Console.log In Dart Language

Answer :


print('This will be logged to the console in the browser.');

A basic top-level print function is always available in all implementations of Dart (browser, VM, etc.). Because Dart has string interpolation, it's easy to use that to print useful stuff too:

var a = 123;
var b = new Point(2, 3);
print('a is $a, b is ${b.x}, ${b.y}');

Also, dart:html allows use of window.console object.

import 'dart:html';

void main() {
window.console.debug("debug message");"info message");
window.console.error("error message");

It’s easy! Just import the logging package:

import 'package:logging/logging.dart';

Create a logger object:

final _logger = Logger('YourClassName');

Then in your code when you need to log something:'Request received!');

If you catch an exception you can log it and the stacktrace as well.

_logger.severe('Oops, an error occurred', err, stacktrace);

Logging package documentation :
