Convert A PHP Object To An Associative Array

Answer :

Just typecast it

$array = (array) $yourObject;

From Arrays:

If an object is converted to an array, the result is an array whose elements are the object's properties. The keys are the member variable names, with a few notable exceptions: integer properties are unaccessible; private variables have the class name prepended to the variable name; protected variables have a '*' prepended to the variable name. These prepended values have null bytes on either side.

Example: Simple Object

$object = new StdClass;
$object->foo = 1;
$object->bar = 2;

var_dump( (array) $object );


array(2) {
'foo' => int(1)
'bar' => int(2)

Example: Complex Object

class Foo
private $foo;
protected $bar;
public $baz;

public function __construct()
$this->foo = 1;
$this->bar = 2;
$this->baz = new StdClass;

var_dump( (array) new Foo );

Output (with \0s edited in for clarity):

array(3) {
'\0Foo\0foo' => int(1)
'\0*\0bar' => int(2)
'baz' => class stdClass#2 (0) {}

Output with var_export instead of var_dump:

array (
'' . "\0" . 'Foo' . "\0" . 'foo' => 1,
'' . "\0" . '*' . "\0" . 'bar' => 2,
'baz' =>

Typecasting this way will not do deep casting of the object graph and you need to apply the null bytes (as explained in the manual quote) to access any non-public attributes. So this works best when casting StdClass objects or objects with only public properties. For quick and dirty (what you asked for) it's fine.

Also see this in-depth blog post:

  • Fast PHP Object to Array conversion

You can quickly convert deeply nested objects to associative arrays by relying on the behavior of the JSON encode/decode functions:

$array = json_decode(json_encode($nested_object), true);

From the first Google hit for "PHP object to assoc array" we have this:

function object_to_array($data)
if (is_array($data) || is_object($data))
$result = array();
foreach ($data as $key => $value)
$result[$key] = object_to_array($value);
return $result;
return $data;

The source is at


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