Create Row Every After 2 Item In Angular Ng-repeat - Ionic Grid

Answer :

I managed to do it using $even.

<div ng-repeat="number in numbers">

<div class="row" ng-if="$even">
<div class="col col-50">{{numbers[$index]}}</div>
<div class="col col-50">{{numbers[$index + 1]}}</div>


Here's a working JSFiddle.

The solution from @Patrick Reck is excellent, but it forces you to repeat your code twice,

I suggest this improvement:

    <div ng-repeat="number in numbers">    
<div class="row" ng-if="$even">
<div class="col col-50"
ng-repeat="num in [numbers[$index],numbers[$index + 1]]">

this way you will write your code one time as if it is a normal ng-repeat

You can add flex-wrap: wrap to class row

<div ng-controller="MyCtrl">
<div class="row" style="flex-wrap: wrap">
<div class="col col-50" ng-repeat="number in numbers">{{number}}</div>

var myApp = angular.module('myApp',[]);

function MyCtrl($scope) {
$scope.numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];


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