Can I Run Two Ongoing Npm Commands In 1 Terminal

Answer :

You could run one process in the background with & (one ampersand, not two) but that would require you to manage it manually, which would be rather tedious. For details see What does ampersand mean at the end of a shell script line?.

For that use-case someone built concurrently, which makes it simple to run processes in parallel and keep track of their output.

npm install --save-dev concurrently 

And your start script becomes:

"start": "concurrently 'npm run webpack' 'npm run server'" 

If you want to make the output a little prettier you can give the processes names with -n and colours with -c, for example:

"start": "concurrently -n 'webpack,server' -c 'bgBlue.bold,bgGreen.bold' 'npm run webpack' 'npm run server'" 


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