Scss Array Variables Code Example
Example: scss array In Sass < 3.3 you can use multidimensional lists : $ numbers : ( 3 "three" ) ( 4 "four" ) ; @each $i in $numbers { .# { nth ( $i , 2 ) } -# { nth ( $i , 1 ) } { /* CSS styles */ } } DEMO In Sass >= 3.3 we get maps : $ numbers : ( "3" : "three" , "4" : "four" ) ; @each $number , $i in $numbers { .# { $i } -# { $number } { /* CSS styles */ } } DEMO So in terms of fractions , you could just do something in this direction , so that you don't need multiple lists or maps : $ number : 6 ; $ name : ( ( "one" ) , ( "two" "halv" "halves" ) , ( "three" "third" "thirds" ) , ( "four" "quarter" "quarters" ) , ( "five" "fifth" "fifths" ) , ( "six" "sixth" "sixsths" )...