C Read Binary Stdin

Answer :

What you need is freopen(). From the manpage:

If filename is a null pointer, the freopen() function shall attempt to change the mode of the stream to that specified by mode, as if the name of the file currently associated with the stream had been used. In this case, the file descriptor associated with the stream need not be closed if the call to freopen() succeeds. It is implementation-defined which changes of mode are permitted (if any), and under what circumstances.

Basically, the best you can really do is this:

freopen(NULL, "rb", stdin); 

This will reopen stdin to be the same input stream, but in binary mode. In the normal mode, reading from stdin on Windows will convert \r\n (Windows newline) to the single character ASCII 10. Using the "rb" mode disables this conversion so that you can properly read in binary data.

freopen() returns a filehandle, but it's the previous value (before we put it in binary mode), so don't use it for anything. After that, use fread() as has been mentioned.

As to your concerns, however, you may not be reading in "32 bits" but if you use fread() you will be reading in 4 chars (which is the best you can do in C - char is guaranteed to be at least 8 bits but some historical and embedded platforms have 16 bit chars (some even have 18 or worse)). If you use fgets() you will never read in 4 bytes. You will read in at least 3 (depending on whether any of them are newlines), and the 4th byte will be '\0' because C strings are nul-terminated and fgets() nul-terminates what it reads (like a good function). Obviously, this is not what you want, so you should use fread().

Consider using SET_BINARY_MODE macro and setmode:

#ifdef _WIN32 # include <io.h> # include <fcntl.h> # define SET_BINARY_MODE(handle) setmode(handle, O_BINARY) #else # define SET_BINARY_MODE(handle) ((void)0) #endif 

More details about SET_BINARY_MODE macro here: "Handling binary files via standard I/O"

More details about setmode here: "_setmode"


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