ void * malloc ( size_t size ) ; Example 3: how to use malloc in c ptr = ( cast - type * ) malloc ( byte - size )

Bring Element To Front Using CSS

Answer : Add z-index:-1 and position:relative to .content #header { background: url( center top no-repeat; } #header-inner { background: url( right top no-repeat; } .logo-class { height: 128px; } .content { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; table-layout: fixed; border-collapse: collapse; z-index: -1; position:relative; } .td-main { text-align: center; padding: 80px 10px 80px 10px; border: 1px solid #A02422; background: #ABABAB; } <body> <div id="header"> <div id="header-inner"> <table class="content"> <col width="400px" /> <tr> <td> <table class="content"> <col width="400px" /> <tr> ...

How To Calculate 1000 Factorial In C++ Code Example

Example: program to calculate factorial of number in c++ # include <iostream> using namespace std ; int main ( ) { unsigned int n ; unsigned long long factorial = 1 ; cout << "Enter a positive integer: " ; cin >> n ; for ( int i = 1 ; i <= n ; ++ i ) { factorial *= i ; } cout << "Factorial of " << n << " = " << factorial ; return 0 ; }

Nice Round Buttons Css Code Example

Example: round button css .btn { display : block ; height : 300 px ; width : 300 px ; border-radius : 50 % ; border : 1 px solid red ; }

Autocomplete Unity Visual Studio Code Code Example

Example: unity visual studio code intellisense not working In Unity editor : 1 . Go to Edit / Preferences .. . 2 . Click on External Tools 3 . Under where it says "Generate .csproj files for:" , check any one of the boxes ( I personally clicked Embedded Packages but I don't believe it matters ) 4 . Click the "Regenerate project files" button 5 . Close Visual Studio Code if it wasn't already closed 6 . Reopen Visual Studio Code - intellisense should now ( hopefully ) be working

Css Wave Border Generator Code Example

Example: wave design css #wave { position : relative ; height : 70 px ; width : 600 px ; background : #e0efe3 ; } #wave :before { content : "" ; display : block ; position : absolute ; border-radius : 100 % 50 % ; width : 340 px ; height : 80 px ; background-color : white ; right : -5 px ; top : 40 px ; } #wave :after { content : "" ; display : block ; position : absolute ; border-radius : 100 % 50 % ; width : 300 px ; height : 70 px ; background-color : #e0efe3 ; left : 0 ; top : 27 px ; } <div id= "wave" ></div>