Ajax Add To Cart Button For Product Variation In WooCommerce 3

Answer :

To make it work I use a custom ajax add-to-cart for product variations exclusively.

1). I have first changed a bit your button html:

<div class="btnss">     <span class="price">         <span class="woocommerce-Price-amount amount">6,999&nbsp;             <span class="woocommerce-Price-currencySymbol">kr</span>         </span>     </span>     <div class="quantity buttons_added">         <input type="button" value="-" class="minus">         <label class="screen-reader-text" for="quantity_5b101f605f067">Quantity</label>         <input type="number" id="quantity_5b101f605f067" class="input-text qty text" step="1" min="1" max="" name="quantity" value="1" title="Qty" size="4" pattern="[0-9]*" inputmode="numeric" aria-labelledby="">         <input type="button" value="+" class="plus">     </div>     <a href="#" class="button product_type_variation add_to_cart_button ajax variation" data-product_id="237" data-variation_id="208673" data-quantity="1" data-variation="pa_option=bluetooth">Add to cart</a> </div> 

As you will see I don't use the button href attribute, as I post the data through ajax.

For your attributes, if you have more than one, you will separate each pair by a coma like:


2). The PHP (Wordpress-Ajax) and the jQuery (Ajax) code:

// Wordpress Ajax php: Adding variation to cart add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_variation_to_cart', 'product_variation_add_to_cart' ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_variation_to_cart', 'product_variation_add_to_cart' ); function product_variation_add_to_cart() {     if( isset($_POST['pid']) && $_POST['pid'] > 0 ){         $product_id   = (int) $_POST['pid'];         $variation_id = (int) $_POST['vid'];         $quantity     = (int) $_POST['qty'];         $attributes   = explode(',', $_POST['var']);         $variation    = array();         foreach($attributes as $values){             $values = explode('=', $values);             $variation['attributes_'.$values[0]] = $values[1];         }         WC()->cart->add_to_cart( $product_id, $quantity, $variation_id, $variation );         echo true;     }     die(); // To avoid server error 500 }  // The Jquery ajax script add_action( 'wp_footer', 'custom_product_variation_script' ); function custom_product_variation_script() {     // HERE set the page or the post ID     $the_id = 102;      if( ! ( is_page($the_id) || is_single($the_id) ) ) return;      $view_cart = '<a href="'.wc_get_cart_url().'" class="added_to_cart wc-forward" title="View cart">View cart</a>';     $adding    = __('Adding to cart…', 'woocommerce');     ?>     <script type="text/javascript">     jQuery( function($){         // wc_add_to_cart_params is required to continue         if ( typeof wc_add_to_cart_params === 'undefined' )             return false;          var a = 'a.button.ajax.variation',             b = $(a).html(),             c = '<?php echo $view_cart; ?>',             d = '<?php echo $adding; ?>';          // Sync the data-quantity attribute         $('input.minus,input.plus').on( 'click blur', function(){             $(a).attr('data-quantity',$('input.qty').val());         });         $('input.qty').on('input click blur', function(){             $(a).attr('data-quantity',$('input.qty').val());         })          $(a).on('click', function(e){             e.preventDefault();              $('a.wc-forward').remove();             $(a).html(d);              // The Ajax request             $.ajax({                 type: 'POST',                 url: wc_add_to_cart_params.ajax_url,                 data: {                     'action': 'variation_to_cart',                     'pid'   : $(a).attr('data-product_id'),                     'vid'   : $(a).attr('data-variation_id'),                     'qty'   : $(a).attr('data-quantity'),                     'var'   : $(a).attr('data-variation'),                 },                 success: function (response) {                     if(response){                         // Update button and refresh minicart fragments                         setTimeout(function(){                             $(a).addClass('added').html(b).after(c);                             $(document.body).trigger('added_to_cart').trigger('wc_fragment_refresh');                         }, 500);                     }                 },                 error: function (error) {                     $(a).addClass('failed').html('Add to cart failed!');                     console.log(error);                 }             });         });     });     </script>     <?php } 

Code goes in function.php file of your active child theme (or active theme). Tested and works.


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