Android Button Drawable Tint

Answer :

You can achieve coloring the drawableleft on a button with this method:

Step 1: Create a drawable resource file with bitmap as parent element as shown below and name it as ic_action_landscape.xml under the drawable folder

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <bitmap xmlns:android=""     android:src="@android:drawable/ic_btn_speak_now"     android:tint="@color/white" /> 

Step 2: Create your Button control in your layout as below

<Button         android:layout_width="wrap_content"         android:layout_height="wrap_content"         android:backgroundTint="@color/md_light_green_500"         android:drawableLeft="@drawable/ic_action_landscape"         android:drawablePadding="8dp"         android:fontFamily="sans-serif"         android:gravity="left|center_vertical"         android:stateListAnimator="@null"         android:text="@string/drawer_quizzes"         android:textColor="#fff"         android:textSize="12dp" /> 

The button gets the drawable from the ic_action_landscape.xml from the drawable folder instead of @android:drawable or drawable png(s).

Method 2:
Step 1:
You can even add the icon as a Action Bar and Tab icons with Foreground as Image that can be imported from a custom location or a Clipart

Step 2:
Under Theme dropdown select Custom

Step 3:
Then select the color as #FFFFFF in the Foreground color selection. Method 2 Pictorial representation

Finally finish the wizard to add the image, then add the drawable as an image.

Pictorial representation for answer to the question

I know there are lots of answers already, but non of them made me happy since I didn't want to have different drawables for different styles of elements.

So my solution was to set color filter in constructor like this:

int textColor = getTextColors().getColorForState(EMPTY_STATE_SET, Color.WHITE);     Drawable[] drawables = getCompoundDrawablesRelative();     for (Drawable drawable : drawables) {         if(drawable != null) {             drawable.setColorFilter(textColor, PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_ATOP);         }     } 

I used text color because this was what I need, but it can be replaced with custom attribute to be more dinamic.

I was able to accomplish this same exact thing using a MaterialButton (from the material support library, which most people are probably using already). MaterialButton has an attribute named icon which can be placed left/center/right (default left). It also has an attribute called iconTint which will tint the icon.


implementation "" 


<     android:layout_width="0dp"     android:layout_weight="1"     android:text="@string/drawer_quizzes"     android:backgroundTint="@color/md_light_green_500"     android:stateListAnimator="@null"     android:textColor="#fff"     android:textSize="12dp"     android:fontFamily="sans-serif"     app:icon="@drawable/ic_action_landscape"     app:iconTint="@color/white"     android:gravity="left|center_vertical"     android:drawablePadding="8dp"     /> 


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