Create A Link That Will Open Viber And WhatsApp And Will Send A Message To Me

Answer :

What you need is called deep-linking, some examples for viber and whatsapp are:


<a href="viber://pa?chatURI=[public account URI]&text=[message text]"> some text </a>


<a href="whatsapp://send?abid=[users name]&text=[message text]"> some text </a>

While not a deep link, you can also use the following url (don't use + on phone) for WhatsApp:

<a href="">Contact Me</a>


Viber link to user should be like this:


Use international telephone number format without + but with %2B.

Since you don't want to create a public account (aka viber links including /pa? ) then simple add the link: <a href="viber://chat?number=012345678901"">chat with me</a>
The first two digits are country code and no + sign needed.


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