C Read File Line By Line Into Char Array Code Example

Example: c read lines from text file in to array

FILE *fp;        // pointer to file     char *file_name; // file path     char cur_char;     char *line = NULL; // line array     size_t len = 0;     ssize_t read;     int counter = 0;      //char content[MAX_NUM_LINES][MAX_LINE_LENGTH];     char strArray[150][150];     if (optarg == 0)     {         printf("File could not be opened.");         return;     }     // has file argument     fp = fopen(optarg, "r");      if (fp != NULL)     {          while ((read = getline(&line, &len, fp)) != -1) // loop thru lines and add them to the strArray         {             // fgets(line, 100, fp);             int i = 0;             while(line[i] != '\n'){ // loop thru the characters in the current line                 strArray[counter][i] = line[i];                 i++;             }                          counter++;//counts the number of lines in the file                   }         }


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