Convert Timestamp Datatype Into Unix Timestamp Oracle

Answer :

This question is pretty much the inverse of Convert Unixtime to Datetime SQL (Oracle)

As Justin Cave says:

There are no built-in functions. But it's relatively easy to write
one. Since a Unix timestamp is the number of seconds since January 1,

As subtracting one date from another date results in the number of days between them you can do something like:

create or replace function date_to_unix_ts( PDate in date ) return number is

l_unix_ts number;


l_unix_ts := ( PDate - date '1970-01-01' ) * 60 * 60 * 24;
return l_unix_ts;


As its in seconds since 1970 the number of fractional seconds is immaterial. You can still call it with a timestamp data-type though...

SQL> select date_to_unix_ts(systimestamp) from dual;


In response to your comment, I'm sorry but I don't see that behaviour:

SQL> with the_dates as (
2 select to_date('08-mar-12 01:00:00 am', 'dd-mon-yy hh:mi:ss am') as dt
3 from dual
4 union all
5 select to_date('08-mar-12', 'dd-mon-yy')
6 from dual )
7 select date_to_unix_ts(dt)
8 from the_dates
9 ;



There's 3,600 seconds difference, i.e. 1 hour.

I realize an answer has already been accepted, but I think it should be made clear that the function in that answer doesn't consider the passed in date's time zone offset. A proper Unix timestamp should be calculated at GMT (+0). Oracle's to_date function assumes the passed in date is in the local time zone unless otherwise specified. This problem is exacerbated by the fact that Daylight Saving Time is a real thing. I over came this problem with the following function:

create or replace
function unix_time_from_date
in_date in date,
in_src_tz in varchar2 default 'America/New_York'
return integer
ut integer := 0;
tz varchar2(8) := '';
tz_date timestamp with time zone;
tz_stmt varchar2(255);
* This function is used to convert an Oracle DATE (local timezone) to a Unix timestamp (UTC).
* @author James Sumners
* @date 01 February 2012
* @param in_date An Oracle DATE to convert. It is assumed that this date will be in the local timezone.
* @param in_src_tz Indicates the time zone of the in_date parameter.
* @return integer

-- Get the current timezone abbreviation (stupid DST)
tz_stmt := 'select systimestamp at time zone ''' || in_src_tz || ''' from dual';
execute immediate tz_stmt into tz_date;
extract(timezone_abbr from tz_date)
into tz
from dual;

-- Get the Unix timestamp
(new_time(in_date, tz, 'GMT') - to_date('01-JAN-1970', 'DD-MM-YYYY')) * (86400)
into ut
from dual;

return ut;
end unix_time_from_date;

I have some companion functions, unix_time and unix_time_to_date, available at I can't believe Oracle has made it all the way to 11g without implementing these.

for date:

   FUNCTION date_to_unix (p_date  date,in_src_tz in varchar2 default 'Europe/Kiev') return number is
return round((cast((FROM_TZ(CAST(p_date as timestamp), in_src_tz) at time zone 'GMT') as date)-TO_DATE('01.01.1970',''))*(24*60*60));

for timestamp:

FUNCTION timestamp_to_unix (p_time  timestamp,in_src_tz in varchar2 default 'Europe/Kiev') return number is
return round((cast((FROM_TZ(p_time, in_src_tz) at time zone 'GMT') as date)-TO_DATE('01.01.1970',''))*(24*60*60));


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