
Showing posts from June, 2019

Topcoder Fenwick Tree Code Example

Example: dfenwick tree code c++ // C++ code to demonstrate operations of Binary Index Tree # include <iostream> using namespace std ; /* n --> No. of elements present in input array. BITree[0..n] --> Array that represents Binary Indexed Tree. arr[0..n-1] --> Input array for which prefix sum is evaluated. */ // Returns sum of arr[0..index]. This function assumes // that the array is preprocessed and partial sums of // array elements are stored in BITree[]. int getSum ( int BITree [ ] , int index ) { int sum = 0 ; // Iniialize result // index in BITree[] is 1 more than the index in arr[] index = index + 1 ; // Traverse ancestors of BITree[index] while ( index > 0 ) { // Add current element of BITree to sum sum += BITree [ index ] ; // Move index to parent node in getSum View index -= index & ( - index ) ; } return su...

45 Degrees Fahrenheit To Celsius Code Example

Example 1: fahrenheit to celsius formula cels = ( fahr - 32.0 ) * 5.0 / 9.0 ; //Fahr to cels fahr = ( cels * 9.0 / 5.0 ) + 32.0 ; //Cels to fahr Example 2: convert fahrenheit to celsius formula javascript < ! DOCTYPE html > < html > < head > < title > Fahrenheit From Celsius < / title > < / head > < body > < script > var cTemp = 100 ; // temperature in Celsius // Let's be generous with parentheses var hTemp = ( ( cTemp * 9 ) / 5 ) + 32 ; document . write ( "Temperature in Celsius: " + cTemp + " degrees<br/>" ) ; document . write ( "Temperature in Fahrenheit: " + hTemp + " degrees" ) ; < / script > < / body > < / html >

Angular Testing For Angular-Material On Mat-Menu

Answer : My final test ended up looking like this: import { TestBed, async, ComponentFixture } from '@angular/core/testing'; import { AppComponent } from './app.component'; import { RouterTestingModule } from '@angular/router/testing'; import { AppRoutes } from './app.routes'; import { MatToolbarModule, MatIconModule, MatMenuModule, MatButtonModule } from '@angular/material'; import { HomeComponent } from './home/home.component'; import { UserService } from './user/user.service'; import { NoopAnimationsModule } from '@angular/platform-browser/animations'; import { BehaviorSubject } from '../../node_modules/rxjs'; class MockUserService { signedIn$: BehaviorSubject<boolean> = new BehaviorSubject(false); signIn() {} } describe('AppComponent', () => { let app: AppComponent; let fixture: ComponentFixture<AppComponent>; let dom; let button; beforeEach(async(() => ...

Android Studio Custom Button Background Code Example

Example 1: button style android studio style = "@style/Widget.AppCompat.Button" style = "@style/Widget.AppCompat.Button.Colored" style = "@style/Widget.AppCompat.Button.Borderless" style = "@style/Widget.AppCompat.Button.Borderless.Colored" Example 2: design custom button in android android : src = "@drawable/twitter"

16k Resolution Code Example

Example 1: 4k resolution 3840 x 2160 Example 2: 8k resolution 7680 x 4320

Mdn Css Box-sizing Code Example

Example 1: border-box css #example1 { box-sizing : border-box ; } Example 2: css box model MDN ( Mozilla Developer Network ) Probably the best place for an in-depth explanation of web related technologies. See the link below regarding the CSS BOX MODEL

Stroke Class Css Code Example

Example 1: svg stroke color <rect x= "10" y= "10" width= "100" height= "100" stroke= "blue" fill= "purple" fill-opacity= "0.5" stroke-opacity= "0.8" /> Example 2: css stroke .module { stroke : black ; }

80 Inches To Cm Code Example

Example: inch to cm 1 inch = 2.54 cm

C: Linux Command Executed By Popen() Function Not Showing Results

Answer : Since the output is going to stderr you need to redirect stderr like so: FILE* file = popen("ntpdate 2>&1", "r"); this will redirect stderr to stdout and so you will see output from both. Second issue fscanf will stop at the first space so you can replace with fgets : fgets(buffer, 100, file); As Shafik Yaghmour correctly diagnosed, the output you see from ntpdate is written (correctly) to its standard error, which is the same as your programs standard error. To get the error messages sent down the pipe, use: FILE *file = popen("ntpdate 2>&1", "r"); That sends the standard error output from ntpdate to the standard output of the command, which is the pipe you're reading from. Of course, it looks like using ntpdate isn't going to work well until you've configured something.

Can You Check If A PSN Code Is Valid Without Redeeming It?

Answer : The only way to check code is by trying to redeem it. After entering the code, if the code is valid, there will be a confirmation step, and you can cancel the operation. If the code is invalid or expired it will be rejected immediately with an error message.

