How To Compare Two Char Arrays In Cpp Code Example

Example: c++ compare char array

// syntax #include <cstring> // this needs to be at the top of the script/code std::strcmp(<1st-char>,<2nd-char>)    // example (assuming: char_1 = 'Compare me'; char_2 = 'Compare_me') #include <cstring> if (std::strcmp(char_1,char_2) == 0) {  std::cout << "The char's that you compared match!" << std::endl;  } else {  std::cout << "The char's that you compared DON'T match" << std::endl;  }  // OUTPUT: The char's that you compared match!  /* NOTE: the following outputs of std::strcmp indicate: [less than zero] : left-hand-side appears before right-hand-side in lexicographical order [zero] : the chars are equal [greater than zero] : left-hand-side appears after right-hand-side in lexicographical order */


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