Can You Control GIF Animation With Javascript?
Answer :
You can use the libgif library.
It allows you to start/stop the gif and control which frame the gif is on.
<script type="text/javascript" src="./libgif.js"></script> <img src="./example1_preview.gif" rel:animated_src="./example1.gif" width="360" height="360" rel:auto_play="1" rel:rubbable="1" /> <script type="text/javascript"> $$('img').each(function (img_tag) { if (/.*\.gif/.test(img_tag.src)) { var rub = new SuperGif({ gif: img_tag } ); rub.load(function(){ console.log('oh hey, now the gif is loaded'); }); } }); </script>
(most of the code is taken directly from their example)
I use x-gif it's pretty cool and easy to setup.
From Github:
<x-gif src="probably_cats.gif"></x-gif>
Where you can add the following as attributes:
- Playback modes:
(default mode) multiplies the speed by the value of the attribute;sync
defers playback to an external object;bpm="120"
syncs GIFs to a given beats-per-minute;
prevents the GIF from animating;fill
causes the GIF to expand to cover its container;n-times="3.0"
(speed mode only) stops playback (by adding the attribute stopped) after a set number of times;snap
(sync & bpm modes only) instead of allowing longer GIFs to sync to multiple beats, force them to fit into only one;ping-pong
plays the GIF front-to-back then back-to-front;
- Debugging:
turns on debug output from the Gif Exploder;exploded
stops playback, and renders each frame out side-by-side.
If you are OK with converting your gif to a sprite sheet, you can do it this way (using ImageMagick):
montage animation.gif -coalesce -tile x1 -geometry +0+0 -background None -quality 100 spritesheet.png
It is even likely that the new image will be of lesser size.
Once you have a sprite sheet, use CSS animation. An animation with a fixed frame time is used here:
var el = document.getElementById('anim'); function play() { = 'running'; } function pause() { = 'paused'; } function reset() { = 'none'; el.offsetHeight; /* trigger reflow to apply the change immediately */ = null; } function stop() { reset(); pause(); }
#anim { background-image: url(''); width: 250px; height: 188px; animation: anim 1.0s steps(10) infinite; } @keyframes anim { 100% { background-position: -2500px; } }
<div id="anim" title="Animated Bat by Calciumtrice"></div> <button onclick="play()">Play</button> <button onclick="pause()">Pause</button> <button onclick="reset()">Reset</button> <button onclick="stop()">Stop</button>
If you want the animation to not start automatically, add paused
to the end of animation
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