Bootstrap Modal: Close Current, Open New

Answer :

I know this is a late answer, but it might be useful. Here's a proper and clean way to get this done, as @karima's mentioned above. You can actually fire two functions at once; trigger and dismiss the modal.

HTML Markup;

<!-- Button trigger modal --> <ANY data-toggle="modal" data-target="TARGET">...</ANY>  <div class="modal fade" id="SELECTOR" tabindex="-1">   <div class="modal-dialog">    <div class="modal-content">     <div class="modal-body"> ... </div>      <div class="modal-footer">           <!-- ↓ -->  <!--      ↓      -->       <ANY data-toggle="modal" data-target="TARGET-2" data-dismiss="modal">...</ANY>      </div>    </div>   </div> </div> 


Without seeing specific code, it's difficult to give you a precise answer. However, from the Bootstrap docs, you can hide the modal like this:


Then, show another modal once it's hidden:

$('#myModal').on('', function () {   // Load up a new modal...   $('#myModalNew').modal('show') }) 

You're going to have to find a way to push the URL to the new modal window, but I'd assume that'd be trivial. Without seeing the code it's hard to give an example of that.

It's not exactly the response but it's useful when you want to close the current modal and open a new modal.

In the html in the same button, you can ask to close the current modal with data-dismiss and open a new modal directly with data-target:

<button class="btn btn-success"  data-toggle="modal"  data-target="#modalRegistration"  data-dismiss="modal">Register</button> 


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