How To Write A Delay Function In C Code Example

Example: C delay

/** really not much to say...    just a way to program a delay    between commands in your code. **/  //C library statement #include <time.h>  //Driver program void dealy(int numOfSec) { 	/* the delay itself runs with milli seconds 	   so here we multiply the seconds by 1000.  */ 	int numOfMilliSec = 1000 * numOfSec; 	 	/* Making the time pass with nothing running 	   until the time is up.                     */ 	time_t startTime = clock(); 	while(clock() < startTime + numOfMilliSec); }  /*To use the delay just use the command:   delay(x);   you need to replace x with the number   of seconds that you want the delay to   be.                                    */    ///The code itself without the details:  #include <time.h>  void delay(int numOfSec) { 	int numOfMilliSec = 1000 * numOfSec; 	time_t startTime = clock(); 	while(clock() < startTime + numOfMilliSec); }


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