Jquery Get Class Of Element Code Example

Example 1: jquery get class name

//jQuery get class name of element 
var className=$('#myElementID').attr('class');

Example 2: jquery class list


Example 3: get all classes of element jquery

var classList = $('#divId').attr('class').split(/\s+/);
$.each(classList, function(index, item)
if (item === 'someClass') {
//do something

Example 4: javascript add class to element

var someElement= document.getElementById("myElement");
someElement.className += " newclass";//add "newclass" to element (space in front is important)

Example 5: jquery: get class list using element id


Example 6: get parent element using jquery

For accessing parent element details by using reference of children element.
Just Take a look on below example:

<div id="parentDiv">
<p>Child paragraph element</p>

alert($("p").parent().attr("id")); // output: parentDiv

I hope it will help you.


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