Android Studio Logcat Not Showing Logs

Answer :

enter image description here

In my case in Android 2.2, for some reason, Firebase was selected by default in the dropdown box marked above. So logs didn't drop. I just needed to change it to No Filters. Then it worked.

I even tried restarting the logcat, that didn't work too. No Filters did the magic.

Hope this helps someone.

Edit: You can as well select Show only selected application for logcat to show only the current debugging process, i.e your app.

  • You may be hiding it, try pressing Alt + 6 to open Log tab.

  • Look at the log level:- it must be verbose.

  • Restart adb.

  • If that doesn't works restart the android studio.

In Logcat window reselect your device then reselect your app

if it didn't appear restart adb using two commands:

adb kill-server adb start-server 

Happy debugging :)
