
Showing posts from April, 2021

Bulk Upsert In MongoDB Using Mongoose

Answer : Not in "mongoose" specifically, or at least not yet as of writing. The MongoDB shell as of the 2.6 release actually uses the "Bulk operations API" "under the hood" as it were for all of the general helper methods. In it's implementation, it tries to do this first, and if an older version server is detected then there is a "fallback" to the legacy implementation. All of the mongoose methods "currently" use the "legacy" implementation or the write concern response and the basic legacy methods. But there is a .collection accessor from any given mongoose model that essentially accesses the "collection object" from the underlying "node native driver" on which mongoose is implemented itself: var mongoose = require('mongoose'), Schema = mongoose.Schema; mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost/test'); var sampleSchema = new Schema({},{ "strict": false }); va...

Mongodb Delete All Documents Code Example

Example 1: mongodb remove all from collection db . collection . remove ( { } ) Example 2: mongodb delete all documents db . collection . delete_many ( { } ) ; Example 3: mongodb delete all documents # To remove all documents in a collection , call the remove method with an empty query # document { } . The following operation deletes all documents from the bios collection : db . bios . remove ( { } ) Example 4: find All and delete in mongodb db . products . remove ( { qty : { $gt : 20 } } )

Button Type Submit Onclick Preventdefault Code Example

Example 1: prevent button from submitting form function myFunc(e){ e.preventDefault(); } Example 2: prevent button form submit < button type = " button " > Button </ button >

Ue4 Tarray Iterator Code Example

Example 1: ue4 c++ array TArray < int32 > IntArray ; Example 2: ue4 array copy c++ // Array copy with UE TArray < AActor * > SourceArray ; // copy SourceArray to DestArray TArray < AActor * > DestArray ( SourceArray ) ;

Cpp Shell Online Code Example

Example: c++ online compiler This two are good C ++ compilers : https : // https : //

Switch Case Arduino Example

Example 1: swich case arduino // Arduino => c++ switch ( var ) { case 1 : //do something when var equals 1 break ; case 2 : //do something when var equals 2 break ; default : // if nothing else matches, do the default // default is optional break ; } Example 2: arduino switch case switch ( var ) { case label1 : // statements break ; case label2 : // statements break ; default : // statements break ; }

Css Text All Caps Code Example

Example 1: css all caps .uppercase { text-transform : uppercase ; } #example { text-transform : none ; /* No capitalization, the text renders as it is (default) */ text-transform : capitalize ; /* Transforms the first character of each word to uppercase */ text-transform : uppercase ; /* Transforms all characters to uppercase */ text-transform : lowercase ; /* Transforms all characters to lowercase */ text-transform : initial ; /* Sets this property to its default value */ text-transform : inherit ; /* Inherits this property from its parent element */ } Example 2: input uppercase with css input { text-transform : uppercase ; } Example 3: all text in caps using css .class_name { text-transform : none|capitalize|uppercase|lowercase|initial|inherit ; }

A Simple Explanation Of What Is MinGW

Answer : MinGW is a complete GCC toolchain (including half a dozen frontends, such as C, C++, Ada, Go, and whatnot) for the Windows platform which compiles for and links to the Windows OS component C Runtime Library in msvcrt.dll. Rather it tries to be minimal (hence the name). This means, unlike Cygwin, MinGW does not attempt to offer a complete POSIX layer on top of Windows, but on the other hand it does not require you to link with a special compatibility library. It therefore also does not have any GPL-license implications for the programs you write (notable exception: profiling libraries, but you will not normally distribute those so that does not matter). The newer MinGW-w64 comes with a roughly 99% complete Windows API binding (excluding ATL and such) including x64 support and experimental ARM implementations. You may occasionally find some exotic constant undefined, but for what 99% of the people use 99% of the time, it just works perfectly well. You can also use t...

Convert Base64 To Image Python Code Example

Example: convert base64 to image python import base64 image = open('deer.gif', 'rb') image_read = image_64_encode = base64.encodestring(image_read) image_64_decode = base64.decodestring(image_64_encode) image_result = open('deer_decode.gif', 'wb') # create a writable image and write the decoding result image_result.write(image_64_decode)

Mp4 Splitter Code Example

Example: mpi split communicator int MPI_Comm_split ( MPI_Comm comm , int color , // int representing the group, one different for each group int key , // int representing the rank of the current proc in the new group MPI_Comm * newcomm // output param ) ;

Bootstrap 3 Alert With Icon Code Example

Example: bootstrap alert box Alerts in Bootstrap : -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Alert classes you can use to check . alert - primary . alert - secondary . alert - success . alert - danger . alert - warning . alert - info . alert - light . alert - dark Simple alert : -- -- -- -- -- -- - < div class = "alert alert-primary" role = "alert" > This is a primary alert—check it out ! < / div > Alert with close button and decriptive feature : -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- < div class = "alert alert-warning alert-dismissible fade show" role = "alert" > < strong > Holy guacamole ! < / strong > You should check in on some of those fields below . < button type = "button" class = "close" data - dismiss = "alert" aria - label = "Close" > < span aria - hidden = "true" > & times ;...

Header In Html Template Code Example

Example 1: html layout <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Page Title</title> </head> <body> <h1>This is a Heading</h1> <p>This is a paragraph.</p> </body> </html> Example 2: how to layout footer how to layout footer

Bootstrap Header And Footer Template Code Example

Example: bootstarp simple footer © 2020 Copyright:

6inch In Cm And 4 Inch In Cm Code Example

Example: inch to cm 1 inch = 2.54 cm

Foreach Loop C# Unity Code Example

Example: unity c# foreach foreach ( var item in collection ) { }

Angular Grid Ag-grid ColumnDefs Dynamically Change

Answer : In ag-grid the columns in gridOptions are used once at grid initialisation. If you change the columns after initialisation, you must tell the grid. This is done by calling gridOptions.api.setColumnDefs() Details of this api method are provided in the ag-grid documentation here. I think this has been fixed already. I am able to do something like this now with latest angular and ag-grid. Please note I am using ngxs here, however this still indicates the ability to get the column definitions async as I am getting the column defs based on the property names of the data that is being returned from the back-end in this case rowData. Firstly, I am fetching the row data from the back-end API. Then when it is fetched I perform operations in the Select for column that map the headers from returned data to properties. The data will not be displayed without headers, as soon as the headers are there it will redraw the grid with all the column definitions and data. <ag-grid...