
Showing posts from September, 2007

Instagram Icon Gradient Color Code Code Example

Example: linear gradient instagram background : #f09433 ; background : -moz-linear-gradient ( 45 deg , #f09433 0 % , #e6683c 25 % , #dc2743 50 % , #cc2366 75 % , #bc1888 100 % ) ; background : -webkit-linear-gradient ( 45 deg , #f09433 0 % , #e6683c 25 % , #dc2743 50 % , #cc2366 75 % , #bc1888 100 % ) ; background : linear-gradient ( 45 deg , #f09433 0 % , #e6683c 25 % , #dc2743 50 % , #cc2366 75 % , #bc1888 100 % ) ; filter : progid : DXImageTransform.Microsoft. gradient ( startColorstr= '#f09433' , endColorstr= '#bc1888' , GradientType= 1 ) ;

How To Use Setprecision In Visual Studio Code Example

Example 1: set precision in c++ // setprecision example # include <iostream> // std::cout, std::fixed # include <iomanip> // std::setprecision int main ( ) { double f = 3.14159 ; std :: cout << std :: setprecision ( 5 ) << f << '\n' ; std :: cout << std :: setprecision ( 9 ) << f << '\n' ; std :: cout << std :: fixed ; std :: cout << std :: setprecision ( 5 ) << f << '\n' ; std :: cout << std :: setprecision ( 9 ) << f << '\n' ; return 0 ; } Example 2: set precision with fixed c++ int x = 109887 ; cout << fixed << setprecision ( 3 ) << x ;

Css Style Background Image Codepen Code Example

Example: background image animation css codepen Refer to this link for many options https : //

Android Mkdir Not Making Folder

Answer : Does the /mnt/sdcard/tallgrass/ directory exist? (I'm guessing not, but you never know.) The File.mkdirs() method will create all needed directories; mkdir() will only create the last directory in the pathname.

Btn Icon Bootstrap Code Example

Example: bootstrap 4 button with icon <!-- Add icon library --> < link rel = " stylesheet " href = " " > < button class = " btn " > < i class = " fa fa-home " > </ i > </ button >

Html Input Type Number Remove Arrows Code Example

Example 1: remove arrows from input type number /* Chrome, Safari, Edge, Opera */ input ::-webkit-outer-spin-button , input ::-webkit-inner-spin-button { -webkit-appearance : none ; margin : 0 ; } /* Firefox */ input [ type = number ] { -moz-appearance : textfield ; } Example 2: get rid of arrows number input input [ type = number ] ::-webkit-inner-spin-button , input [ type = number ] ::-webkit-outer-spin-button { -webkit-appearance : none ; margin : 0 ; } Example 3: remove arrows input number input [ type = number ] ::-webkit-inner-spin-button , input [ type = number ] ::-webkit-outer-spin-button { -webkit-appearance : none ; }

Calculate The Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) In Python

Answer : (It is possible that my interpretation of the question is wrong. If the question is how to get from a discrete PDF into a discrete CDF, then np.cumsum divided by a suitable constant will do if the samples are equispaced. If the array is not equispaced, then np.cumsum of the array multiplied by the distances between the points will do.) If you have a discrete array of samples, and you would like to know the CDF of the sample, then you can just sort the array. If you look at the sorted result, you'll realize that the smallest value represents 0% , and largest value represents 100 %. If you want to know the value at 50 % of the distribution, just look at the array element which is in the middle of the sorted array. Let us have a closer look at this with a simple example: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np # create some randomly ddistributed data: data = np.random.randn(10000) # sort the data: data_sorted = np.sort(data) # calculate the proportional ...

Android JobScheduler Won't Stop With JobFinished(params, False)

Answer : You have specified that a job is run periodically (every 60 seconds), so every 60~ seconds a new job is created and executed. jobFinished() is specific to a job, and simply indicates that it is done executing. You haven't cancelled anything. Your (currently) accepted answer works for cancelling your scheduled job, but if all you want is a job that executes within 60 seconds and then stops, you should ommit setPeriodic() and use setOverrideDeadline(60000) instead. The job will run within 60 seconds and no more will be scheduled after it. Well I figured it out if anyone else has this problem. jobFinished() won't stop the periodic time you set from continuing. It just tells the job that you are finished, to release the wakelock, so Android doesn't have to kill the job off forcefully. What I had to do was recreate the jobScheduler in my service and call cancelAll(). You could also apparently call cancel(job_id). jobScheduler = (JobScheduler)

Cron Expression For Every 30 Seconds In Quartz Scheduler?

Answer : The first element represents the seconds; to run at second 0 and 30 use the following: 0/30 0/1 * 1/1 * ? * I hope this answer will help you. Please define the cron expression the below 0/30 * * * * ? * And then you go this website and test Cron Expression Generator & Explainer - Quartz. The same effect we can reach (Quartz Spring) using more simpler construction: 0/30 * * * * ? * The last asterisk we can omit. 0/30 * * * * ? Quartz scheduler cron trigger documentation 2.x

Android Floating View (over Other Views)

Answer : A FrameLayout allows you to have a view overlapping another view. I'm not sure it makes sense to have them with only one child view, as you have in your example. Try having a FrameLayout at the highest level, with your "static" view as the first child element, and the floating menu as the second child. The developer documents have a good overview the layout types, it might help you get started.

Bootstrap Label And Input Code Example

Example 1: bootsrap label <span class= "label label-default" >Default Label</span> <span class= "label label-primary" >Primary Label</span> <span class= "label label-success" >Success Label</span> <span class= "label label-info" >Info Label</span> <span class= "label label-warning" >Warning Label</span> <span class= "label label-danger" >Danger Label</span> Example 2: bootstrap radio <div class= "form-check form-check-inline" > <input class= "form-check-input" type= "radio" name= "inlineRadioOptions" id= "inlineRadio1" value= "option1" > <label class= "form-check-label" for= "inlineRadio1" > 1 </label> </div> <div class= "form-check form-check-inline" > <input class= "form-check-input" type= "radi...

