CSS Table And Max-width In Chrome Not Working
Answer :
Technically Chrome is following the rules because max-width should only apply to block elements.
From MSDN docs:
The min-width/max-width attributes apply to floating and absolutely
positioned block and inline-block elements, as well as some intrinsic
controls. They do not apply to non-replaced inline elements, such as
table rows and row/column groups. (A "replaced" element has intrinsic
dimensions, such as an img or textArea.)
The table (or in your case display:table) should technically not work or be supported. FF apparently obeys it fine, but you'll probably need to come up with another solution, either removing the display:table or the max-width.
max-width property
The solution I found was using table-layout: fixed
and width: 100%
Create a div and give it a styling to display block and a max width. You may use traditional <table>
and give it a styling of 100% width.
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