How To Append String In Javascript Code Example

Example 1: string concatenation in js var str1 = "Hello " ; var str2 = "world!" ; var res = str1 . concat ( str2 ) ; console . log ( res ) ; Example 2: how to concatenate strings javascript var str1 = "Hello " ; var str2 = "world!" ; var res = str1 . concat ( str2 ) ; // does not change the existing strings, but // returns a new string containing the text // of the joined strings. Example 3: string concat javascript //This method adds two or more strings and returns a new single string. let str1 = new String ( "This is string one" ) ; let str2 = new String ( "This is string two" ) ; let str3 = str1 . concat ( str2 . toString ( ) ) ; console . log ( "str1 + str2 : " + str3 ) output : str1 + str2 : This is string oneThis is string two Example 4: js concatenate strings const str1 = 'Hello' ; const str2 = 'World' ; console . log ( str1 + str2 ) ; >> HelloWorl...

CP Command Prompt Windows 7 Not Recognized

Answer : By default , there's no cp in Windows Command Prompt (cmd.exe). The equivalent cmd.exe command is copy . cp is a Unix command. If you can use PowerShell instead, which should come pre-installed in modern Windows systems, you can use cp and some other Unix commands directly in it. If PowerShell isn't an alternative, you can use cp directly in Windows Command Prompt if you install Cygwin. Moreover, Cygwin also includes the rsync command, which has many more features than cp , and might be preferable if you're not just copying a single file (e.g. for backup purposes). it is a unix/linux command. Download the cygwin package from Necromancing. There's a way to do run cp without cygwin and powershell and without admin rights. Download the respective package (CoreUtils) from the Gnu-Win32 package repository. You need the zipped binaries and the zipped dependencies. Unpack, and copy bin from deps to bin from coreutils. Now add the bin folder to the p...

Font Awesome Cdn 4 ALL Code Example

Example 1: font awesome 4.7 cdn <link rel= "stylesheet" href= "" integrity= "sha256-eZrrJcwDc/3uDhsdt61sL2oOBY362qM3lon1gyExkL0=" crossorigin= "anonymous" /> Example 2: font awesome 4 cdn <!-- Fontawesome 4 Cdn from BootstrapCDN --> <link rel= "stylesheet" type= "text/css" href= "" > Example 3: bootstrap font asesome cdn The correct one -> Give an upvote if it helps <link rel= "stylesheet" href= "" /> Example 4: font awesome cdn <script src= "" crossorigin= "anonymous" ></script>

Convert List To IEnumerable

Answer : Maybe try this? ( untested ) ViewBag.AvaiableEnums = dynamicTextEnumsAvaiable.Select(x => new SelectListItem() { Text = x.ToString() }); You could do the following ViewBag.AvaiableEnums = new SelectList(dynamicTextEnumsAvaiable) See You can maybe use a Linq statement to convert it IEnumerable<SelectListItem> myCollection = dynamicTextEnumsAvaiable .Select(i => new SelectListItem() { Text = i.ToString(), Value = i });

Css Transition For Multiple Properties Code Example

Example 1: css transition select multiple attributes .myclass { /* ... */ transition : all 200 ms ease ; transition-property : box-shadow , height , width , background , font-size ; } Example 2: multiple transition in css .nav a { transition : color .2 s , text-shadow .2 s ; }

CPU-Z Says My PC3-10600 1333MHz RAM Is Actually PC3-10700 667MHz. Do I Have 1333 Or 667 MHz RAM?

Answer : You have 1333 DDR (Double Data Rate) RAM. The RAM itself runs at 666MHz, but because it is "double pumped" its equivalent data rate is twice that, hence 1333MHz. You do indeed have PC3-10600. CPU-Z shows only the half of it because DDR RAM like the names says - Double Data Rate - can transfer twice as much data on one I/O bus clock, than the actual IO frequency which CPUZ shows. If you want to dig deeper in this topic check this link, it describes it really well. Actually its not 10600 but 10700 as the OP says. and it runs at 1334 (2x667) to be exact. Sisoft Sandra measures the same as the description.

How To Change Font Of Text In Html Code Example

Example 1: how to change font in html <font face= "yourfont" > Lorem Ipsum </font> Example 2: how to change font in html <font face= "yourfont" > Lorem Ipsum </font> Example 3: how to change the font in html <script>//for typewriter font : </script> <tt> <h1>Example Text</h1 </tt>

Yt 2 Mp3 Code Example

Example: yt to mp3 Youtube - DL works great . Download from https : // To use, type youtube-dl <url> --audio-format mp3

Android TranslationY With Animation Code Example

Example: android translate animation values public TranslateAnimation (float fromXDelta, float toXDelta, float fromYDelta, float toYDelta)