Android Numberpicker For Floating Point Numbers

Answer :

NumberPicker is not just for integers.. Even you can use Floats String etc.

see this and read about it.

for tutorials :


And I had used NumberPicker long ago like this and it might be some use posting here:

    NumberPicker np;     String nums[]= {"Select Fraction","1/64","1/32","3/64","1/16","5/64","3/32","7/64","1/8","9/64","5/32","11/64","3/16","13/64","7/32","15/64","1/4","17/64","9/32","19/64","5/16","21/64","11/32","23/64","3/8","25/64","13/32","27/64","7/16","29/64"};              np = (NumberPicker) findViewById(;              np.setMaxValue(nums.length-1);             np.setMinValue(0);             np.setWrapSelectorWheel(false);             np.setDisplayedValues(nums);             np.setDescendantFocusability(NumberPicker.FOCUS_BLOCK_DESCENDANTS);  

You can make ArrayList of any datatype and assign it.

Another solution is to combine two numberfields into one component. See the Money Picker Example. Its advantage is that you don't have to initialize all possible double values for your spinner.

You may also need to attach special digits formatting, like "00", "0123" or other, using java.lang.String.format() function. Example is here.

  1. Add Double Picker xml-layout:

    <LinearLayout   xmlns:android = ""   android:layout_width = "fill_parent"   android:layout_height = "wrap_content"   android:gravity = "center">    <NumberPicker     android:id = "@+id/integer_picker"     android:layout_width = "wrap_content"     android:layout_height = "wrap_content"     android:layout_gravity = "center"/>    <TextView     android:layout_width = "wrap_content"     android:layout_height = "wrap_content"     android:layout_gravity = "center"     android:padding = "5dp"     android:text = "@string/local_separator"     android:textSize = "20sp"/>    <NumberPicker     android:id = "@+id/fraction_picker"     android:layout_width = "wrap_content"     android:layout_height = "wrap_content"     android:layout_gravity = "center"/>    <TextView     android:layout_width = "wrap_content"     android:layout_height = "wrap_content"     android:layout_gravity = "center"     android:padding = "5dp"     android:text = "@string/measure_unit_sign"     android:textSize = "20sp"/>  </LinearLayout> 
  2. Add custom Double Picker class:

    import android.content.Context; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.widget.NumberPicker;  /**  * UI component for double (floating point) values. Can be used  * for money and other measures.  */ public class DoublePicker   extends NumberPicker {    private int decimals;   private NumberPicker integerPicker;   private NumberPicker fractionPicker;    public DoublePicker(     Context context) {      super(       context);        LayoutInflater         .from(           context)         .inflate(           R.layout.double_picker,           this);        integerPicker =         (NumberPicker) findViewById( ;        fractionPicker =         (NumberPicker) findViewById( ;   }    public int getDecimals() {      return decimals;   }    /**    * Sets the amount of digits after separator.    *    * @param decimals Anount of decimals.    */   public void setDecimals(final int decimals) {      this.decimals = decimals;      this.setFormatter(new DoublePicker.Formatter() {        @Override       public String format(int i) {          return String.format(           "%." + decimals + "f",           i);       }     });   }    public void setValue(double value) {      integerPicker.setValue((int) value);      fractionPicker.setValue(       Integer.valueOf(         String           .valueOf(value)           .split(".")           [1]));   } } 
  3. Use new Double Picker component in your activity xml:

    <com.example.DoublePicker   android:id ="@+id/double_picker"   android:layout_width ="match_parent"   android:layout_height ="wrap_content" /> 


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