Accessing IOS Safari Web Inspector From Windows Machine

Answer :

It appears to require Safari 6, which has not been released for Windows. Regarding the unavailability of Safari 6 on Windows, Apple has stated "Safari 6 is available for Mountain Lion and Lion. Safari 5 continues to be available for Windows."

I regularly use weinre. It basically runs a webserver that in turn acts as an inspector-enhanced proxy to browse webpages and websites. The inspector can be started by adding a script to your page or running a bookmarklet.

weinre is a debugger for web pages, like FireBug (for FireFox) and Web Inspector (for WebKit-based browsers), except it's designed to work remotely, and in particular, to allow you debug web pages on a mobile device such as a phone.

To install it, you will need NodeJS and NPM (included with NodeJS). You will also need a WebKit-based browser on the desktop/receiver end (Safari, Google Chrome, or Chromium). It should work on Windows, OSX, and Linux.

  • Official page:
  • Documentation & Getting Started:
  • NPM Package:

If you already have NodeJS and NPM installed, you can install and run it with:

npm i -g weinre weinre # Go to the URL that it outputs for instructions to use it 

screenshot of developer tools and ios simulator, showing weinre in action


@EvAlex has pointed out another tool very similar to Weinre called Vorlon.js. It is pluggable and supports viewing/switching between the inspector of multiple devices simultaneously.

Setup Vorlon on Windows

npm i -g vorlon vorlon 

Verify Vorlon is Running

Open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:1337

Setup Ngrok

  • Download Ngrok:
  • Unzip it
  • Open a command prompt: Start -> Search -> cmd
  • Navigate to ngrok.exe: cd <ngrok_path_where_ngrok.exe is stored>/
  • Run it: ngrok.exe http <port> e.g. ngrok.exe http 1337

Ngrok provides a url e.g. -> localhost:1337

Copy and paste the ngrok url into your webpage.

<script src=""></script> 

Navigate to the page under test on your device(s): 


  • Vorlon Reference:
  • Ngrok Reference:


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