Javascript Text Animation Code Example

Example 1: text change animation css

content: 'Original Text';
font-size: 600%;
animation-name: head;
animation-duration: 4s;
animation-iteration-count: infinite;

@keyframes head {
0% {font-size:600%; opacity:1;}
25% {font-size:570%; opacity:0;}
50% {font-size:600%; opacity:1;}
65% {font-size:570%; opacity:0;}
80% {font-size:600%; opacity:1; content: "Changed Text"}
90% {font-size:570%; opacity:0;}
100% {font-size:600%;opacity:1; content: "Original Text"}

Example 2: moving letters animation javascript

// Wrap every letter in a span
var textWrapper = document.querySelector('.ml3');
textWrapper.innerHTML = textWrapper.textContent.replace(/\S/g, "<span class='letter'>$&</span>");

{loop: true})
targets: '.ml3 .letter',
opacity: [0,1],
easing: "easeInOutQuad",
duration: 2250,
delay: (el, i) => 150 * (i+1)
targets: '.ml3',
opacity: 0,
duration: 1000,
easing: "easeOutExpo",
delay: 1000


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