Apple - Can I Manually Limit The %CPU Used By A Process?
Answer : cputhrottle is the tool you need. You can install it with Homebrew. You can monitor a series of processes by name by running the Bash script below. I'm not quite sure how to turn this into a login item since cputhrottle requires superuser permissions. Run it as a script, in an Automator workflow, whatever: # Get the Process/App names from Activity Monitor and put them here apps=("AppOne" "AppTwo" "AppThree") # Set the respective limits here limits={30 40 50) while true; do for app in ${apps}; do for limit in ${limits}; do for pid in $(pgrep ${app}); do sudo /path/to/cputhrottle ${pid} ${limit} done done done done [Edited] I've added a different version for this script (a bash script), which might be useful for people looking for limiting the CPU for multiple applications. This new script also allows you to specify a list containing the application name and the CPU limit for it. The main di...