Abstract Meaning In Java Code Example

Example 1: abstract class in java

Sometimes we may come across a situation where we cannot provide  implementation to all the methods in a class. We want to leave the  implementation to a class that extends it. In such case we declare a class as abstract.To make a class abstract we use key word abstract.  Any class that contains one or more abstract methods is declared as abstract.  If we don’t declare class as abstract which contains abstract methods we get  compile time error.      1)Abstract classes cannot be instantiated   2)An abstarct classes contains abstract method, concrete methods or both.   3)Any class which extends abstarct class must override all methods of abstract     class   4)An abstarct class can contain either 0 or more abstract method.

Example 2: how to create an abstract method in java

abstract class Scratch{   // cannot be static     abstract public void hello();     abstract String randNum(); }  interface Other{   //all methods in an interface are abstract     public void bye();     String randDouble(); }

Example 3: java abstract

abstract class Pesan {    public void success() {      System.out.println("Mobil Berhasil Dibeli");    }        public void error() {      System.out.println("Uang Anda Tidak Cukup");    } }   class Car extends Pesan {     protected String nama = "toyota supra";     protected String warna = "merah";     protected int harga = 2000000000;     protected String brand = "toyota"; }   class ShowRoom extends Car {   protected String namaShowroom = "Catur Sentosa Raya";   protected String alamatShowroom = "Jl.siliwangin kec pancoranmas kota depok 16436"; }   class Pembeli extends ShowRoom {     protected String namaPembeli = "anto jayabaya";     protected String alamatPembeli = "jl.swadaya rt.01/rw.04 no.112 kec pancoranmas kota depok";     protected int saldoPembeli = 50000000; }   class BeliMobil extends Pembeli {    public BeliMobil(String nama, String warna, int harga, String brand, String nsr, String asr, String np, String ap, int sdp) {     super();          super.nama = nama;     super.warna = warna;     super.harga = harga;     super.brand = brand;     super.namaShowroom = nsr;     super.alamatShowroom = asr;     super.namaPembeli = np;     super.alamatPembeli = ap;     super.saldoPembeli = sdp;  }      void getResult(String nama, String warna, int harga, String brand, String np, String ap) {           if(super.harga > super.saldoPembeli) {        System.out.println("=======================");        super.error();        System.out.println("=======================");      } else {        System.out.println("=======================");        super.success();        System.out.println("=======================");        System.out.println("");        System.out.println("=======================");        System.out.println("Jenis Mobil");        System.out.println("=======================");        System.out.println("");        System.out.println("Nama Mobil:" + nama);        System.out.println("Warna Mobil:" + warna);        System.out.println("Harga Mobil:" + harga);        System.out.println("Brand Mobil:" + brand);        System.out.println("");        System.out.println("=======================");        System.out.println("Nama Pembeli Mobil");        System.out.println("=======================");        System.out.println("Nama Pembeli:" + np);        System.out.println("Nama Pembeli:" + ap);      }   }       public static void main(String[] args) {    BeliMobil beli = new BeliMobil("avanza", "hitam", 128000000, "toyota", "Jaya Mobil", "Jakarta", "Anton", "Depok", 228000000);    beli.getResult(beli.nama, beli.warna, beli.harga, beli.brand, beli.namaPembeli, beli.alamatPembeli);   } }


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