Android - Can A Device Pretend To Be A USB Keyboard?

Answer : Yes. This is definitely possible, requiring no modifications or drivers on the PC. As the OP mentions, the USB identification on the phone end is ultimately done in software (in this file, and it could be modified to identify itself as a standard USB keyboard. This change would require a couple of things. A modified kernel with a patched USB driver An Android app that could talk to some interface exposed by the modified USB driver. There was a paper published a couple of years ago (titled Exploiting smart-phone USB connectivity for fun and profit ) that described using a phone to brute-force desktop login screens. The method they used involved making the phone appear as a USB keyboard. This doesn't exactly answer your question, but it might help in your use case. Maybe you want to have a look at InputStick. It'll be a USB thumb drive that you pair to Android via...

8 Factorial Calculator Code Example

Example: calculate factorial int factorial ( int n ) { int res = 1 , i ; for ( i = 2 ; i <= n ; i ++ ) res *= i ; return res ; }

Counter For Korean War Wagon

Answer : I think the simple answer is Get in close to nullify the war wagon's range attack advantage. Like all cavalry units, it is susceptible to pikemen, skirmishers and camels. Here are some more tips, but it basically comes down to the same point Pikemen are especially effective if they manage to get close. A practical approach though, is to use cavalry - especially light cavalry which are somewhat less susceptible to missile damage. Cavalry can close in fast and quite effective in groups. Massed war wagon are pretty hard to beat and will take down much of your pikemen or cavalry before they get close. One alternative approach that I've seen used (but never used myself) is to use a small group of onagers. The onagers are kept behind other units for protection so they don't get attacked right away, and they all attack at once once they get in range. This only works if they are fully upgraded, and even then this is basically a sacrificial strategy, you you will end up ...

Create Excel File Python Openpyxl Code Example

Example 1: how to create a excel file in python import xlsxwriter # Create a workbook and add a worksheet. workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook('Expenses01.xlsx') worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet() # Some data we want to write to the worksheet. expenses = ( ['Rent', 1000], ['Gas', 100], ['Food', 300], ['Gym', 50], ) # Start from the first cell. Rows and columns are zero indexed. row = 0 col = 0 # Iterate over the data and write it out row by row. for item, cost in (expenses): worksheet.write(row, col, item) worksheet.write(row, col + 1, cost) row += 1 # Write a total using a formula. worksheet.write(row, 0, 'Total') worksheet.write(row, 1, '=SUM(B1:B4)') workbook.close() Example 2: python write to excel from openpyxl import Workbook filename = 'Testwriteexcel.xlsx' sheettitle = 'Sheetname' wb = Workbook() wb['Sheet'].title = sheettitle sh1 = sh1['A1'].v...

Convert An RFC 3339 Time To A Standard Python Timestamp

Answer : You don't include an example, but if you don't have a Z-offset or timezone, and assuming you don't want durations but just the basic time, then maybe this will suit you: import datetime as dt >>> dt.datetime.strptime('1985-04-12T23:20:50.52', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f') datetime.datetime(1985, 4, 12, 23, 20, 50, 520000) The strptime() function was added to the datetime module in Python 2.5 so some people don't yet know it's there. Edit : The time.strptime() function has existed for a while though, and works about the same to give you a struct_time value: >>> ts = time.strptime('1985-04-12T23:20:50.52', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f') >>> ts time.struct_time(tm_year=1985, tm_mon=4, tm_mday=12, tm_hour=23, tm_min=20, tm_sec=50, tm_wday=4, tm_yday=102, tm_isdst=-1) >>> time.mktime(ts) 482210450.0 I struggled with RFC3339 datetime format a lot, but I found a suitable solution to convert date_string ...

"415 Unsupported Media Type" For Content-Type "application/csp-report" In ASP.NET Core

Answer : The following example shows how to add support to the SystemTextJsonInputFormatter for handling additional media-types: services.AddControllers(options => { var jsonInputFormatter = options.InputFormatters .OfType<SystemTextJsonInputFormatter>() .Single(); jsonInputFormatter.SupportedMediaTypes.Add("application/csp-report"); }); This is a two-step process: Interrogate the configured list of input-formatters to find the SystemTextJsonInputFormatter . Add application/csp-report to its existing list of supported media-types ( application/json , text/json , and application/*+json ). If you're using Json.NET instead of System.Text.Json , the approach is similar : services.AddControllers(options => { var jsonInputFormatter = options.InputFormatters .OfType<NewtonsoftJsonInputFormatter>() .First(); jsonInputFormatter.SupportedMediaTypes.Add("application/csp-report"); }) T...

Can I Use TensorBoard With Google Colab?

Answer : EDIT: You probably want to give the official %tensorboard magic a go, available from TensorFlow 1.13 onward. Prior to the existence of the %tensorboard magic, the standard way to achieve this was to proxy network traffic to the Colab VM using ngrok. A Colab example can be found here. These are the steps (the code snippets represent cells of type "code" in colab): Get TensorBoard running in the background. Inspired by this answer. LOG_DIR = '/tmp/log' get_ipython().system_raw( 'tensorboard --logdir {} --host --port 6006 &' .format(LOG_DIR) ) Download and unzip ngrok. Replace the link passed to wget with the correct download link for your OS. ! wget ! unzip Launch ngrok background process... get_ipython().system_raw('./ngrok http 6006 &') ...and retrieve public url. Source ! curl -s http://localho...