Cordova - Current Working Directory Is Not A Cordova-based Project

Answer :

If you are getting this error on Ionic2

This issue generally occur when we just clone / download app and try to add platform to it.

its very easy to resolve, then here are the steps-

just create a "www" directory in application root.


can also do by this command-

mkdir www

now we can easily run following command -

ionic platform add android
ionic platform add ios

Hope it will help!!!

Solution is to make sure there's a www/ directory inside the root directory.

mkdir www

make sure your .gitignore file doesn't include www/ directory on it.

Yes, as QuickFix said, you need to be in a Cordova project before being able to use most of cordova Commands. If you are curious about what defines a Cordova project, this is what I found:

  • Has a .cordova directory, with a config.json inside.

  • Has a www directory, with a config.xml inside.

  • Has a platforms directory.

With that in place you can use Cordoba commands without problem. If you need examples of those config files just run cordova create myapp.


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